
[Chapter 255]

Only the Golden Magpie family has a jungle in Crescent Bay, and there is a wonderful mountain in the depths of the jungle.

At that time, after the oral cooperation between the old demons and others in Montenegro and others, several people of the fire clan seemed to deliberately lead everyone to the direction of the mountain. How shrewd the three old demons of Montenegro were so shrewd? How could they not see the intention of the fire clan and the treasure secrets that might exist have not been broken.

On this trip, a total of four masters of the realm of the fire clan have come to the Moon Bay. This lineup is indeed a little surprising, and the old demons of Montenegro are not three-year-old children, knowing that there must be an unspeakable secret.

Unable to force it, Guanglu came up with an idea of cooperation in order to see how the fire clan acted.

"Guys, is there something strange here?" Xuanbing, who was walking in the front, said with his eyebrows that at this moment, they had come to the bottom of the mountain in the depths of the jungle.

All the people present are masters and can completely fly through the air, but they are all old foxes. For the sake of safety, they all use hiking instead of flying. On the one hand, it is because of the hidden crisis in the crescent Bay, and on the other hand, they are afraid of the Tianshan faction. If they are found, there will be a fierce battle.

"What? Xuan Bing, what did you find? Follow the Guanglu Road immediately behind Xuan Bing.

Xuan Bingbai glanced at him and found that the air here was extremely heavy, and the strange black energy bodies distributed in the air were also several times thick.

"Indeed, the concentration of the black energy plasm here is more than a hundred times heavier than outside. There seems to be a strange power here. What kind of power is this? Why does it feel like a divine power?" After coming here, he also frowned. Obviously, this wonderful mountain peak has a lot to do.

"God's power?" The old demon of Montenegro was stunned for a while, "Isn't it your perception wrong?"

As he said, he closed his eyes and carefully "explored" the space around. After a while, the old black demon's face was heavy. After a while, his face suddenly turned pale and said, "Surely, there is a way..."

"Why Montenegro, what did you find?" Guanglu Road.

The old demon of Montenegro licked his dry lips and ignored Guanglu. Instead, he said to him, "Brother Jie, you are right. There is still a powerful divine power here..."

"What?" The four people of the fire clan were all terr astonished, and there was no divine power in their intelligence.

When the old demon of Montenegro saw that the faces of several people of the fire clan had changed greatly, there was a trace of uncertainty in his heart. When the fire clan entered here, didn't he know that it was covered by the power of God? What is their purpose?

He thought for a while, and in short, he took it step by step and said, "This power of gods and demons is of the same origin. I have seen the power of demons, and this power of gods is also extremely debateable..."

With that, he looked at the two people and Guanglu. When he saw their eyes, his thoughts were consistent with his own. The fire clan has always been extremely mysterious, and now he doesn't know what they are doing.

Between the three pairs of eyes, a fierce look appeared in the eyes of the old demon of Montenegro. The other two nodded slightly, with the intention of rubbing the fire clan.

Guanglu touched his head. Although his heart was a little fierce, he did not show any on his face. He said, "Since Brother Montenegro said that this is the power of God, it can't be wrong, but what is the essence of this black energy body?"

These people are not good birds. You use me, I use you, and speak calmly on the surface, but no one can see through the lively thoughts in their hearts.

"I don't know..." He shook his head, "But I see that this divine power has a faint tendency to contain the black energy body, and I don't know which master's predecessor left this, if..."


There was a loud noise. Before the revering words were said, there was a shocking loud noise. Everyone didn't have time to care about the detractiveness. Suddenly, they turned their heads and saw a hole in the mountain beside them suddenly opened.

A sudden cave soon attracted everyone's attention.

"Is that?" Xuan Bing was stunned for a moment, but then he was overjoyed and quickly approached forward.

Seeing that he was so anxious, the three elderly demons in Montenegro knew that the opportunity had come. The first one to rush up was the old demon of Montenegro. He stopped in front of Xuan Bing and pretended, "Hey, Brother Xuan, a cave suddenly appeared here, which must be dangerous. If you rushed forward like this, won't you lose your life and ask me to go first? Let's take the lead..."

Or the old demon of Montenegro stepped forward and quickly approached the suddenly appeared cave.

Seeing this, a trace of chill flashed in his eyes, but then a touch of complacency flashed in his eyes. His purpose was to make the three old demons of Montenegro take the lead. Unexpectedly, they showed a little anxiety, and they were fooled.

"Black Mountain old demon, you..." Xuan Bing deliberately said angrily. Just as he was about to come forward, he found that Guanglu and Jie Wan had stopped in front of the old black demon.

All three of them are old. How can they be three-year-old children trusting each other?

"What does this mean for you two? I will go to the cave as a pioneer. Have you two forgotten our cooperation? When you encounter benefits, you can see the "treasure", and this group of people are real wolf ambitions.

Seeing the old demon of Montenegro talking, Jie and Guanglu both sneered. The three of them were still discussing to give the fire clan some color, but now they have taken the lead in confronting each other.

It seems that the sudden cave is really powerful.

No one knows what's inside. Maybe there are nine deaths, maybe there are eye-catching treasures in it, but there is no doubt that the first person to enter is the most profitable. If there are nine deaths, it would be better. If it is a treasure inside, wouldn't it be the first person to go in and search for the treasures inside? Who can fight against him at that time?

Xuanbing is undoubtedly the favorite to see this scene. Their fire clan is originally the target of public criticism. Anyone who sees such a lineup will think about whether the fire clan has any conspiracy.

When the cave first appeared, Xuanbing's flocking expression obviously told you that there was a huge treasure in it, so even if it was a dragon pool tiger cave, the three black demons were about to break in.

"Brother Montenegro, let's push together. What does it mean that you are so anxious to enter?" Guanglu took the lead in opening his mouth, and his slightly vicissitudes eyes narrowed, which did not look like a fuel-efficient lamp.

"Brother Guanglu, I'm kidding. I'm going to explore for the two brothers first and wait for me to explore. There's nothing serious inside. Please invite the two brothers to enter..."

The old Montenegrin demon is afraid of being a thousand years old. It's okay to be stubborn. He is also a demon, but Guanglu is a person. He is only about 60 years old at most. This old Montenegrin demon claims to be a little brother, which is also a little strange.

However, in this world, strength is the standard to measure a person, and the old demon of Montenegro is also reasonable.

Guanglu said, the old demon of Montenegro said a word. In fact, both of them knew that this matter could not be good, and no one would agree to let the other party enter first. However, sometimes it is also a pleasure to beat each other. At least at the age of them, it is definitely impossible to tear their faces immediately.

said: "Brother Black Mountain, Brother Guanglu, why don't we enter together? If there is a treasure and get it with your real ability, who gets it will be whose? Others are not allowed to intervene..."

All three people knew that this method was impossible to achieve, but all three of them agreed for no other reason. There was no way to continue this dispute. The treasure was not seen, but their own people had internal strife, which was really not good, but the fire clan had the opportunity to take advantage of it.

So the three agreed, but the cave was extremely narrow and only allowed one person to pass through, and more strangely, when they entered the cave, they could not even use teleportation.

After the discussion, a man's men entered first, followed by Guanglu, followed by the old demon of Montenegro, and finally...

Several people entered one after another, and the latter one controlled the previous one. If anyone wants to swallow the treasure alone, he will definitely be attacked by the people behind him.

The four people of the fire clan led by Xuan Bing are not so anxious. They originally intended to let the old demons of Montenegro explore the way, because only the people of the fire clan know the things in this cave, and that thing is not something that anyone can get first, but depends on others.

PS: Finally, I waited for a recommendation from the editor to me. I burst into tears... It seems that it will explode tomorrow. Please give me a red ticket...