
[Chapter 209 The woman named Xiao Xiang]

The murderous spirit suddenly appeared on the 15th, not only Mr. Chen changed color, but also Chanlian couldn't help but be surprised.

Judging from the momentum shown by the 15th, he was almost different from Baiqiu Town. Chan Lian felt that if 15 was barely a master in Baiqiu Town at that time, then he had the strength to be proud of one side at this moment.

"You, you..." Mr. Chen, "you" couldn't squeeze out a word for a long time.

On the contrary, Chanlian was the first to come to her senses. She said, "Mr. Chen, please come back... I won't send it..."

"Miss Chanlian...we..." Mr. Chen still seemed to give up and stepped forward, but Fifteen stepped in and blocked him in front.

"Get out..."

This is the most powerful word spewed out of the throat of 15.

Mr. Chen staggered away.

When Mr. Chen left, 15 turned his head and stared at Chan Lian with a pair of doubtful eyes. It seemed that there were many questions to ask.

"Wow... I know you have a question to ask me..." Chan Lian seemed to see the idea of 15, "Let's change places first..."


Of course, what 15 wants to ask is about Xiao Xiang. Zhang Zisheng is also a friend who is in common trouble with him. Now that his friends are in trouble, it is not easy for him to stand by. Moreover, from Mr. Chen's words, 15 also guessed that this matter seems to be very complicated.

Chanlian walked into an inn with fifteen. Under Chan Lian's instructions, Xiao Er took fifteen to a room. As for Chan Lian, after all, she was a daughter's house, and it was always a little inappropriate to wear men's clothes.

She went to change her clothes.

15 sat in the wing and thought about it. He rationaled some of his thoughts. First of all, Zhang Zisheng and Xiao Xiang were childhood sweethearts. They had been in love for a long time, but they killed a Mr. Chen.

Secondly, from Mr. Chen's words, it seems that it is not difficult to guess that he proposed marriage to Xiao Zhan in order to use the marriage to force Chan Lian. That is to say, Mr. Chen knew Chan Lian first and got to know Xiao Xiang. After that, he approached Xiao Xiang by any means, and even more to get close to Chan Lian. Because Chanlian and Xiao Xiang are friends who talk about nothing.

Once again, Mr. Chen doesn't like Xiao Xiang, but Chan Lian doesn't like Mr. Chen.

"Oh, why do you feel a little confused? By the way, what does Chan Lian have to do with A Sheng?" Thinking like this, he scratched his head and took out the conch from his arms.

15 stared at the conch, and finally sighed and said, "Suli, if you don't like a person, don't you have to marry the person you don't like?"

The cognition of 15th is that if you like someone, you will marry him, but from today's events, it doesn't seem to be the same thing, and he can't help thinking of Bai Xue again.

"Bai Xue said that if you like someone, you will marry him, but today doesn't seem to be the case?" Fifteenth is full of doubts.


The door opened, breaking the reverie of the fifteenth.

Looking at the door, suddenly, his heart beat fiercely. She was pitiful, but at this moment she was like a fairy.

Chanlian has restored her daughter's clothes. She is dressed in red, a little light and hazy. She smiled lightly and her face was also full of blush.

Chan Lianlian moved gently and slowly came to the front of the fifteenth. The fifteenth was surprised and almost forgot to speak.

"Gig..." The sound like a silver bell rang, and Chan Lian suddenly stretched out her hand and flicked her finger on the fifteen forehead. "Why, I'm dumbfounded. I haven't seen a beautiful woman?"

Chanlian is naturally beautiful, and the skin of the delicate cream is extremely smooth, but 15 said a little like a scenery: "Aren't you dumbfounded?"

15's answer made Chanlian speechless. She suddenly had an impulse to cry. Chanlian thought she was naturally beautiful. Although her face was not unparalleled in the world, it was enough to fascinate all sentient beings. However, 15 only saw that she was a little excited at the beginning and soon regained her calm.

For a person who has always been sought after, it is somewhat lost.

"Am I not good-looking?" Chanlian touched her white and rosy face and seemed to have a strange color in her eyes.

"Challan Lian, are you a monster?" 15 asked.

"What?" Chanlian almost jumped up like being struck by lightning.

"Otherwise, why are men and women for a while?"

"You... I'm just for convenience, okay? Where do you think Yichunyuan is? Do I, a girl, dare to go in casually? Chanlian's voice suddenly rose by three points.


"You, you, you..." Chanlian pointed angrily to the seemingly harmless 15th, and then stamped her feet. "What's your expression? I'm pissed off..."


You can imagine how the fifteen naive thoughts and secular words shocked the eyes.

After a long time, the two moved to business.

"Do you want to know about Xiao Xiang?" Chanlian pondered for a while and said, "Xiao Xiang I met half a month ago. As soon as we met, we talked a lot..."

From Chanlian, 15 learned that the relationship between Xiao Xiang and Zhang Zisheng has reached a sobriety. Once they separated, they will feel as uncomfortable as acupuncture. Moreover, Mr. Chen proposed marriage to the Xiao family not for Xiao Xiang, but for her...

It's really a disaster.

15 combined with what Zhang Zisheng and Chan Lian said, he finally figured out this matter. Dare, Mr. Chen is not as elegant and easy-going as the surface, and even his mind is several times better than Tianqing, the demon of the world of God.

After listening to Chanlian's statement, 15 was silent. He dragged his chin with one hand and knocked on the table with the other.

After a long time, 15 suddenly knocked on the table, which shocked Chan Lian. "It seems that Mr. Chen is the key. If he refuses to give up the marriage, I will make him give up..."

Chanlian's beautiful eyes moved in turn, and looked up and down at 15 as if she couldn't believe it.

"Don't be so violent, okay? What if you accidentally mutilated him? Shangyang Chen's family is not that simple..." Chanlian shook her head and quickly rejected the proposal of the 15th.

"Then beat that Xiao Zhan..." 15 said subconsciously.

"Do you dare?" Chanlian opened her eyes angrily. She also suddenly patted the table and turned her face faster than turning over the book. "I warn you, Xiao Zhan is Xiao Xiang's father. If you dare to trouble him, be careful of me..."

"What's wrong with you?"

"Don't be careful that I won't help you find that little woman..."

Fifteenth, he didn't seem to be able to find anything to say.

"So what should we do?" Fifteen should be frustrated, but he doesn't care at all.

Seeing Chanlian's appearance, he suddenly remembered Bai Xue's angry appearance, which was very cute.

"Isn't this girl thinking?" Chanlian glanced whitely, just like the previous fifteen, holding her cheeks in one hand and tapping on the table in the other.

"Yes..." There seemed to be a light flashing in Chanlian's eyes.

"What?" Fifteenth was also excited to think of a countermeasure.

The corners of Chanlian's mouth hooked slightly, and then powerfully spit out two words: "Eloping..."

"Elipsipate? It sounds good..." 15 nodded as if understanding.


"Ah..." Chanlian suddenly scratched her head, and she was about to go crazy.

"Do you feel sorry for your head?"

"You're itching..." Chanlian said angrily.

"Oh, that elopement sounds good..." 15 said.

"Do you know what elopement is?"

"I don't know..."

"Why don't you know so much?" Chan Lian said angrily.


In the wing of the inn, 15 and Chanlian seemed to be thinking about countermeasures, but in a separate courtyard of the Xiao family, there was a sad and plain-looking woman standing.

She was wearing a colorful light shirt, like a fairy left behind. The moonlight was shining down, and her body was far less pure and beautiful than her face.

She is Xiao Xiang.

At this moment, she stood alone in another courtyard. Her eyes looked through the sky and stared at the bright moonlight, and her eyes were already full of tears.

"Zisheng...Zisheng..." Her voice is like a heavenly sound, but there is also a trace of confusion. She keeps calling the name of her beloved. Only in this way can her heart get a moment of peace.

"Zisheng, if we can't be husband and wife in this life, I hope we can be together in the next life..." Xiao Xiang's voice is very low, but her words can only be heard by the ruined flowers.

However, to her surprise, a voice that had been ringing her heartstrings for a long time.

"Xiao Xiang, are you... really you?"

The man's voice trembled, and Xiao Xiang's delicate body also trembled.