
[Chapter 192 Ice Grass]

Liu Yuan also felt sad when he left Anhe Town and his parents, but so what? A person always has to grow up by herself, and she can't ask 15 to stay all the time, otherwise isn't this too selfish?

They just walk, not in a carriage, and walking in the mountains is always ten times faster than a carriage.

However, walking is nothing for 15 people, and it won't be too lonely for everyone to accompany them.

Two hours have passed since the departure from Anhe Town. It is already afternoon. Looking at it, the mountains and fields are already yellow.

The feeling of depression and withering suddenly came to my mind.

15 is a nervous person, but at this moment he also has a sense of desolation. I don't know whether this sad spring and autumn is born by everyone or the day after tomorrow?

Of course, he should smile bitterly. He never thought that it would become so complicated after knowing something. If he could choose, he would rather stay in Baihua Valley all the time, but it was impossible.

Four people have crossed a mountain pass, and a gentle river is in front of them. Isn't it a beautiful picture of such a quiet and lonely river in such a desolate scenery?

15 took off his shoes and socks and stretched out his feet in the river. Suddenly, a coolness surged in his heart. At this moment, his mood also seemed to become much happier, as if no matter how desolate the scenery here could be shake him.

Liu Yuan said, "Brother Fifteen, you can take a rest here first. I'll go to the jungle to see if there are any herbs..."

"Herbals?" 15 asked, but Liu Yuan smiled and walked to the jungle on one side.

"Hey... Liu Yuan, be careful..." 15 shouted.

Liu Yuan waved her hand, and her people had disappeared.

15 also raised his feet from the water, found a tree, and was ready to lie down to sleep, but found that the surroundings suddenly quieted down, and no sound could be heard.

15 hurriedly jumped up and found that Xiaowu and Yuanda were also observing the surroundings with caution.

It's not strange that there are many monsters in the mountains. If the monster dares to appear, 15 will not be afraid of it, but Liu Yuan is gone.

"Liu Yuan..." Fifteen secretly shouted, picked up the silver snake sword and ran to the direction where Liu Yuan disappeared. He only heard the "rustling" sound, and there was already a sound at this moment.

Like someone moving quickly in the grass, with fifteen footsteps, Liu Yuan has fainted to the ground, and she is holding an herb in her hand. The leaves of the herb are like gravel and a trace of cold, which seems to be a rare medicinal herb.

Fifteen did not look carefully and picked up Liu Yuan horizontally, but at this time, a dark shadow had appeared in front of him, which turned out to be a black tiger.

The tiger's hair is brown-black, which looks like a brown bear at first glance, and it is twice as large as a normal black tiger.

If he could take care of it in fifteen or three moves, but at this moment, he was holding Liu Yuan and put it down, and the black tiger also took this opportunity and rushed to him.

However, after all, 15 is not an ordinary person. When he held Liu Yuan, he fell forward. When he was about to land, he suddenly turned over and did not press Liu Yuan below.

The black tiger rushed over and saw that 15 dodged its blow. He was about to bite, only to find that a huge palm had been patted over.


With a muffled sound, the black tiger had no more ferocity and almost lay on the ground, as obedient as a frightened kitten. And the owner of that hand is the ape. With such a wave of the white demon giant ape, the black tiger does not dare to compete with it even if it turns into a human form. What's more, this big and fat tiger?

The black tiger is smart. If it resists, it must have been directly slapped to death by the ape, and if it hadn't been for the ape just now, it would have died under the fifteenth sword, but it couldn't see it.

"Liu Yuan... Liu Yuan... Wake up..."

Liu Yuan's eyes opened slightly, and the figure gradually clear in her pupils was fifteen. She couldn't help but beat faster, because she found that fifteen's arms were still so warm.

"Ah..." Suddenly, Liu Yuan seemed to think of something. He quickly raised his hand and saw the safe herb in his hand. Then he breathed and said, "For goodly, I didn't lose it..."

"Sister Liu Yuan, what kind of herb is this?" Xiaowu asked.

"Ha, this is ice rock grass... It is cool in nature, can relieve heat and poison, and is a relatively precious medicinal material... Originally, it could only be found in a very cold place, but it is also here, and it is really rare... This should also be a mutant herb..."

"Ice rock grass?" 15 reached out and touched the herb, and as expected, another trace of coldness came into his body.

"Ha, fifteenth brother... When I was picking this medicinal plant just now, I saw a very strange tiger... In fact, it is not like a tiger, I think it is more like a brown bear..." Liu Yuan smiled, and at this time, Yuanda also slowly moved away his huge body after his change.

"That's it, that's it..." Liu Yuan was really surprised. The black tiger, which was still fast just now, has become a strange kitten.

However, when Liu Yuan looked at the black tiger, the black tiger's mouth actually cracked, and its sharp eyes were also bent. No matter how it looked like he was laughing?

Is it laughing? And smiling so embarrassingly?

This black tiger is also really a living treasure. Its tongue moss stretched out, like a pug. Its tail also stood up and wagged its tail to beg for mercy. Looking at this scene, Xiaowu and Liu Yuan couldn't help laughing. The haze just now was also swept away. Liu Yuan actually dared to pat the black tiger that had just attacked her.

15 also smiled, but suddenly remembered something. It became strangely quiet around just now, as if it was not caused by this black tiger. Who would that be?

Suddenly, his pupils shrank, because his perception actually felt a strong demon spirit, and there was a strong murderous atmosphere in the demon spirit, and the demon spirit was still approaching.

"Be careful, a monster is coming..." 15 said in a low voice. After a while, the black tiger suddenly lay on the ground in horror and trembled. It held its head with both hands and buried its eyes, as if it had seen something extremely scary.

The black tiger is not like the descendant of the white demon giant ape, so he does not have that kind of noble temperament and the arrogance accumulated for thousands of years, so he will wag his tail and beg for mercy. As long as you are better than him, he will worship you, and this is exactly the case at this moment. The demonic spirit is mixed with murderous atmosphere. How can the black tiger not be afraid?

"Miscellaneous Tiger, who is he? Do you know him? 15 suddenly shouted at the black tiger, but it did not dare to move, let alone answer 15's words.

15 really wanted to kick the black tiger, but he couldn't help it. After all, the demonic owner was more difficult.

15 said loudly, "Who are you? Don't be sneaky..."

"Haw, Haw... Put down the ice rock grass, you leave..." The voice seemed a little old, and judging from its voice, Taoism was not low. But if it dares to appear, 15 is not afraid.

"We got the ice grass. If you want it, show up first..." 15 said to a big tree in front of him, because the sound and demonic spirit were transmitted from there.

"Then, I'll take it myself..." Before the words fell, suddenly a strong wind blew, making people unable to open their eyes.

15 pulled out the silver snake sword, and a shocking sword spirit suddenly appeared, unexpectedly splitting the overwhelming demonic spirit in half.

"Huh... are you a monk?" The old voice could not tell whether it was male or female. The fifteenth did not make a sound, and the silver snake sword had crossed his chest.

I only heard the man say, "That's all, that's all... This is fate..."

"Who the hell are you? If this herb is very important to you, we won't be stingy to give it to you..." 15 shouted again. Hearing his voice, the man seemed to be a little moved: "Humans are all sinister villains. I have been here for hundreds of years. I don't want to provoke monks to avoid the disaster of killing..."

As he spoke, the man actually had the intention to retreat. 15* couldn't help but be stunned and hurriedly said, "We don't mean any harm. I just want to help you..."

"Haha, don't say so high-sounding... We have been hurt in this mountain for some time, and my husband has also been seriously injured by you humans... If it hadn't been for this ice grass, he couldn't live... My husband repeatedly told me that if I went to ask for help, he would rather die..." The man's voice It seems that she is no longer old, but has a trace of crispness. She is actually a woman.

15 turned around and took a look at Liu Yuan. Liu Yuan nodded with a smile. Fifteen said, "Well, we will put this ice grass on the ground, and we will leave immediately... Then you can come and get the medicine..."

"Let's go..." 15 waved his hand, stretched out his feet and kicked the black tiger, and said, "Hurry up, let's go..."

The black tiger took off his hoof with a human-like astonishment on his face, but it was finally smart and retreated with 15 people.

However, just as they were about to leave, the man's voice sounded again: "Wait a minute..."

Fifteen took a moment. When I turned around, I saw a woman running out. Although she ran out, she still didn't dare to approach. Obviously, there was a trace of fear.

She is also a demon, and she is a transformed demon. The perception of 15 suddenly determines that her body is a rabbit. Like white snow, she is also a rabbit demon, and her eyes are also red.

"I...I..." The rabbit demon was speechless, and at this moment, she did not have any murderous spirit, and the demonic spirit was not very strong. It seemed that the previous murderous spirit, demonic spirit, and the old voice were all pretended by her.