
[Chapter 153 Grab Next]

"Dark Witch, we are from the same boat. Do you think I will swallow the thousand-year-old spiritual root alone?" The tone of the night is also negative, and the eyes keep turning, and I don't know what I'm thinking.

"Night, don't forget that you haven't done this kind of thing..." The dark witch was obviously deceived by the night, and now she refuses to stop.

The thousand-year-old spiritual root is not an ordinary treasure. How can it be done by others? It is rare to see it in a thousand years. If it is missed, how regrettable it will be. And the dark witch demon is not allowed to be fooled by the night general again.

Bat demon Xueyang, night general, dark witch demon, the three are just temporarily formed together to fight against Huangfu Liuyun and Ouyang Peng, but the three of them have no trust to speak of. In the face of this millennium spiritual root **, it is impossible for them to enjoy with others.

The thousand-year-old spiritual root with three times the medicinal effect has almost never appeared since the thousand-year-old spiritual root was known. I'm afraid this millennium spiritual root with three times the medicinal effect in the world! How could the dark witch be assured that the night general could rob it?

"What do you think you should do? Is it so deadlocked? If you don't hold that human, how can you grab it?" General Night said angrily that he was originally trying to be alone. If it hadn't been for the strength of the bat demon, he would not have been able to be with him and rob the genius treasure by his own means. He didn't believe that the bat demon didn't want to swallow alone and combine himself with the dark witch in front of him. He must want him We are cannon fodder, so it's better for him to do it first.

"First solve the human being together, and then solve the little demon and grab the thousand-year-old spiritual root..." said the dark witch demon. Up to now, the dark witch and the night general still think that fifteen is just a little demon, but it is no wonder that fifteen is full of demons at this moment. As long as a person with a little sense can find his whole demon spirit.

However, Huangfu Liuyun is different from Ouyang Peng. Xuanye's ability to be a brother with the fifteenth has already shown that he is not a demon, and it reminds that the fire clan has a skill to gather demons, so for the fifteenth is a demon, like a mirror in his heart, but it has not been broken.

Hearing the words of the dark witch demon, Ouyang Peng had an idea in his mind. Since he is equipped with fifteen demons, why don't you make mistakes? Do you really have to treat 15 as a demon?

Thinking of this, there was a smile on Ouyang Peng's face. First, he looked around. On the side of the peak on his left hand, Xuanye and Xuanwu were fighting, while on the right was the battle between Huangfu Liuyun and the bat demon. Ouyang Peng thought in his heart: If he suddenly attacked 15 at this moment, he would rely on the cultivation of the peak of his sword. In order to take fifteen lives and seize the thousand-year spiritual root only in an instant.

In this way, it is not impossible to take away the spiritual root of this millennium. Although the two masters in front of him are powerful, the escape method of his rock clan is also unmatched, so as long as it is surprisingly unprepared, this millennium spiritual root belongs to him. Later, Huangfu Liuyun questioned, as long as he said that the fifteen exudes demon spirit and treats him as a demon, one If the sword is killed, Huangfu Liuyun will not be guilty of himself.

What Ouyang Peng thought in his heart was not on his face, and 15 also thought that Ouyang Peng was helping him. Now it is impossible for him to let him escape. Xuanye is still there. He can't escape alone in any case. If necessary, he can also hand over the little girl formed by the thousand-year-old spiritual root. It's just that the little girl's dependence on herself made 15* at a loss.

"We solved this human first. That little demon is not worth mentioning in our eyes. Even if we run away, we can't run far..." The dark witch demon said, and he was really worried about the night general.

"Well..." General Night is quite straightforward. He doesn't want to spend time with this dark witch demon. As the dark witch demon said, they are in the same boat. They always have to solve the common enemy in front of them first, and then find a way to divide the stolen goods.

The two looked at Ouyang Peng together.

Ouyang Peng's eyes are expressionless, but he can't wait for a long time. In fact, his time is very tight. Once the battlefield on both sides of Xuanye and Huangfu Liuyun ends, it will be very troublesome for him to get the thousand-year-old spiritual root, and the dark lich and the night general attack him, and he can also use this to sneak attack 15th, so that he The calculation is easier to succeed.

"Up..." General Night shouted softly, and the two flashed to Ouyang Peng, and Ouyang Peng was also waiting for this opportunity. The long sword in his hand fought back vigorously. Before 15 could react, there was a long sword condensed with vitality in his chest.

Ouyang Peng saw it and drove a air sword with his mind to avoid the little girl in the fifteenth arms and directly pierced her left chest. 15* unbelievably lowered his head and looked at the long sword with vitality. What he didn't expect was that Ouyang Peng would take action on himself. At this moment, the cunning of people's hearts made him at a loss.

Blood slowly dripped along the sword, and Ouyang Peng also grabbed the little girl's shoulder at this moment.

"Damn it, damn it... This guy's goal has always been this little demon..." General Night was angry. He wanted to compete for the thousand-year-old spiritual root, but the old plan was far less sinister than this human. No one expected that he would stand up and help him awe-inspiringly the fifteenth moment before, and stabbed him with the long sword the next moment. The chest.

"Leave the thousand-year spiritual root..." The dark witch is also very anxious. Although his growth is very fast, there is an insurmountable gap between the realm of the sword and the psychic realm. If he wants to step out, it is not possible for hundreds of years, but if there is this millennium spiritual root, he may Being able to reach the psychic state in just a few years, this ** has made him see that the thousand-year-old spiritual root has been taken away and extremely fierce.

"Bring it..." Ouyang Peng's hand had grabbed the little girl's shoulder, and the little girl was also frightened. "Woo" cried, which made her holding her fifteen moments stagnate, and a strong force rushed into his body, accompanied by a fragrance of flowers.

"Is this the medicinal power of the thousand-year-old spiritual root?" Fifteen's heart trembled greatly, and he was still thinking about Ouyang Peng's sneak attack, but the medicinal power gradually condensed in his chest. The huge hole actually healed in an instant. This speed was faster than 15's treatment with the colorful Holy Spirit.

The wound healed quickly, and the silver snake sword in the fifteen hands suddenly picked up and cut Ouyang Peng to grab the little girl's hand.

"What?" Ouyang Peng was shocked. He thought that the thousand-year-old spiritual root was about to be obtained, but in ecstasy, he found a cold sword rushing down to him.

He quickly withdrew his hand, and the silver snake sword of 15 was extremely sharp. Although Ouyang Peng avoided the broken sword with his agile hand, due to the surprise of the 15 sword, Ouyang Peng's hand was also cut open with blood.

Ouyang Peng took a step back and dodged the fifteen silver snake sword, but the attack of the last two demon owners was not for posture, and Ouyang Peng also felt that he could not resist it. He gritted his teeth and fled into the earth. The earth escape of the rock clan is a spell similar to Xuanye's split, but judging from the effect of the two, Xuanye's split is undoubtedly better.

"Good escape..." General Night smiled gloomically, but when he looked at 15th, he was indeed shocked and said, "That wound is missing?" Not only his expression, but also Ouyang Peng, who reappeared as a dark witch and not far away, felt incredible. They saw the air sword pierce the chest of 15 with their own eyes. If ordinary people did not die, they would be seriously injured. How could they wave their swords to retreat from the enemy? This made them look at the small thousand-year-year-old spiritual roots in the arms of fifteen. Girls, there is more fanaticism on their faces.

This thousand-year-old spiritual root is also really special. According to the ordinary thousand-year-old spiritual root, if it is transformed, it will not be separated from the appearance of the body, and from this millennium spiritual root, it is a little girl who is alive from human beings, but the most important thing is not this, but the effect of this millennium spiritual root treatment. How about the ordinary millennium spiritual root? It will have this effect.

To say that there is a healing effect, the colorful Holy Spirit of 15 is quite a good elixir. Isn't it because the 15 sent the colorful inner spirit to this thousand-year-old spiritual root? Thinking of this, the dark witch demon, the night general, and Ouyang Peng all had a touch of greed in his eyes, and the thousand-year-old spiritual root that lost an ordinary medicine effect was regretted for a while at most. A thousand-year-old spiritual root with three times the power and perfect healing effect, which is unique in the world, makes people feel empty.

In the face of this **, the three of them can no longer control their inner desires and attack the fifteenth.

Three air pillars rose to the sky. These three are all masters of the peak of the imperial sword. Only one comes, and the fifteenth will escape immediately, not to mention three at the same time? Fifteen retreated quickly, and the two demons were cruel and would never show mercy, but there was nothing they could do on the 15th. Seeing that the three rays of light were going to pierce him and the little girl in his arms, he suddenly turned around and hugged the little girl and used his back to withstand the power of these three different colors.


With a muffled sound, he immediately spit out a pool of blood in fifteen mouths and fell out heavily. The little girl in his arms looked paler. When he closed his eyes and exerted his strength, his body also emitted a faint seven-color light.

"Is it... is it... she also has a colorful Holy Spirit?" The voice of the dark witch was a little trembling and stunned. First, 15 was attacked by the three of them and did not die, and the breath shown by the little girl was also colorful Holy Spirit. Two unique inner spirits in the world have appeared in one day.

When the fifteenth landed, the medicinal effect of the thousand-year-old spiritual root was really incredible, but the injury had healed at the moment he landed. Isn't this cheating?

No matter how seriously injured you are, as long as you don't die, this thousand-year-old spiritual root can heal you. However, the attack of the three people together just now was dangerous and dangerous. When they were hit by energy, 15 felt that even if they could not absorb the huge power.

And at that moment, he also thought that he would die. Even if the healing effect of the thousand-year-old spiritual root could not catch up with the dissipation of the vitality of 15, but suddenly, fifteen suddenly felt that his back moved, as if there was something. When he thought about it, he fully understood it.

is the painting, the treasure of the inheritance of the jade clan, and the divine painting belonging to the divine clan once again saved his life.