
[Chapter 145: The Art of Spin]

In Baiqiu Mountain, due to the birth of the thousand-year-old spiritual root, many monsters have gathered. When Liu Yuan and his party disappeared from their sight, 15 and Xuan Ye accompanied them to go deeper into Baiqiu Mountain and came to the open space where they had previously met the bat demon. At this moment, the bat demon has gone.

Both of them didn't speak. After a while, Xuanye suddenly heard Xuanye say, "Brother, the monsters in the mountains are rampant, and we must cover our breath..."

"Brother, how can we cover it up? By the way, how did you get your previous demonic spirit?" 15 asked in a low voice, as if there were many peeping eyes around.

Xuanye knows little about 15. It is no wonder, but there are also some particularities in covering up the breath. Take the soul power as an example, 15 learned some fur from Murong Yuheng.

Xuan Ye said, "15, that demon spirit needs to be absorbed... It seems that we need to collect some demon spirit to cover up..."

"Collect demons?" The 15th National Congress was shocked. He didn't expect that this demon spirit could still be collected, but from Xuan Ye, this demon spirit can not only be collected, but also used on himself. This is the best way to blend into the demon group. In this way, he will definitely not be found.

"It can indeed be collected, but there is a certain difficulty..." Xuan Ye explained for 15: "First of all, demon qi is also a kind of energy, and demon qi, as the name implies, is the breath of demons. Demons have demon spirits, people have internal spirits, and this demon qi is like human qi, but it is different... Human qi is caused by human beings. What it emits is not directly related to its own strength, and this demon spirit is different. The demon spirit is enhanced by the increasing power of the demon, that is to say, the stronger the demon spirit is, the more powerful the demon.

"But the demon spirit does not belong to the demon spirit, but is emitted by the demon spirit... Our generation practices and absorbs the aura of heaven and earth, and this aura is emitted by all things in the world, that is to say, the power of heaven and earth that we absorb is the source of everything in heaven and earth, including ourselves..."

15 listened and moved his heart: "Is the energy in this world circulating? Isn't that always within one range?"

Fifteen hearts moved, as if they had realized something, so they heard Xuan Ye continue to say: "The cycle of heaven, endless... The road of reincarnation is fixed..."

"Brother, this demon spirit scattered in the air will decompose into heaven and earth energy under the power of nature, and then supply others to absorb cultivation..." Xuan Ye still said, but the mind of the fifteenth kept hovering Xuanye's words, "Heavenly circle, endless, the road of reincarnation, there is a fixed number." This sentence sounds quite like the rebellious book on the 15th.

The book of heavenly rebellion pays attention to the reincarnation of heaven, and if anyone wants to jump out of this number of reincarnations, he will definitely go against it that day. And Xuanye's words also revealed the true meaning of everything in the world, which is the truth of going deep into the book of heavenly rebellion.

"If we can absorb it before it dissipates, and then use the secret art of my fire clan to spread it all over the body, it will be difficult for ordinary people to distinguish..." Xuan Ye said. Looking at the thoughtful fifteen, he smiled and thought that fifteen was shocked by this matter.

People can absorb demons to cover themselves, so some demons can still mix in the crowd without being noticed. Thinking that Yan Ru was like this at the beginning, she was a flower demon, but 15 could not feel any of her demons. However, this is also due to the lack of the realm and power of the 15th. If the 15th itself is strong and has a strong perception, Yan Ru can't hide it.

Thinking about it, I'm afraid it's not easy to know what is involved in this book of rebellion. Mr. Lin also told himself not to explain it in front of others, otherwise it will not be good for others.

Gradually came to his senses and asked, "Brother, how can this be done?"

"It's not difficult to do this, as long as you inhale the demon gas into yourself, but control it with mental strength to avoid being absorbed by your own capsule..." Xuanye smiled, but he did not lie. This is the secret art of the fire clan, but Xuanye said it was too simple. In fact, it was very difficult to do.

The energy of heaven and earth is absorbed into the body, and the energy will automatically pour into the underworld with the meridians and then condense the inner spirit. If it is only absorbed but not absorbed, no one can do it without a specific secret technique.

How to absorb this demonic energy is another difficult thing. According to common sense, absorbing the energy of heaven and earth requires the most essential energy, which cannot be absorbed at all.

And the most important thing is not that you can't absorb the demon spirit, but how to act after absorbing it? The demon spirit is scattered in the air, which contains the evil thoughts and gloomy thoughts of people who emit demon spirit. If a normal person absorbs it, he will definitely be eaten by the demon caused by the evil idea. At that time, it is not impossible to degenerate into a demon.

Xuan Ye explained, "My fire clan has a volume of skills called Yanxuan. This volume of skills is to collect some forces that have not been decomposed, such as this demon spirit, which is absorbed into the body, but it cannot be used for its own use, so this volume of skills can only be used by hiding and avoiding..."

Xuan Ye paused and pondered for a while. His face seemed to be a little worried. He continued to say, "Originally, the skills of the Huo clan cannot be passed on, but I have been separated from the Huo clan, and I don't have to abide by the rules of this clan anymore, so Xian brother, I will give you this volume of skills..."

With that, Xuanye took out a fiery red bottle from his arms. This bottle is transparent and really good jade. If you want to use what is in this jade bottle, it will definitely not go bad.

15 looked strange. Xuanye said it was a volume of skills. Why did he take out a jade bottle? He looked stunned and saw Xuanye dump the jade bottle and rolled out a bean-sized pill from it. The pill was exposed to the air and emitted a hot breath.

Xuan Ye said, "This pill, called Yanxuan Pill, is a pill that records the method of Yanxuan. As long as the wise brother eats it, a skill will appear in his mind..."

"So magical?" Fifteen was even more shocked, but he didn't expect such a small pill to be so magical.

But Xuanye said, "Well... But brother, this is the pill of the fire clan. If it is not a fire attribute, it is equivalent to a waste to take this pill..."

Fire attribute? 151 was stunned and didn't understand it. Xuanye said again, "But this pill contains a trace of fire attribute power. If it is not fire attribute, after taking it, his body will be uncomfortable, as if it were roasted by fire, and the use of this inflammatory spin is only maintained by the power of fire attribute in this pill. Once it is If the power of fire attributes disappears, then this fire spin is meaningless..."

Xuanye's words are very clear that if 15 itself is a fire attribute, it is easy to do without any sequelae, but if it is not a fire attribute, it is a little dangerous, so when he says this method, Xuanye will show concern.

Since the fire clan has become a fire clan, it means that it is the nature of fire itself, and their skills passed down from generation to generation must also be fire attributes. And this Yanxuan is also equivalent to a kind of spell. The kind of spell generally needs to match its own attributes, but 15* does not know.

And this Yanxuan is also the lowest-level auxiliary spell, and the power of the fire attribute required is not large. If it is a high-level spell, not to mention that people with other attributes can't practice it. If it is forced to practice, the light person will go crazy, and the cultivation will disperse once, and it will be seriously extinguished.

"I don't know what my attribute is... But even if I'm not that fire attribute, it's okay to practice it. Then I should be able to bear the pain..." 15 said, I couldn't help thinking that that the pain would be lighter than this one when I practiced. I didn't believe it on 15th.

Xuanye was slightly stunned, but he thought too much. Fifteen is also a good man. Ordinary people must think of other ways when they hear that their whole body is roasted by fire, but Fifteen is afraid that time is too late. This method has to be the same. What about him? Anyway, 15 thinks it is bearable.

15 took the pill in Xuanye's hand, swallowed it, and then sat cross-legged and quietly realized. 15 In his heart, he was not ashamed to say that he was given to him, and he took it. What kind of human etiquette is completely none of his business? And Xuanye also took a fancy to the unruly character of 15. Anyway, this pill is not a precious thing.

However, Xuanye believes that if 15 has something he urgently needs, 15 will give it to him without hesitation.

The pill was swallowed and sat quietly with fifteen legs crossed. A scroll of skill suddenly appeared in my mind, but this skill was too simple, just a few words. Fifteen secretly shouted "not good" in his heart. He can't read. How can he understand these words?

However, fortunately, this volume of skills does not need to be practiced by itself.

As long as you swallow the pills condensed by the skill, the spell will be practiced. As long as you move with your heart, the spell will be natural. And those words are also a brief introduction to the technique of Yanxuan. Of course, this is also the reason why this Yanxuan is relatively low-level. The more advanced the skills, the more difficult it is to practice. For those intermediate and above skills, it is not enough to devour pills alone. The so-called pills condensed by the skills are only an auxiliary effect. The intermediate skills above still need to be practiced diligently. As for the highest skills, the fundamental It can't be condensed into pills, just like the 15th Mingtianjue, let alone condensed pills. If it weren't for the great opportunity, all practitioners would definitely die.