
[Chapter 231 Extraterritorial Battlefield]

(third update)

The moon stars are rare, and this night's Shangyang City is destined not to be peaceful.

After saying that, the white devil flew first to the sky. She waved her hands together, and suddenly a huge space crack appeared out of thin air. The white demon flew in without saying a word.

And at the moment when Yin Gao was flying in the sky, he looked down and found that 15 was about to escape.

"Hmm, can you still run away?" Yin Gao sneered, swept down with his big hand, and took 15 to the extraterritorial battlefield together.

I have never heard of what the extraterritorial battlefield is. Of course, this only shows that he is narrow-minded, but it does not prevent him from being swept into that special space like a dead dog.

As the light flashed in front of him, when he opened his eyes, he found himself in the void...


But there is no void turbulence. This battlefield seems to be a special place.

"What about the two of them?"

On the 15th, he looked left and right, but there was no figure of Yin Gao and the White Devil.

This is in the void, without any wind or medium, but 15 can breathe, which is enough to show the strangeness here.

Moreover, although it is in the void, there are many things floating around the 15th, including stones, trees and water.

There are even bones...

broken hands, broken feet, broken heads, can be seen everywhere... Blood, brain plasma, also mixed together...

"Is this a battlefield?"

15's heart is shocked. This is a veritable Shura field, the birthplace of blood and madness, and a pure natural tomb.

The battlefield is the grave, which is the eternal truth.

15 found that he seemed to be able to "walk" in this void, and his mind moved very fast. He walked hundreds of miles forward in one breath.

If this is a hundred miles in the world, it is an extremely huge challenge for 15 people who don't know the art of swordsmanship.

"What is that?"

Although the extraterritorial battlefield was strange, it didn't seem to be dangerous. He soon leisurely found that there seemed to be a continent floating in front of his eyes?

Because there is no such a big rock in the world.

Driven by curiosity, he rushed straight to the continent on the 15th.

As it approached, a suction suddenly emerged from the floating continent, and fifteen of them felt that their bodies were falling, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

He is about to catch fire.

"What's going on?" He thought there was no dangerous battlefield, but now he suffered all the pain of fire, and he had to burn his bones without leaving a trace.

"The art of inflammation..."

At this time, "Yanxuanshu" is going to show its skills. It is claimed that it can absorb all the forces of the side door temporarily, but it is more magical than the highest skills in 15.

Using Ming Tian Jue as the medium, a small amount of side door force absorbed by Yan Xuan Shu was decomposed and utilized, and the channel for Yan Xuan Shu to absorb energy was suddenly expanded with a one-sided trend.

The fire burned on the body of 15 is also a kind of side door force. Therefore, due to the joint action of the two major skills, the flame is also extinguished by heavy rain.


I only heard a roar, like falling from a high altitude, and plunged into a pile of corpses as big as a mountain.

Yes, the body.

I don't know from a distance, but if you look closely, your heart will beat hundreds of times faster.

This is not a continent made of mud and stones, but... a huge continent built by corpses.

It is also the mainland. The rivers flowing on this continent are blood, and the mountains and the earth are full of white bones and rotten flesh and blood.


15 slowly climbed up from the ground, and suddenly heard a violent shock in the corpse continent. From a distance, a woman with a wonderful figure was fighting fiercely with several gray-robed old men carved in the same mold.

The streamer rotates, and the gray and gloomy breath sweeps, competing with the breath emitted by this skelet continent.

"White Devil and Yin Gao?" In a daze, he recognized the two, which was the two demons who said they were going to the extraterritorial battlefield.

"Is this the real extraterritorial battlefield?" Fifteen pupils wrinkled, and he suddenly looked around, and his eyes were full of flesh and blood bones.

In that snow-white place, the carrion has completely rotted and turned into jade-like white bones. It seems that the people on this battlefield are not ordinary people, and they are likely to be the high gods or demons.

Extraterritorial battlefield? Here?"

Looking at this battlefield condensed by bones, after watching it for a long time, Fifteen's heart couldn't help beating up. He seemed to have seen this battlefield covered with bones.

Where is this? Memories from the past?

"No, no... corpse, battlefield? Giant spirit god? Yiyi..." 15 shouted out.

At that time, Yiyi's void fantasy, the environment where the giant spirit god appeared, wasn't the scenery so engraved, full of bones?

I vaguely remember that the giant spirit god said that the reason why it was created by the illusion god was to stop "that person", and that person seemed to have the same appearance as 15?

"Who is the 'person' mentioned by the giant spirit god? Is it my father or my ancestors? No, it should be the ancestor. The giant spirit god is a figure in ancient times. How can 'that person' be my father? Fifteen shook his head and soon denied his idea.

Because it does not match the time, in fact, every problem that can be thought of on the 15th is related to time. The most representative thing is that the words you can understand are traditional Chinese characters in ancient times, which are very different from simplified Chinese characters in modern times.

Is there any clue that can be found here?

"Am I a person from ancient times? How can it be? At that time, I was cut by the void and turbulence that I suffered so much. Finally, I was saved by Bai Xue. Bai Xue lived in the present world. If I were a figure in ancient times, how could I be saved by her? Moreover, even if I am a figure in ancient times and live to this day, I should be a god or a demon or a fairy. Since I am one of them, I am so useless that I will be eroded by the turbulence?

It's too messy. This problem seems to be unsolved. I can't even think about it.


Five stood on the bones, and his whole body was like a demon. He was so crazy that he didn't even know that the White Devil and Yin Gao fought beside him.

The power between the two is enough to destroy the world, but in this strange extraterritorial battlefield, no matter how much they attack and use their strength, they can't move at all.

There is nothing to prove that these two are inhuman except to destroy a large number of bones.

"I think you have any tricks..." Several Yin Gao said at the same time. His differentiated physical strength is similar to that of the ontology, but there is only one white demon. How can he compare with him?

Moreover, Yin Gao has been staring at the fifteen tigers until he dies.

The white demon obviously does not want to die on the 15th, so there is no suspense about the dominant fight of Yin Gao.

"Like a shadow with flowers..." The white demon shouted delicately, and there was a trace of pain in her voice. She was injured and forcibly used secret methods to improve her strength. She has been fighting with Yin Gao, and now it is the end of the fight.

But after all, the white demon is a demon. Even if the defeat is determined and the strength is exhausted, it is not easy to kill her, and this last move is like a shadow, and it is simply to die together.

As soon as the voice of the white demon fell, her figure had come to Yin Gao. Her thin body carried magnificent energy and burst out when Yin Gao was sneering.

The earth shakes like the end of the world. The fifteenth is not far from the White Devil and Yin, and the huge energy impact is coming like a storm.

15 desperately absorbed it with "Underworld Decision" and "Spin's Art", but that power was simply unimaginable. Even several splits of Yin Gao were shrouded in that force and then smashed.

No matter how powerful the fifteenth is, it is impossible to fight a big demon, right?

So, he fainted when he was hit by huge energy.

But the energy fluctuation will not stop because of his syncope. The huge energy is like a rushing tide for a long time.

"Hahahaha, how dare you fight with me? Now I see what else you can do..." Yin Gao's unreserved wild laughter shocked the four fields.

However, he didn't expect that the white demon was not dead. Such a fatal blow only smashed the black veil of her coat, and most of the veil covering her beauty was also broken, as well as her gloves.

Even, the white devil has a large area of snow-white skin** outside.

Hearing Yin Gao's laughter, Bai Mo was not moved by it. She stood quietly in the air and watched Yin Gao divide into several identical figures again.

"Hey, so mysterious you can be so miserable. I'd like to see what you look like under your veil. Hey hey, although I'm not young, I don't mind taking you as my woman..."

Yin Gao smiled crazily, and several figures pushed the white devil, but the white devil still looked at it coldly. Finally, she finally sneered and said, "I didn't want to use this trick..."

"Silkworm... eats...the way..."

The white demon said word by word, and suddenly, the sky became gloomy, as if the sun and moon in the sky had been removed. Suddenly, a black whirlpool covered several figures of Yin Gao.


With the emergence of a huge whirlpool, Yin Gao's face finally changed. Of course, there is such a taboo method in his memory.

The way of devouring is claimed to deprive people of everything, including cultivation and memory, but the way of devouring is the unhetored learning of the three demons of the demon clan, and his only descendant has also been killed in ancient times.

Today, the way of devouring reappears.

"This, this, this is the way to eat. How can you do it? How can you do it? Impossible... This is absolutely impossible..." Yin Gao's expression finally became panic.

He is an ant in front of the way of silension. The black whirlpool shrouded him. Yin Gao has completely lost his combat effectiveness, but Fortunately, his survival instinct is still there.

After a fierce struggle and desperate self-detonation, finally, a split rushed out of the whirlpool.

PS: Let's update twice a day from now on, and occasionally break out... Hey hey, everyone, I'm sorry...