
[Chapter 250 Cooperation]

"Friends, since you are here, why hide again?" The middle-aged man said loudly, and the loud voice suddenly covered an area, so that the people in the area were all oppressed by his momentum.

The middle-aged man's loud voice was mixed with inner spirit transmission. He roared so coldly. I'm afraid he won't feel good, and even the two people in black around him were affected.

The two held their heads and rolled painfully on the ground, but they did not dare to say a word, because they could endure the pain for a while before they could live in the world. This is a necessary quality for a demon. The law of the jungle is the rule of the demon world. As long as you have strength, you are the king.

Actually, isn't this world? It's just that the demon clan is too popular.

The middle-aged man's loud voice fell, and in an in an air, several magnificent breaths suddenly emanated, as if he did not want to show weakness in front of this demons.

"Hahaha...hahahaha..." The deafening laughter shocked the world, stirring up layers of huge waves of vitality, turning all the area jungle covered by the laughter into powder.

"Is that you?" The middle-aged man's eyes were cold, and he was still an acquaintance.

The laughter ended, and an old man stepped on the clouds and walked slowly. The old man was rickety and his hair was snow-white, like a pouring moonlight, but the old man's eyes exuded all kinds of color. Obviously, he was an old man, and he was probably more than a hundred years old.

"I haven't seen you for a long time..." The old man said with a smile, obviously not paying attention to the middle-aged man named Jie.

"Xuan Bing, how dare you appear in front of me..." With a cold hum, his man disappeared from the original place and quickly appeared in front of Xuan Bing, with a pair of golden claws in front of Xuan Bing.


The old Xuanbing did not show weakness. When his mind moved, he had a long sword resisted in front of him. Whether it was a sword or a sword with intention, he would be stunned if he was here on the 15th. The two who had fought in the air were not equal in strength, and they were all on the third floor of the realm of communication, the sky.

Bo both of them can step on the space without the help of external objects, under the sky and the sky.

The masters fought and dispersed at a touch. Both of them knew in their hearts that if they really wanted to fight hard, I'm afraid no one could do anything about it.

Unable to win with one blow, he snorted coldly and said, "Xuan Bing, what are you fire people doing here?"

Fire clan? Is this Xuanbing actually a person from the four major families? That is, Xuan Ye's elders?

"Hum... Is it only you demons who can come, and our fire clans can't come?" Xuan Bing was ironic. Obviously, the two were not right, but both of them knew the depth and did not dare to act rashly, so they had to play with their mouths.

Of course, Jie is not so stupid that Xuan Bing will tell him the purpose of the trip, so he automatically ignored his words. He turned his head and said to the jungle on his left: "Guanglu, Montenegro, you two don't have to hide anymore. Come out..."

As the defiant words fell, a burst of cheerful laughter resounded. Of course, it was not like Xuan Bing, secretly adding internal spirits. This is just pure laughter, but the momentum of this laughter is terrible: "Hahahaha... Brother Jie, you are all right..."

The first thing that appeared was an old man with long beard. His temples were white, his face was slightly thin, and he looked particularly kind when he smiled, but everyone present knew that this man was a famous smiling wolf. He was a scattered man, but he was with demons all day long. He laughed. At that time, it seems to be harmless, but be careful that he will stab you in the back coldly, and you don't know how you will die at that time.

And the other one appeared was a man whose whole body was covered under a black robe. His breath was steady and steady, with a long history. Unlike Xuanbing and Guanglu, he came out of the ground.

If the 15th is here, he can also recognize who this person is. Isn't this the Black Mountain demon of Baiqiu Mountain?

"I didn't expect to see you here, I'm really lucky..." The unique double voice of the old black demon, like a man but not a man, like a woman, which is obviously his mark.

"Black Mountain old demon, last time Baiqiu Mountain, why did you take action against my children?" The first to speak is Xuan Bing, whose status is extremely high in the Huo clan, which is not comparable to that of the seven elders Xuanyong.

"Oh? Is this serious? Did I really take action against your fire clan? The old demon of Montenegro pretended to be confused. He patted his head and said, "That's really embarrassing. You fire clan want to find the treasure left by Huo God, and you can't help but take action. I hope you can forgive me..."

The old demon of Montenegro seemed to apologize devoutly, but his words attracted the attention of several people present, the treasure of Vlaeus? What does this mean? There must be a large number of divine objects, and even the legendary artifact?

Suddenly, Guanglu and Jie's eyes flashed, and their hot eyes looked at Xuan Bing, and their eyes were full of greed.

When Xuan Bing heard the words, his murderous intention flashed away. He couldn't do it here. This old Montenegrin demon was obviously afraid that the world would not be chaotic. He did not have the ability to ask the Fire clan to share his share, but he incited others to make wedding clothes for him.

Xuan Bing said, "Black Mountain old demon, my fire clan does have clues about the fire god cemetery, but this is not only known by my fire clan. The other three major families, the Tianshan school and the Liuxia school, all have clues about the fire god cemetery, but if you want to enter there, my fire clan does not have this ability for the time being..."

Seeing what Xuan Bing said, he was stubborn and Guanglu, and looked at the old demon of Montenegro together. The old demon of Montenegro said, "The fire clan may not have this strength now, but you have the key..."

The old demon of Montenegro stopped speaking abruptly, just right. Xuan Bing was immediately angry and said, "This sword of the fire god is a treasure inherited by my fire clan for generations. What's the key..."

"I didn't say that this Vlecan sword is the key to open the Vlewt cemetery..."

"You..." Xuan Bing suddenly realized that he didn't expect to be posed by this old Montenegrin demon.

"Brother Xuan, Brother Heishan, why did we meet here based on fate? How can we hurt our harmony for such a small thing?" Guanglu saw that the two had a great impulse to take action, so he came out to fight. His black rat-like eyes rumbled. He knew that the fire clan was a big family. If he wanted to get the news of the tomb of Vulcan, it was useless to threaten.

Even if you know the Vulcan cemetery and get the key, it is useless. If you can attract the fire clan, it is to sign, so Guanglu can't wait to speak for Xuan Bing to get closer.

When the old demon of Montenegro saw this, he was as cunning as him, so he could see it at a glance. He said, "Brother Xuan, don't be surprised. I lost my words for a moment..."

He doesn't care about the Vulcan cemetery and the fire clan. He came here on orders to explore the crescent bay like a recalcited man.

Because several people are masters of the realm of communication, the turbidity in the crescent bay can't help them, but none of them knows what the black energy plasm in the air is, but only know that this black energy plasm is the source of the great change here.

Xuan Bing's face finally eased, but his eyes were not small to kill the old black demon. If no one else was there, he would definitely compete with the old black demon.

Several people met, and they were all pregnant, but they were doomed. Just when they proposed to explore the crescent bay together, they saw several people flying in the distance.

Xuan Bing looked up and said, "Xuan Yong, Xuan Jing, Xuan Tie..."

Three people came, and they were all fire people. What on earth are they going to do? These three people, together with Xuan Bing, are actually masters of the realm of divine communication.

This made the three old demons of Montenegro frown. They all know that although they know the other three people, they are not deeply friends. If there is any treasure here, they will definitely have a big fight. In terms of unilateral strength, it is obviously the most important fire clan.

At the same time, they were surprised why the fire clan sent four masters at once. Is it possible that there are really any treasures here?

The old demon of Montenegro, Jieqi and Guanglu looked at each other. It turned out that when they saw the arrival of the other three people of the fire clan, they all thought together.

Who are these three people? That has become exquisite. The three have reached a tacit understanding from the exchange of eyes, and must not let the fire clan succeed.