
[Chapter 199 The Mysterious Woman in Black]

I don't know how long it took, when the first ray of sunshine fell in the morning, when the first sound of birds sounded in the morning, and when the first ray of autumn wind blew in the morning.

The whole earth seems to have a thick fog, just like when a person is in tears, he can't see the scenery in front of him no matter how sober he is.

Fifteen Youyou opened his eyes. At this moment, he was lying in a cave, and the bonfire was suddenly bright and dark.

He looked outside the cave, which was a small valley with streams flowing from a distance, and the valley was surrounded by cliffs towering into the clouds.

15 walked out of the cave doubtfully, surrounded by a little sunlight passing through the fog, as if they were in a beautiful fairyland.

His eyes turned around, and suddenly he caught a glimpse of a man in black sitting on a huge rock not far away.

She turned out to be a woman.

In a black dress, her face was covered with a layer of black gauze, her hair was tied with a black scarf, and the ponytail fell to her waist.

Fifteen fixed his eyes and took a look. Isn't the woman in black the one who saved his life in the cave?

Is it that she saved herself at this moment?

The sound of birds gradually became lively, but the autumn wind suddenly blew a fallen leaf.

"Hey...did you save me again?" 15 shouted from afar, and he ran over with a smile. But the woman in black trembled and shouted coldly, "Just stop..."

Her voice was cold, as if she deliberately whispered. Her voice should be very beautiful, and her appearance should also be very beautiful, but she hid herself.

Why is this?

Fifteen stopped, and he was puzzled. Since he saw this woman named White Devil last time, he has had a lot of questions to ask.

And he also wants to confirm whether the woman in black has a pair of snow-like eyes.

However, she has always turned her back to 15.

"My name is 15. What's your name? Did you know me before? 15 shouted to the woman in black not far away, but he was very obedient and did not move forward.

The woman in black did not answer. Her delicate body trembled slightly. It seemed that it took a long time to calm down and said coldly, "Is this the way you win sympathy?"

Why did the woman in black say that? He doesn't understand.

"Me? What's wrong with me? You must know me, don't you? Your eyes are red, right? You must know Bai Xue, right?"

The delicate body of the woman in black trembled even more, and her gloved hands were also clenched, and her reaction at this moment was enough to explain her inner pain.

15: "You..."

But as soon as he opened his mouth, he was ruthlessly interrupted by the woman in black: "Shut up..."

Her voice was really beautiful, although it suppressed her strong anger.

Fifteen was stunned on the spot, and he did not move or make any sound. He stood like this until the sun dispelled the thick fog.

I only heard the woman in black say, "I saved you to kill you with my own hands..."

Her voice was lowered by her again, but fifteen suddenly felt a sense of relief. He shook his body and took a step back.


Before the woman in black finished speaking, the whole person suddenly flew up. He only felt that his head was about to crack. His eyes stared at the woman in black who had never looked back, and his breath became heavier and heavier.

Fifteen's vision had blurred, and he only felt that the breath in his body was surging. When he looked into the distance, there seemed to be a thick fog in front of him.

Finally, he is no longer awake.

However, he did not die.

15 found himself standing on a huge square, which is the square of Nianfeng Village. There is a huge unknown tree in the square, which is called Nianfeng Tree.

When he stood there, he suddenly felt very peaceful.

The wind blew from behind him, and suddenly someone pulled him. Looking back, he was a little boy, but his appearance was the same as his own, but his face was a little more immature than his own.

15's heart suddenly broke out, followed by a little girl, but he couldn't see the little girl's face clearly.

The little boy said excitedly, "Jijiu, look... That's the harvest tree... Let's go there and make a wish..."

She turned out to be Jiu Jiu.

Just as he stood there to ask, he found that the air around him began to fluctuate. After a while, he was in a sea of blood.

It's killing again. 15 has never seen such a scene. He looked at the square that had become a sea of blood, and his heart couldn't help but hurt.

He has woken up and his consciousness has returned.

It's just that he didn't really wake up. He found himself lying in a person's arms. He only felt very soft and comfortable, and a faint virgin fragrance entered his nose.

It seems to be the smell of snow.

Fifteen's eyes were closed and he could not make a sound. He seemed to feel a delicate hand wiping his forehead, gently and gently, like a wife wiping her husband's sweat.

Fifteen felt very warm, but suddenly, there was an extra drop of water on his face, and soon his cheeks became wet.

And the water flowing into his mouth is actually bitter?

Is that tears? Bitter tears?

15 wanted to struggle. He wanted to open his eyes to see who was crying, but his eyelids were like leaded and he couldn't open them anyway.

As time passed, he only felt that the wind came and went, came and came and went, and cycled.

He only felt that time seemed to be still again. He suddenly wanted to stretch out his hand and hold the tearful man tightly.


Finally, he opened his eyes, but he found that he was still standing still, and the woman in black was also sitting on the rock not far away. Her hands held her legs and her eyes looked deep into the distance.

This is a kind of tranquility that can be experienced on the 15th.

He was infatuated and ignored the threat of the woman in black. He shouted, "Who the hell are you?"

The woman in black seemed to be very peaceful at this moment. She said, "I'm a demon..."

Magic? What a complicated word, but people who can hear it are afraid, and people who don't care like Fifteen are really rare in the world.

"Then why did you save me and kill me?" 15 asked.

The woman in black suddenly sneered and said, "Because I like..."

Hearing this, Fifteen's body couldn't help trembling. The woman in black seemed to be very moody, and the scene that just happened was also regarded as the illusion imposed on him by the woman in black.

But is that fantasy too real? And there are still people crying and crying? Fifteen's heart couldn't help but feel a little heavy. But he can't say this feeling.

15* stopped talking, but the woman in black said again, "You should understand that as long as I want, an idea can kill you... So you'd better not think about it... Of course, I don't want to kill you now..."

Is this a reassurance pill for fifteen or something else? 15 didn't take it seriously and said, "Do you want to kill me? Ha ha, so can you ask me to see what you look like first? Do you always feel like Bai Xue?

The woman's delicate body in black suddenly trembled, but her serene posture became restless again, and she only heard her coldly: "Shut up... or you will die immediately..."

There was no anger, sadness, or nostalgia in her voice.

I have no choice but to stop talking.

He returned to the cave boringly. The bonfire had been extinguished, and there was only a trace of warmth. He added some firewood and re-ignited the fire.

When he had nothing to do, he meditated and gathered spirits. In the pursuit of the queen of the ant, 15 had exhausted the last trace of inner spirit. It seemed that the inner spirit he had accumulated was still not enough. After all, he only had the spiritual realm.

The heavenly heart secret, the high skills of Tianshan School, have only learned a trace of fur, and it is also quite effective. If he can learn a complete Dharma decision and be assisted by Ming Tianjue, he is confident that he will jump to the realm of the sword in a few days, of course, it is only the cultivation of the inner spirit.

If it is added to swordsmanship, it will probably take longer, and if he can't understand the truth between spiritual movement and the sword, I'm afraid his realm will stagnate.

On the way to practice swords, the spiritual realm is a threshold, and the spiritual realm to the imperial sword realm is also a threshold, and this threshold is higher and more difficult to cross.

But these are not in a hurry. You have to be step by step and down-to-earth.

As he meditated and gathered spirits, there was already a trace of accumulation in his mind, and he felt that the spirit in his mind seemed to have increased a lot. This made him overjoyed and said, "Is it possible that every time the inner spirit is consumed and condensed again, it will be much more than before?"

This is one of his conclusions. If this inner spirit is to double according to his original way of meditation and gathering spirits, it will not be reached in a year and a half.

But this does not mean that there is no shortcut. As long as he consumes his inner spirit, the underworld will have a desire to accommodate more inner spirits.

However, there is a certain risk. If the inner spirit is exhausted too much, it is easy to suffer irrecoverable trauma. And once the underworld is seriously damaged, that person will be abandoned.

But there is no need to consider this situation at all, because he has a colorful Holy Spirit and is unparalleled in resilience. As long as he has the protection of the colorful Holy Spirit, there is no need to worry that the exhaustion of the inner spirit will cause indelible damage to the underworld.

This is really a happy thing.

In the next few days, 15 will try to consume all their inner spirits. But in consumption, he also encountered a difficult problem. How can he consume the inner spirit?

At first, he kept using the butterfly shadow, or led the sword to make a proud decision. But in this way, his body will be very tired. Although he will not be traumatized, it seems to be very unappetizing.

How to do that?

Most of the time, she was in a daze until she sat on the rock, but stared at the woman in black who had been watching the fifteen finally opened her mouth. She said, "The inner spirit can also be scattered in the muscle meridians..."

15 looked up at the woman in black and muttered in his heart, "Is she helping me?"