
[Chapter 194 Friends]

"Huh, bitch..." The young man only turned his body and threw Yun Yao out. He stretched out a hand and held Liu Yuan in his arms.

Liu Yuan only felt a vomiting smell coming from the young man. How could she be willing to be held in the arms of the young man?

She stretched out her hand and slapped the young man twice in the face, but the young man was not angry. Liu Yuan's two slaps in the face actually aroused his animal desire.

The young man smiled gutterly and was about to tear off Liu Yuan's clothes. Suddenly, he only felt a compelling sword coming.


The young man's pupils shrank slightly, his footsteps slanted, and he slipped away dangerously. With a crisp sound, a stone pillar behind him had been cut off.

"Who are you?" The young man's eyes were cold, and he found that 15 had pointed his sword at him. Liu Yuan suddenly had a touch of joy on his face when he saw the fifteenth to save him.

"let go of her...otherwise, kill..." 15 said coldly, if others are good to him, he will also treat others well, but if others come to touch his eyebrows, he is not polite. He doesn't like to kill, but he doesn't mind killing, let alone demons like young men?

"Hmm... let her go?" The young man sneered and suddenly stretched out his hand to pick Liu Yuan's neck. His face was close to Liu Yuan, stretched out his scarlet and long tongue. He licked Liu Yuan's face and said, "Come and try it. She is very delicious..."

Liu Yuan's heart suddenly cooled down, and he felt that the young man was licking her face. He was extremely disgusted, and his whole body trembled like falling into an ice cellar.

"You..." Fifteen* couldn't help but get angry. He was not a desperate person. Just look at the black tiger and you will know that if this young man can change his evil and reform, Fifteen will not embarrass him and let him live. But now, the heart of 15 is extremely gloomy, because the young man is about to exceed his bottom line.

What is the bottom line of 15? That is, the people around him. This is his weakness and his reverse scale.

"I think you'd better put down the sword in your hand..." The young man said coldly. His pupils have turned into snake pupils at this moment, and he is actually a snake demon?

Snakes are quite sensitive to their surroundings. When the wind blows, they can quickly detect it, so the same is true for the crisis. Otherwise, he can't avoid the deadly sword of the 15th.

15 frowned. His character is to fight, but he can't play a conspiracy like this young man, but what can he do if he is controlled by others?

The silver snake sword fell to the ground, but it was on the back of its feet as if it were in the secret room. 15 seems to underestimate the young man. After all, he is a cautious person. He can't let 15 stand in front of him and said, "Step back ten steps..."

He has learned the sword spirit of the 15th, so it is only good for him to keep a certain safe distance from the 15th. But if the fifteenth really retreats ten steps, the silver snake sword will completely fall from his instep. Without the sword, the fifteenth's combat power will be greatly weakened.

"Regress quickly..." The young man was anxious and had no chance of winning with the 15th. The only hostage to save his life was Liu Yuan.

Fifteen has been refusing to retreat so much that he can't help shaking his heart, and coupled with his natural intuition as a snake, he actually feels a trace of danger approaching him at this moment.

"Regress quickly..." The young man's voice suddenly increased by three points, and his hand involuntarily pinched Liu Yuan's neck. The murder in the fifteen's heart had reached the edge of the outbreak, but Liu Yuan's life was still in the hands of the young man.

Liu Yuan's face began to turn red, which was a symptom of congestion in her head, and her tongue couldn't help stretching out, but at this moment, the person who had been lying in ** suddenly burst out and attacked the back of the young man.

The young man realized at this moment that the dangerous intuition came from him.

He fought back against Yunyaofujun's hard blow, but when he suddenly realized it, the fifteenth silver snake sword had pierced his throat.

He forgot the biggest danger of the 15th.

His pupils were full of panic, and the man who had been lying on ** had fallen down before he met the young man. The blow just now was more like a return of light.

"Husband..." Yun Yao exclaimed. She didn't expect that her husband had been holding his breath just now. He was going to kill the young man with his own hands, but as soon as this breath went away, he would really die.

Yun Yao cried. Liu Yuan had already leaned in her arms and breathed heavily. She found that this chest was the warmest and most reassuring, but when she regained a trace of strength, she suddenly thought of something and ran out like a big enemy, and she actually washed her face.

15 looked at Yunyao lying on her husband's body. At this moment, she was sad, like a river rushing into the sea. Anyway, she couldn't stop. 15 was silent for half a moment, and finally sighed and took out the green thousand-year-old spiritual root embryo sac from her arms. Because most of the treatment of Liu Yuan has been used, the embryo sac at this moment It looks like a leaf.

The turquoise light gives people a warm feeling, as peaceful as the bright starry sky, and the turquoise light also gives people a kind of vitality, just like the revival of everything in the world in spring, and everything in the world is green.

It's not like this autumn, the mountains are full of withered yellow colors.

"Yun Yao..." A low voice sounded from the cave.

"Faband, are you finally awake?" Yun Yao kept wiping his cheeks and was happy about it.

"What about them?" Yun Yao's husband said that they certainly referred to 15 people.

"They have gone..." Yun Yao smiled and was still very happy. After all, her husband was the one who accompanied her all his life. As long as he was still by her side, she was already satisfied.

"Oh..." Yun Yao's husband didn't say anything more, but sighed slightly.

But there was no smile on Yunyao's face. If her husband beat her and scolded her, she could bear it, but he didn't say anything. How could Yunyao calm down?

Yun Yao said, "Husband, I... I... your medicine was mine..." She didn't want to explain anything. Although she was deceived by the young man, the medicine was indeed her.

"I know..." His voice suddenly softened, and his eyes flashed slightly: "I don't blame you..."

Yun Yao's tears have already flowed, but she has been smiling like a flower on her face, gently wiping her husband's thin cheeks and enjoying it.

After a long time, Yun Yao stood on the open space outside the cave and was secretly grateful. Her ears moved slightly, and suddenly she heard the sound of someone stepping on the grass. She smiled and turned around. It was her husband.

Her husband said, "Yun Yao, it seems that I really can't be prejudiced against human beings. Demons in this world are also like human beings, with good and evil... But it's a pity that I don't have a chance to meet those friends today... From now on, try to help human beings in this mountain..."

Yun Yao said "um" and gently leaned in her husband's arms. There were some things that did not need to be explained, because they communicated with each other, and both of them were clear in their hearts.

So he didn't ask, and she didn't answer.


It's already dark. 1545 people and a black tiger are burning in another cave at this moment. This is the residence of the black tiger. After they came out of Yunyao's house, they were also happy.

Xiaowu said, "I didn't expect that Sister Yunyao would agree to the wicked man's request in order to save her husband. Fortunately, Sister Yunyao said that she would not think well with him until her husband recovered..."

Liu Yuan's cheeks were a little red, and she smiled and said, "Xiaowu, girls can't be like this... This should be a blessing in misfortune. Sister Yunyao and others are also inadvertent to make friends..." With that, Liu Yuan secretly glanced at 15.

But 15 has been staring at the sweet potato that has been charred and tender, and his eyes are about to fall out, and his saliva keeps flowing.

The black tiger twisted and pinched. Obviously, he was not used to this kind of sweet potato, but the ape was suppressed here, and it was not easy to attack. He secretly made up his mind that after the fifteenth party left, he must catch a few wild animals to mend his body.

Xiaowu held her chin and said, "Sister Liu Yuan, why can't you do this? Why are you blushing?

Liu Yuan said in a panic, "No...nothing..."

Her eyes unconsciously looked at 15. At this moment, 15 had taken a big mouthful of sweet potatoes, but because it was too hot, 15's tongue stretched out. Seeing this 15, Liu Yuan laughed softly and said, "Eat slowly..."

Tonight, everyone laughed, because they were all friends. There was no pressure when they were together, and no one would count on them and kill them.

But they are only friends. There are always banquets in the world. When friends get together, they always break up.

But isn't this life? When they get together, they are happy and lively. Even if they are tens of millions of miles away, the hearts of friends will always be tied together, and they will never be separated.

The world is like a neighbor!

Of course, there is another kind of friend who will never be separated, that is, husband and wife, just like Yun Yao and his husband, as long as their hearts are always attached to each other, as long as they think of each other, the day of gathering is a green leaf in autumn, a warm fire in the cold winter, and the most precious thing is that they will never be separated. Until the yin and yang are separated, people and ghosts have different paths.

Isn't this better?