
[Chapter 150 Millennium Spiritual Root]

The whirlpool made by 15 is really scary.

Xuan Ye said that to save this thousand-year-old spiritual root, someone needs to give it the colorful Holy Spirit, and the fifteenth is the person with the colorful Holy Spirit, but the inner spirit in his body is pitifully rare. He has been observing it before the fifteenth. If he directly gives the inner spirit to it, he does not know whether he can succeed, so for the sake of safety It's better to supply while cohesive.

marks the emergence of the whirlpool of 15 absorbing the energy of heaven and earth, but 15 himself seems to feel inadequate. He secretly applied the Yanxuan technique given to him by Xuan Ye, and the energy of heaven and earth and the power of the side door are absorbed together.

In the surprised eyes of everyone, the second whirlpool powder appeared above the fifteen heads.

"Wang..." The sound of running water was endless, and everyone's eyes were wide open.

The wind was getting stronger, and I only heard someone say, "Two...two energy whirlpools...he...what skills did he practice?"

15 is not interested in the eyes of the people around him. His spirit is peneping into the underworld, controlling a trace of seven-colored inner spirit, and slowly injecting it into the palm of the hand along the meridians.

The seven-color light is bright and gorgeous, like the sacred light from the sky. The fifteen inner spirit gushes out of the palm and constantly flows into the huge rock.

Suddenly, around the huge rock, seven streams of light are like smart snakes, constantly lingering and moving. At this moment, the huge rock transformed by the thousand-year-old spiritual root glowed with a weak light, and then the light is bright, like the sun and moon in the sky.

"qi态Colorful Holy Spirit?" Everyone's breathing is still. No one has really seen the legendary colorful Holy Spirit, but everyone knows this inner spirit.

"Who is this person? Isn't there only one person in the world? Is this the colorful Holy Spirit? It seems to be more gorgeous and powerful than the legend..."

"The thousand-year-old spiritual root is about to wither, and only the colorful Holy Spirit can save it..."

"There is a second person in the world who has this colorful Holy Spirit. Who is he? This person's future is unlimited. In time, he will be an empty sword..."

The Void Sword is the first person in the mountain, that is, the person with the colorful Holy Spirit, and also the brother of the wine fairy road. Everyone was stunned to see 15 like this.

The inner spirit handed over to the giant rock at this moment is, of course, the legendary colorful Holy Spirit. If the two whirlpools created by the 15th have made everyone incredible, the colorful Holy Spirit shown at this moment is really shocking to them.

Looking at the world, there is only one person with the colorful Holy Spirit, that is, the swordless elder of the Tianshan School has no sword. Today, in full view of the public, another person with the colorful Holy Spirit was born. This matter is absolutely hundreds of times more sensational than the birth of the thousand-year-old spiritual root.

"Brother, you..." Xuanye's eyes were also extremely shocked. He never thought that this brother, who worshipped due to his own temperament, actually had this kind of inner spirit.

Xuan Ye was shocked, but he was also extremely happy.

The seven-color light flowed slightly, and the cracks on the rock were getting bigger and bigger. Everyone was still calm in the shock of the colorful Holy Spirit, but no one noticed that a petite shadow suddenly appeared in the rock.

The energy of heaven and earth is constantly converged by the fifteenth, and the whirlpool above the underworld decomposes and compresses the converged energy into seven-color inner spirits, and then entangles and fuses. As soon as the colorful inner spirit was merged, it was mobilized and transported directly to the rock, which was also injected by his colorful Holy Spirit. The surface of the layer of the body has disappeared, and half of its body has been exposed.

15 was slightly stunned, and half of the body that appeared was a little girl, with a young face and big dark and bright eyes. It was really hard to see that the little girl's body was a thousand-year-old spiritual root.

"Is this the thousand-year-old spiritual root?" Fifteen moved slightly and looked at the little girl's exposed half of her body, but found that her big eyes were also looking straight at herself.

His eyes were dark and bright, and there was a trace of spiritual beauty and light in his eyes, and he couldn't help muttering in his heart: "Is this a thousand-year-old spiritual root?"

The whirlpool made by 15 and the appearance of the colorful Holy Spirit have attracted everyone's attention, but when the little girl showed half of her body, someone also shouted: "The thousand-year-old spiritual root is about to be born..."

There was an unconcealed surprise in his voice. Originally, he thought that the thousand-year-old spiritual root was going to be extinguished, but at the last peak, a teenager with a colorful Holy Spirit appeared and saved the thousand-year spiritual root.

Seeing this scene, everyone has a trace of happiness in their hearts. After all, this millennium spiritual root is very precious, otherwise there would not have been so many people or demons to rob it.

"Be careful... After the thousand-year-old spiritual root is completely born, they will grab it..." Xuan Ye said solemnly that the thousand-year-old spiritual root is saved by 15 and should belong to him, but those people are monsters. How can they pay attention to human principles?

Seeing them rubbing their hands and eager to try, Xuanye's heart also sank in an instant. He did not mind killing. Although he was afraid of the three bat demons, he was not afraid of them. As long as he tried to avoid fighting with them, there was room for a war.

"Hmm..." 15 nodded, but his eyes had been lingering on the little girl. And the little girl's dark and flexible eyes are also opposite to the fifteenth.

This demon seems to be very familiar with each other. The transportation of the 15th inner spirit has not stopped. His hands are pressed on the rock. The colorful Holy Spirit poured into the rock without capital, and then was absorbed by the little girl's thousand-year-like spiritual root. With the absorption of the colorful Holy Spirit, the little girl almost came from the rock. It's average to get out.

I don't know how long it lasted. After all, the inner spirit of 15 is limited, and I gradually feel that the inner spirit is in short supply, and a trace of sweat has oozed from his forehead.

The inner spirit transport is also becoming more and more slow at this time, and with the slow delivery of the 15th inner spirit, the little girl's eyelids are gradually drooping. Obviously, if the supply of the 15th inner spirit is insufficient, the little girl who has turned into the thousand years of spiritual roots will also disappear, which is what 15th and everyone does not want to see.

The little girl's eyelids gradually drooped, but suddenly she smiled sweetly at 15 and seemed to be thanking and telling 15* not to take any more effort.

But this is not the case in the eyes of 15. This is a life. Although 15 killed Huo Tianba, if he wants to see this little life disappear with his own eyes at this moment, he can't do it. So he clenched his steel teeth and stabilized the inner spirit.

The fatigue shown by the lack of the spirit in the 15th, the demons that were eager to try before can be seen clearly. If the 15th Duling fails, the final result indicates that everyone will return empty-handed, so those demons with a trace of smile are also secretly cheering for the 15th.

The thousand-year-old spiritual root gathers the essence of heaven and earth, and gathers the gods in this dynasty. If it doesn't work, it will be the end of ashes and smoke. Success or failure in this move is quite a heavenly style, just like the cultivation of immortals. There is no possibility of turning back on this road. Only with great perseverance can people go further.

The energy of heaven and earth keeps converging, but it is still very little. If the inner spirit that can pass the thousand-year spiritual root does not clenched its teeth, the power obtained by the thousand-year spiritual root will gradually weaken.

"Fifteen, you..." Xuan Ye was also shocked. Unexpectedly, 15 would work so hard to save the thousand-year-old spiritual root, but Xuan Ye didn't know why 15 would work so hard, just because he couldn't bear to watch this little life die.

It lasted for a period of time. If there were enough colorful Holy Spirits on the 15th, the thousand-year-old spiritual roots would have been born. However, since his inner spirit was insufficient, the time of birth would slow down again and again. This stalemate was secretly anxious.

The little girl lowered her eyelids, leaving only a gap in her eyes, and there was still a sweet smile on her face. The little girl who turned into the thousand-year-old spiritual root was about four or five years old, but she was as flexible as human beings.

"Hold on..." Fifteen hairs of fierceness have bitten his lips, and blood flowed down to the ground, splashing a delicate flower.

Fifteen felt that his face was full of blood when he continued to transport the inner spirits. If he continued, his meridian blood vessels would also rupture in an instant, but he did not want to give up.

Suddenly, a pink little hand grabbed fifteen's hand, and fifteen* couldn't help trembling. The little hand holding him sent a cool airflow.

"Is this the medicinal power of the thousand-year-old spiritual root?" Fifteen moved in his heart, and at the beginning, the thousand-year-old spiritual root emitted a burst of medicine. When he smelled it, he found that his inner spirit had a tendency to increase, and at this moment, when the little girl's hand held him, that feeling appeared again.

"Great, great..."

What the thousand-year-old spiritual root needs is the energy of heaven and earth, and what the fifteenth day needs is a kind of recoverable medicine. When the colorful Holy Spirit passed to the little girl, the little girl gave feedback to the fifteenth medicine to repair herself. This is equivalent to a cycle that begins to replenish while constantly consuming. In this way, 15 will not be afraid that his inner spirit will be exhausted by too much.

After the fifteenth received the medicinal qi of the thousand-year spiritual root, the morbidity of congestion on the face also disappeared in an instant, and the medicinal qi seemed to have the effect of supplementing the inner spirit. Fifteen only felt that the colorful Holy Spirit in his mind was full again.

Of course, no one saw this scene. They were observing the movement caused by the fifteenth and the little girl transformed by the thousand-year-old spiritual root.

The colorful Holy Spirit was consumed again, but at this moment, the transparent rock finally completely shattered and fell off, and a petite little girl floated in front of the fifteenth.

In the joy of everyone, the little girl waved her tender little hand, and the originally broken huge rock slowly condensed, and a green dress was worn on her body.

PS: I can't move two chapters of the novel every day. I also know that there are many things missing in the process of writing, so I have been trying to write that there is still a long way to go, and I try to express everything I want to express clearly, but because of myself Time limit, only two chapters can be updated a day...

In recent days, 36086 has left more than a dozen messages in the comment area. Ha, I'm still quite moved. I won't reply one by one. I'm just here to say thank you for your support... Let's add a chapter for him tomorrow. Thank you again...