
[Chapter 242 Secret]

15 put the silver snake sword across Li Dalong's neck without saying a word, which made Li Dalong feel secretly anxious, but Fortunately, the people who saved him had gathered.

I just waited for half a while, but I didn't see anyone. The voices were still full of people. There seemed to be fighting outside the wall not far away. Fifteen smiled secretly in his heart, and Yuan Da and Xiaohei should have rushed in.

It's not a problem to deal with the Li family with ape-sized skills, let alone a fierce black tiger?

Li Dalong's face was finally difficult to calm down, and his body even began to tremble. The bean-sized sweat was like rain, waiting for the outsider's voice to be extinguished, and his heart was as cold as falling into the ice cellar.

Li Dalong finally panicked. He said, "This, this friend, we, we have something to talk about..."

The fifteenth still didn't say anything. Li Dalong showed a little flustered. He also said, "Friends, friends, we have something to say. I can give you as much money you want, as long as you spare my life..."

Li Dalong panicked, and decades of life experience were all lost at this moment. After all, everything in front of his life is dung.

"Who the hell are you?" Li Dalong completely lost his temper, just because he was consumed by him on the 15th to see who was patient.

15 stood still behind Li Dalong and felt funny. He originally wanted to make Li Dalong unforgettable for life, not for life, but in his old age.

I'm afraid that Li Dalong has already passed the age of Huajia, and it will last a long life if he can live another ten years. There is always a suspicion of disrespecting an old man like this on the 15th.

The guards of the Li family were solved by Yuanda and Xiaohei, and then the two of them also walked in the direction of 15.

The courtyard where 15th and Li Dalong are located is quiet, and even the sound of birds has never been heard. Of course, this is also related to the late autumn season.

In the small courtyard, the withered yellow leaves have accumulated a thick layer. According to Li Dalong's words, this is an artistic conception, so he is also happy to tell his servants not to clean it. On the contrary, the courtyard full of fallen leaves has a unique charm, so that he and two young women are looking for fun in this courtyard pavilion. Make fun.

The intrusion of Yuanda and Xiaohei surprised Li Dalong, because these two non-humans are the biggest obstacles to his relatives Liu Yuan Fangze. Does their arrival at this moment mean that the "friends" who raised a sword behind him across his neck are the people who relieve Liu Yuan today?

Li Dalong couldn't help but be horrified. He clenched the corners of his clothes with one hand. Is it possible that he wanted to torture him? So you haven't started yet?

Thinking of this, Li Dalong, who was sitting in the seat, was instantly paralyzed. He actually changed from sitting to kneeling on the ground, which was scared.

15* didn't say anything, and his face was still covered with a piece of black cloth. Feeling a little awkward, he removed the black cloth and threw it in front of Li Dalong, which made Li Dalong tremble.

He thought it was some kind of signal, indicating "tearing tickets"...

Li Dalong couldn't help shouting, like a beggar crying on the street: "Give me, hero... I can give you as much as you want. Don't kill me, don't kill me..."

"Please forgive me, I'm one of the longest-lived people in Fengqiao Town. It's no good for you to kill me. As long as you spare me, I will definitely give you all my property..."

"I don't want your stinky money..." This is the first sentence of 15. Since he met Zhu Changrong, he has always been a little resistant to talking about money. Li Dalong's words made 15 very unhappy.

"Yes, yes, then I will use your name to help the poor..." Li Dalong added that if his practice is for ordinary people, it may have a lot of **, because this can not only be a hero with peace of mind, but also win both fame and fortune. Why not?

However, 15 is not interested in this matter. He said, "I'm not interested in this..."

15 stretched out his finger and flicked his finger on the silver snake sword, and the buzzing sound made Li Dalong's eardrums hurt. 15 said, "I heard that you are the oldest living one in Fengqiao Town? So..."

In fact, 15 didn't think about what to ask. He just said this sentence casually, but it sounded like a huge thunderbolt in Li Dalong's ears.

He seemed to be stiff there, and then lost his voice, "It's none of my business, it's none of my business..." Suddenly, Li Dalong put his head in his hands and fell to the ground and began to tremble.

This appearance is fear and fear, which makes Li Dalong more heartbroken than the danger of his life at this moment. Only because of a brainless problem on the fifteenth, it evokes Li Dalong's memories of this Fengqiao town.

15's sense of smell is not slow. When he saw Li Dalong's appearance, he was immediately stunned. He suddenly smelled a "secret", and this may be a big secret.

15 sneered. He was not suitable for intimidating others like this. If Li Dalong, who was as calm as before, could definitely detect it, but he thought that 15 came to seek revenge because of the secret in his heart, so he did not find that 15 was an unwitting layman.

Li Dalong was mistaken for being smart. He laughed twice and pulled Li Dalong up.

At this time, Li Dalong saw the face of 15. He was young, beautiful and seemed to be very warm... Of course, he could not connect 15 with the evil.

But 15 did put the sword on his neck. No matter what the purpose of 15 was, Li Dalong always had a guilty and panic in his eyes.

15: "Say everything you know..."

Li Dalong was simply overwhelmed by the fear in his heart. The fifteen words came to his ears like a fire, as if to burn his whole body to ashes.

"I, I don't know, I don't know..." Li Dalong suddenly panicked again and lay on the ground. No matter how he was forced and lured, he could not shake him.

"Roar..." When the ape saw Li Dalong's appearance, he suddenly changed his appearance. His body, which was as high as three feet, rose from the ground and grabbed Li Dalong, and his sharp fangs were grinding around his neck like a lover.

Li Dalong finally collapsed and shouted, "Who are you? Who are you? Who are you sent? Why did you only look for me? Why didn't you go to them? I just entered later..."

15 listened quietly. He didn't know why, so he didn't interrupt Li Dalong, but when Li Dalong said that several of his friends were fighting with each other for gold, silver and jewelry, he couldn't help taking a breath.

Li Dalong's secret is actually very simple. Seven of them are businessmen. One of the seven people discovered the predecessor of Fengqiao Town one day, that is, 30 years ago, an ancient tomb was exposed to the sky through the wind and rain.

So the seven people accompanied the expedition and treasure hunt. Although these seven people are all businessmen, they are also quite talented. In order to prevent more people from sharing the treasure, only seven of them went on this trip.

Before they came to this exposed ancient tomb, the seven people were still close as brothers. They supported each other and encouraged each other. Because Li Dalong was the weakest of the seven people and had suffered some cold before coming to the ancient tomb, they were placed outside the ancient tomb. Of course, the other six also promised that they would not lose his share of the treasure.

That day, there were upright and dark clouds covering the sun. There were occasional thunder and lightning in the sky, but no raindrops fell. Li Dalong, who felt the wind and cold, was left outside, was difficult to stabilize under the sound of thunder, so he followed the footsteps of six people into the ancient tomb.

Because ** is on the surface of the ancient tomb, thunder can be seen everywhere, and this ancient tomb is very similar to a town, that is to say, this ancient tomb is a city.

Nowadays, Fengqiao Town is not big, because only part of the ancient tomb is exposed, and the richest people in Fengqiao Town have to limit Fengqiao Town to such a scale in order to cover up the truth of that year.

At that time, Li Dalong followed the footprints of the six people and soon came to the center, which was a square. There was a strange building hall in the square. Li Dalong pushed the door and couldn't help but be stunned.

There were mountains of gold and silver treasures in front of him, which were thrown away casually like stones. However, what made him more frightened at that moment was that the six people who came here first were fighting with each other at this moment.

The smell of blood is as diffuse as the plague. Those are six people who are as close as brothers. Why do they fight for life and death at the moment they see so many gold and silver treasures?

With so many treasures, as long as you take a little, you can get rich. Do these people have such great ambitions?

At that time, Li Dalong was shocked. He was the only person who did not participate in the fight. He stood at the door for a long time. However, when he was at a loss, the hall piled up gold and silver treasures suddenly shone brightly. Li Dalong seemed to move forward without his control and finally entered the fight.

Although there were only seven of them, only three survived, because a voice came to the ears of the last three: "Those who broke into the tomb die..."