
[Chapter 177 Spiritual Realm]

Just because the inner spirit is not flexible enough? 15 has never considered the situation of the inner spirit. He thought that since he practiced kendo, it should have nothing to do with the flexibility of the inner spirit. Therefore, I have always worked hard on the shape of the sword, and I have never thought of moving the inner spirit.

Because the inner spirit in his body is automatically absorbed from the outside world, and when it is used, as long as the mind moves, the inner spirit will flow to his whole body at will.

In the view of Jiuxiandao, 15 is a person who does not know how to practice at all. The inner spirit is important, just like a fish can't live without water. The practice of 15 is obviously to treat cultivation as a play.

I don't know whether to scold him or beat him up. Jiu Xiandao actually smiled bitterly and said, "You are really special..."

"The sword should be flexible, and it should be shaped when dancing the sword... Let me ask you, do you know what shape is?"

15 couldn't answer, so I had to look at Jiuxian Dao. At this time, it was late at night. The two seemed to forget the time. 15* puzzled. Jiuxian Dao answered for him one by one, which seemed to violate the cost of a jar of wine in the original question of Jiuxian Dao.

"The inner spirit is obtained by absorbing the energy of heaven and earth. No matter how powerful you dance the sword, you can never resist a sword that fills the inner spirit... And when you reach the realm of God, you can understand that the most powerful thing is not how strange your swordsmanship is, but how much truth your straight sword contains..." < /P>

"Reathe reason?" 15* couldn't help but think of the sword of Jiuxian Road in Baiqiu Mountain, only this sword, can make the air tremble, which is the meaning of the simplicity of the road.

"There are other realms in the realm of God, and there are also realms in the realm of spirituality, with a total of five layers... the first layer, sword movement; the second layer, sword spirit; the third layer, sword marks; the fourth layer, sword shadow; the fifth layer, sword meaning..."

"Although this five-level realm is the realm of the sword, it is also in vain without the cooperation of the inner spirit, and what you need to do now is to combine the inner spirit with the sword moves... Don't forget that the inner spirit you control does not have 'shape', and you should also remember that the cultivation of the inner spirit is also indispensable while practicing the sword... ”

15's eyes are wide open, but he doesn't care much about the inner spirit, just because it can automatically settle in the body through the underworld. Although the inner spirit on his body at this moment has a trace of accumulation, I'm afraid it is far from enough to meet the requirements of 'shape'. There is no other reason, just because the speed of the fifteenth spiritual gathering is too slow.

Returning to his own room, 15* couldn't help thinking, "Is it possible to accumulate enough inner spirit to have a 'shape'? But the speed of my gathering spirit is too slow. Although the energy of heaven and earth is very pure after being filtered by the underworld, it is too little? What the hell is going on? Does the inner spirit need to have a 'shape'? By the way, why don't I try the "Heavenly Heart Tips" taught by my brother?

"Heavenly Heart Tips" is the upper-level spiritual gathering method of Tianshan. Even if there are only a few introductory formulas, it is more than ten times faster than the original spiritual gathering of 15. 15 was overjoyed. Ming Tianjutsu is an auxiliary spiritual gathering method, and the real speed still depends on the advantages and disadvantages of the spiritual gathering method he practiced.

Before that, 15 was able to gather spirits. By virtue of the most basic way of gathering spirits mentioned in the fairy book, it is simply a world of difference from this incomplete Heavenly Heart Secret. Fifteen felt a pain in his heart, and the sudden increase of the colorful Holy Spirit made the fifteen's underworld a little unbearable.

The real position of the underworld is in the heart. Because 15 has only been looking at it with his own spiritual power, but he does not know the real position of the underworld, now the pain in his chest makes him suddenly realize.

The absorption flow of the colorful Holy Spirit suddenly increased nearly tenfold. The meridians, which had been accustomed to the flow of rare inner spirits, were faintly painful under the increased flow of ten times.

Fifteen settled his mind and knew that this was only a necessary process of gathering spirits. The expansion of veins would inevitably cause the most direct pain, but for him, this pain did not make him care too much. After all, it comes from the break of the meridians of the underworld, and the fifteenth has the ability to endure beyond the reach of ordinary people.

When the meridians expand, it is a kind of swelling pain, as if your body is overflowed with water, and it seems that your body is blocked by something, which cannot be excluded in any case. Perhaps it is not a good thing that the absorption and accumulation flow of the inner spirit is too large.

I don't know how long it took for 15th to sit cross-legged like this. The sky has become a layer of fish white, and the night is finally about to fade its veil. The hazy Liu Mansion is still gloomy. The pain on the fifteenth body finally improved a little, and his mental strength went inward, and he saw that the colorful Holy Spirit, which was originally like a thin silk, had now turned into a finger as thick as a finger.

Congratulations, fifteen feel comfortable again, as if they were soaked in a hot spring at this moment. The whole body is warm and indescribably useful. Suddenly there was a smile on the corners of his mouth. Even if he withdrew from the posture of meditation, the effect of the underworld will continue to accumulate the inner spirit in his body, but it is not efficient when meditating and calming.

As the absorbed inner spirit increases and thickens, 15 faintly feels that he will break through the shackles of the spiritual realm and step into the real world of sword cultivation in one fell swoop. With his smile, his spiritual power kept "looking" and "looking" in his own mind. Suddenly, fifteen was shocked and said, "Oh..."

As if he saw something latest and strange, Jiuxiandao said that not only the sword must be formed, but also the inner spirit must be formed to break through to the spiritual realm, otherwise, no need to talk about it.

When observing his meditation, he suddenly found that the colorful Holy Spirit coiled in his meditation was like a dragon at this moment. How could he not be surprised and how could he not be surprised?

"Is this a 'shape'? The inner spirit is formed, and the inner spirit turns out to be a thing..."

His inner spirit turns into a dragon, which seems to be only a small dragon on 15th, but it has the oldest strength and majesty. If it is in reality, the appearance of this dragon may scare everyone. I'm afraid that many people have seen a mythical beast like a dragon since ancient times, but the inner spirit of the fifteenth is actually a dragon. Even if he says it, no one will believe it.

"Is this...Dragon? Is it a dragon?" Fifteen was overjoyed, but he thought again: "The spiritual realm? Although it lies in 'shape', if it is only limited to one thing, won't it lack the meaning of 'spiritual'?

He found that the difficulty of changing the shape of the dragon was like climbing to the sky. The inner spirit has been formed, but the fifteenth still feels that he has not reached the spiritual realm.

The first layer of the spiritual realm is sword movement. His sword can move but the inner spirit cannot. For this, there is only a bitter smile on the fifteenth. However, it will be a matter of time before we arrive at the spiritual realm. Now it is already dawn. As soon as she came down from ** and walked out of her door, she saw Liu Yuan running in a hurry. Her expression was very frightened, as if she had encountered something that made her feel palpitated.

"Fifteenth brother, fifteenth brother... yesterday, yesterday..." Liu Yuan's voice trembled, and her smooth forehead was full of crystal sweat. I don't know if it was her sweat from exercise or the cold sweat she shed when she was frightened.

"Yesterday I heard crying again... and...and dreamed of that secret room... corpses, corpses... many corpses, and that person also... laughed at me..." Liu Yuan suddenly jumped into 15's arms, his eyes closed tightly, and his fists were clenched tightly. Because he was too hard, his nails almost pinched into the meat.

15 softly comforted: "This is just a dream. It's okay, it's okay..." Although his voice was very soft, Liu Yuan sounded very useful. As Liu Yuan's mood gradually calmed down, his eyebrows also frowned. Naturally, 15 knew what Liu Yuan said about the secret room, but at this moment he had no choice but to wait for the ghost. The soul entered the secret room again, waited until he and Jiuxiandao poked a hole in the secret room, and waited until the ghost left Liu Yuan's body.

Of course, he has to hide it from Liu Yuan, so as not to be shocked by the ghost. In that case, all the hard work will not be in vain. Of course, he will save Liu Yuan. He may not really care about Liu Yuan, but he feels that he can't watch Liu Yuan die.

Liu Yuan finally calmed down her trembling heart and left the warm and thick chest of 15. Her cheeks appeared a blush, as if it were the morning sun, spotless, so delicate and beautiful. I can't help but be a little crazy.

Time always passes quickly. After appeasing Liu Yuan, 15 also hid in his own room and constantly gathered the energy of heaven and earth. He did not dare to make too much noise to avoid causing some unnecessary trouble. He just controlled the absorption of heaven and earth energy to the critical level of the emergence of a big whirlpool.

Sitting on the bed cross-legged, his eyes were closed, and the incomplete "Heavenly Heart Secret" and the art of Yanxuan run at the same time, which was a little faster than using the "Heavenly Heart Secret" alone. At this moment, the colorful holy spirit in his underworld became thicker and thicker, and he only felt that the inner spirit condensed dragon was faintly flying up and flying away.

The energy of heaven and earth gathered on the underworld along his meridians like a tide. After passing through the filtered whirlpool, the colorful Holy Spirit rushed to the coiled dragon without capital. After a while, Xiaolong grew two laps. 15 believes that if he maximizes the absorption power of the underworld at this moment, I'm afraid this little dragon will grow up more than two laps.

The gathering of the colorful Holy Spirit is still proceeding in an orderly manner. Suddenly, fifteen people felt their bodies shaken, and a strong dragon chanting from the dragon's mouth, like a turbulent tide beating fiercely on the huge rock, and like the earth-shaking sound of a master's battle. At this moment, when the dragon's roar sounded, There is also such a momentum.

15's spiritual power stared at the little dragon. After a while, the dragon seemed to be pulled by something, and its body actually shattered inch by inch. Fifteen moved, and a simple and ancient book condensed into shape.

15 was shocked. The book of heavenly rebellion, and the colorful Holy Spirit condensed into the book of heavenly rebellion. At this moment, the heart of 15 was also shocked, and the spiritual realm became like this.