
[Chapter 291 Nine Deaths Next]

In the cave, the flame of magma is burning, and several sword shadows float up and down, as if to fly out of the rock wall.

The four Zhuo Fan were quite satisfied with the long swords in front of them. All four of them carefully avoided the magma, quickly reached the inside, found a long sword, and then suddenly pulled it out.

However, the moment they pulled out the sword on the rock wall, the underground magma surged, like the angry waves in the river. All four of them were extremely frightened, but Fortunately, the sword had arrived, and as long as they crushed the jade card, they could return to Tianshan.

At present, the four people have discarded the original sword and crushed the jade card already held in their hands. The space shook at the moment when the jade card was crushed, and Zhuo Fan quickly disappeared. Only 15 and Chanlian quickly avoided the magma and swept towards the corridor in the corner.

"Fifteenth brother, thank you for your help. I hope you can find the spiritual weapon flying sword and become brothers..." This is the voice of the four people later.

Later, nothing could be heard, except the sound of magma hitting the rock wall.

"Wow..." After rushing into the corridor, Chan Lian was a little relieved, patted her chest, and her face blushed a little. She said, "Fortunately, fortunately, no wonder this fork is called Nine Deaths. Sure enough, it's not blowing..."

15 was also secretly relieved. Even if he was deeply cultivated and submerged by the magma, it was definitely difficult to survive. He smiled and looked at Chanlian. At this moment, the latter patted his high chest, and there was a trace of beautiful red on his face due to the exercise. Fifteen* couldn't help but jump fiercely.

"What are you doing when you look at me..." Seeing fifteen's somewhat demented eyes, Chan Lian's pretty face turned red and went straight to the root of her ears. Then she calmed down a little, slowly raised her head and looked at fifteen angrily. There seemed to be a layer of fog in her eyes.

Cun Lian, Chan Lian...

There was a trace of unseverable concern in her heart. She did not dare to expect anything about the woman here. At this moment, she couldn't help but be a little panicked and had a fierce sense of fear when she saw 15 looking at her stupidly. She was afraid that she would have attachment, that she would forget her original vow, and that her determination to enter the world would be eased.

Chan Lian saw that 15 was still looking at her, and there seemed to be a trace of tenderness in his eyes. Chanlian felt a little bitter in her heart and couldn't bear to say bad words to the 15th, so she suddenly turned around and said, "Don't look at it. If you look at it again, I'll be angry..."

said that his eyes were full of tears, and above his long eyelashes, there was a layer of crystal clear.

"Cun Lian, what's wrong with you..." Chan Lian suddenly turned around, 15 was stunned for a moment, and then woke up and hurriedly asked Chan Lian.

"It's okay, let's move on..." Chan Lian whispered.

"Oh..." 15 scratched his head, and then looked at the corridor carefully.

The corridor is not spacious, and it seems that only one person can pass through. The temperature here is completely different from that of the rear cave, and it is opposite to the two extremes. It is a little cold and cool. Moreover, the strangest thing is that the magma in the cave is no longer easy to enter when it reaches the entrance of the tunnel.

15 secretly smacked his tongue: "This corridor seems to have some kind of prohibition, isoling magma and hot air..."

He nodded and said, "Cun Lian, let's go..."

"Um..." Chanlian turned around, secretly wiped the corners of his eyes while he was not paying attention, and said fiercely in his heart, "That's it, that's it, that's it..."

The corridor is a little gray, which is not as bright as the cave outside. The wet and moist rock wall has been covered with moss. 15 walked ahead and slowly explored. The further you go in, the more you feel, the more you feel, because there seems to be a layer of murder in the air...

Yes, it's murderous.

If 15 is right, there must be an extremely strong monster at the end of this corridor. The roar from the mouth of the cave should be made by it.

Only fifteen people entered this corridor, and it was no longer possible to hear it, only the almost disgusting murderous atmosphere floating in the air.

"15, what does this taste like?" Chanlian suddenly took 15's hand, as if she was a little worried.

"This is murderous..." Wu frowned and shook Chanlian's little hand back. Her hands are extremely silky, as if they had been washed in milk.

Chanlian was held back by 15's big hands, and her body couldn't help trembling. She hesitated whether she should retract her hand, but she heard 15 continue to say: "The murderous atmosphere condenses into essence, which is this taste..."

"Killing gas condenses into substance?" Chanlian was stunned and finally gave up, allowing 15 to pull her like this.

"Yes... I don't know how to explain this. In the depths of this corridor, there must be an extremely powerful existence. Even I may not be its opponent. You can hold the jade card in your hand first. Once there is danger, you can escape..."

What 15 said was extremely solemn. Chan Lian listened and wanted to laugh at 151, saying that she had been holding the jade card in her hand, but suddenly she heard an unusual smell from his words.

At this moment, he said, "15, what about you?"

"Me? Hey, of course, I'm going to break through..." 15 licked his lips and had the power of nature. No matter who the other party is, let's do it first.

"No, let's go together..." Chan Lian suddenly said angrily.

Fifteen took a pause and suddenly turned around and looked at Chan Lian. Chanlian didn't seem to react yet and almost bumped into 15's arms. She said coquettishly, "Why did you suddenly stop..."

Chan Lian was a little annoyed and withdrew her hand. But 15 smiled and was about to say something, but at this time, there was an earth-shaking roar from the depths of the corridor behind him.


The loud sound was enough to break people's eardrums. The pupils of 15 and Chanlian shrank in an instant, and the violent shaking had reached where they were standing.

"It's not good..." Fifteen was shocked and hurriedly looked back. The corridor had reached the end of a corner, and there was a huge rock hand pulling out the corridor.

15 looked at the huge hand constantly squeezing the rock wall at the entrance of the corridor, and the back ridge was cold. I didn't expect that the big guy to have such wisdom.

But in order to find the spiritual weapon flying sword, they had no choice. 15 said, "Chun, you step back..."

Chan Lian stepped back a few steps when she heard the words. Fifteen slowly raised her dagger, and then a bright light burst out on the dagger, "The secret of leading the sword..."


The Taoist airflow rotated endlessly, and a small tornado suddenly appeared on the giant hand. On the tornado, there were countless swords.

"Bum, bang..."

The sword spirit flowed on the small whirlpool generated by the sword's pride, cut on the monster's giant hand, a burst of debris dance, and the monster's hand was quickly cut off half.


The monster was in pain and obviously did not believe that there was such a powerful figure in this corridor. It suddenly withdrew its giant hand, then stepped back a few steps, staring at the corridor in an instant.

15 let Chan Lian stay here, and then rushed out first.

This rush out, the monster's giant hand raised and fell again, as if it did not give him any chance to backhand.


The place where 15 stood immediately recessed into a three-meter-long pit, and the rock monster was so powerful and horrible. He narrowly dodged, but thought about how to deal with the enemy.

15 looked around roughly. This is a grassland, round, several times larger than the previous cave. What surprised him more was that there was a blue sky and white clouds above the grassland, which was obviously outside the cave. It's just surrounded by cliffs and vines, looking down from the sky like a dry well.

He hurriedly searched around without any abnormality. He was waiting to search for himself, but the monster rock attacked again.

"Boom..." The monster's fist is 15 people's size, not to mention its whole body. It is five or six feet to that station, and its strength is more amazing than that of the fire rock monster.

If this monster fights with the fire rock monster, I'm afraid it can sweep them all with one punch.

Nine death, it's really nine death. At that time, the four words written on the fork road were completely realized by 15. The rock monster was simply horrible. At this moment, it was difficult to move it at 15. Except for the beginning, when the rock reached out like a corridor, he hit half of its fist.

At this time, 15 didn't even have time to use the sword formula. At this moment, he was being crushed by the huge rock.

PS: Ask for a red ticket...