
[Chapter 264 Memory]

The power of rebellion fills the body of 15. With the return of this power, the resentment in 15's mind also returns, carrying the memory that has passed away.

15's mind is full of void power, those memories that have been cut into pieces are reorganizing themselves, and there are faint waves of singing in his ears.

"The snow promises a bumper year, and the Surat is a year full of harvest, and a unique tree is a show to protect my life..."

seems melodious and euphemistic. It is a song and a blessing. It is a life spell that carries the hopes and aspirations of the people of Nianfeng Village.

"Dad and mother..."

The memory is recovering quickly. Two old faces have appeared in front of him, his cheeks are covered with wrinkles, and a thick hand has brushed his hair. "Son, you have to be strong. No matter what the future is, you have to face it bravely..."

The picture flowed again. In the square of Nianfeng Village, people came and went, and everyone's face was filled with happy smiles. The elderly stood beside the 15th and told him the origin of the tree of life and the story that happened to it. "Xiaoyun, this Nianfeng tree was originally called the tree of life, and he is a very great man. The big tree god, our Nianfeng Village has good weather every year, because the tree god is protecting us. When you grow up, you must love the living tree god, okay?

In the memory of the 15th, everyone calls him Xiaoyun, including his playmates and his relatives, but only one exception...

"Brother, what are you doing?" A crisp and slightly childish voice remembered behind him, turning back as Xiaoyun's fifteen suddenly, and saw a young and beautiful little girl standing behind him, with a pair of white jade-like hands, gently pulling his sleeves.

"Jijiu?" Fifteen's heart thumped. It turned out that she was Jiu Jiu, who had been lingering in his mind, but could not recall his sister, Jiu Jiu.

"Jiou, you're here. Let's visit under the Fengshu last year. Today is the annual memorial day..." Xiaoyun opened his mouth and spoke with a childish homophone, which made 15's heart tremble.

At this moment, he seemed to be immersive, but he could not speak and move, because he was Xiaoyun, because everything in front of him really existed. He, who became Xiaoyun, just experienced it himself again. As for the result and process, he did not have the ability to change.

"Wow, what a beautiful little flower..." Jiujiu ran forward with Xiaoyun. The square where people come and go was bustling, and countless things and items were dazzling, but Jiujiu only liked a flower that thrived next to the rich trees. The flower was blue, with a beautiful five petals, attached Near an area, it is the only one who appreciates itself.

Xiaoyun stroked Jiujiu's long soft hair, reached out and folded the small flower, inserted it on Jiujiu's temples, and said, "It's so beautiful to insert this flower. It's the most beautiful little angel I've ever seen..."

"Brother is talking nonsense, the fairy sister in the ancestral hall is beautiful..." Jiu Jiu touched her little face with both hands and remembered the fairy sister worshipped in the ancestral hall, and she was a little ashamed.

"It's true. In my brother's eyes, Jiujiu is the most beautiful..." Xiaoyun said. This personality is really like the current fifteenth. He has a common vision with Xiaoyun, and he feels extremely warm in his heart.

"Really? Jiujiu believes in his brother... Hee hee, let's go and visit the fairy sister. The village head's grandfather said that if it hadn't been for the fairy sister, our Nianfeng Village would not exist... In order to protect us, we..." With that, Jiu Jiu Jiu's eyes had turned red.

"Jijiu, when I grow up, I will also protect the village and protect you..." Xiaoyun took Jiujiu and ran to the ancestral hall on the other side of the square.

"Fairy sister, Jiujiu begged you to protect your parents, brother, and Nianfeng Village... Jiujiu kowtowed to the fairy sister here..."

"Jijiu..." There was a burst of warmth in Xiaoyun's heart, and he was even more relieved in his mind, as if he had really returned to his childhood.

15 is Xiaoyun, and Xiaoyun is him. He recalls the bits and pieces of what happened in Nianfeng Village with Xiaoyun's eyes, from childhood to adulthood, from a child to a teenager.

However, when the memory is like a wave, it suddenly seems to be frozen, and the memory stops again at a certain moment.

Is the memory still not recovered?

"Why? What's going on? At that time, what happened at that time, and why was the memory no longer reorganized? Fifteen was shocked, and the power of nature invaded his body and surged into his mind, recombining those complicated and broken memories, but this was only half of the combination.

His memory seemed to be suddenly cut off. He recalled his relatives, clans, Nianfeng Village, the tree of life, including Jiujiu, but only Nianfeng Village could not pry into what happened later.

Whether those people standing in the clouds are gods and demons, and what is the purpose of destroying his homeland? What happened after that? A question came out in his mind one after another, like bamboo shoots after the rain.

His mind trembled, and all the questions seemed to have no answer. Suddenly, he screamed sadly, "Who am I, who am I, and who am I?"

has never been confused like this moment, and has never been sad like this moment. Fifteen shouted loudly, and the sound was enough to shake the gold stone. The whole cave began to shake violently at the moment he roared, and the magma under the cliff was uncontrollably surging.

"Do you want to know? Let me tell you..."

Suddenly, a strange voice came to his ear. He suddenly opened his eyes and saw the skeleton melt into the magma.

What happened on the fifteenth body seemed to the people in the lower open space for only a moment. All the light converated into the fifteen body, and the crystal skeleton melted into the magma as if it had lost its life, and then it was the sad roar of fifteen.

The people standing below have been panicked, and the cave has shown signs of collapse.

"Who are you?" Fifteen shouted harshly, but he didn't hear anyone.

"Hey, this seat is in your body. Don't worry, I just need to devour your soul..."

As soon as the man's words fell, 15 had found a faint shadow in his body. The shape of this shadow was exactly the crystal skeleton.

"Who the hell are you?" Fifteen was furious, because the man was freely eroding his body and his soul.

"You don't have to care who I am, because you will become the stepping stone of this seat. Hahaha, it's really good for me. As long as I swallow you up, I can have the power of heaven..."

With that, the sound of the crystal skeleton was extremely excited.

"Hahaha, I have sacrificed the power of heavenly rebellion for 300 years, but I didn't expect that the collapse of Tianshuo began to tremble, which made my soul fail. Fortunately, God is helping me and let the real inheritor come to me. When I swallow you, I will become the inheritor of the heavenly rebellion. At that time, I will be the God. God of creation, this world is in the hands of this throne..."

The crystal skeleton laughed wildly, and in the body of 15th, it turned into a wisp of smoke, quickly encroaching on the body of 15th.

It can be seen that the crystal skeleton is definitely not a simple thing, because 15 feels a trace of divine power in it, which is exactly the same as the divine power in the jungle.

"Are you a god?" Fifteen, he is unusually calm at this moment.

"So what, hey, the power of heavenly rebellion is really extraordinary, and it can erode people's hearts, but I am not a vegetarian. If it hadn't been for the divine power to resist the heavenly rebellion, the jungle outside would have been extinguished..." The crystal skeleton spoke as if the wind and clouds were clear, but the pain in it was also Only it knows.

"Humph, this power of rebellion is indeed worthy of the power of creation, forcing me to give up my body, and even my soul is carved into a skeleton..."

15 listens quietly, because the skeleton in front of him is a high god, with divine power and supreme status. 151 mortal dust can't resist the erosion of crystal skeletons at all.

He can feel that his consciousness is slowly disappearing, and the power of heaven is constantly passing...

PS: Sorry for the late update...