
[Chapter 302 The First Man in Tianshan]

(first update)

The arrival of Feiling made the awkward atmosphere of 15 and Yiyi suddenly melt away. Yiyi also showed a bright smile. For Feiling, she still regarded him as friendly as a big brother.

"Haha, fifteen brothers, you have finally come. It has been more than half a month since the battle of Crescent Bay. You have made us wait so long, especially..." Fei Ling looked at Yiyi with a smile.

Yiyi saw that the eldest brother laughed at her and sneered. The capital was almost lowered to his chest, and his cheeks were as bright as the maple leaves in Fengqiao Town.

"Haha, Yiyi, if other disciples see your appearance, you will definitely fall off your chin..." Fei Ling continued to talk about Yiyi.

Yiyi snorted and said, "Who dares to listen? Be careful that I let them not eat for a month..."

Fei Ling and Shiwu were surprised and embarrassed. They actually looked at each other and then laughed.

"Fifteen brothers, why don't we talk about the past later? The master asked you to go there quickly..." Fei Ling suddenly changed his look and said seriously. The virtual sword is unparalleled in Feiling's heart, and he is also the first immortal in Tianshan. He is respected and afraid in his heart.

It's just that 15 is different from him. He is very comfortable and doesn't care how powerful anyone is. If he doesn't want to do something, ten cows can't pull him.

But this nihilistic sword is an exception. Not to mention that he is the eldest brother of the fifteenth, he also helped a lot about Liu Yuan and Xiaowu, not to mention that Xiaoqi was also taken to Tianshan by him.

What did you say? You have to see him on the 15th and said, "Brother Feiling, just take me there..."

Feiling nodded and came to the edge of the middle peak. Feiling set up the sword light, wrapped the fifteen and Yiyi, and quickly flew to the swordless peak.

Swordless Peak is a private mountain without sword. Without his permission, even the head cannot approach without authorization. Fifteen was wrapped in Feiling's sword light, and his whole body was indescribably relaxed and happy, flying between several peaks, which was really wonderful.

Originally, there was a transmission array between the peaks of Tianshan Mountain, but it was not Ling who drove the sword light in order to reach the swordless peak faster. Sure enough, with a swuttering, he felt that his feet had stood on the ground.

Feiling put away the sword light, and the fifteenth has begun to look around, surrounded by ethereal clouds and smoke, and the fairy spirit is even more entangled in it, making people feel like a fairyland.

The whole peak of Wujian Peak is towering and steep, and there is no thing at the bottom of the cliff, such as a knife-cut rock wall, but if you look carefully, you will find that the whole mountain is like a huge sword of heaven.

"Fifteen brothers, how about this swordless peak? This is carved by the master with sword spirit..." Fei Ling said, but there was a trace of pride in his eyes.

Carved with sword spirit? What a big hand! Such a huge mountain is only carved with sword spirit, and it is on top of the peaks with different internal textures.

As we all know, there is soil and sand in a mountain... No matter how strong the sword is, it is impossible to cut down the four sides of the swordless peak into a cliff composed of rocks.

Looking at the surprise in his fifteen eyes, Fei Ling continued to explain: "This swordless peak is a flying rock peak that falls from the sky, which is composed of rocks from beginning to end... Therefore, the master can cut it into a sword..."

It turned out to be a flying peak, and it was also a huge rock from heaven. 15 then nodded puzzledly and walked with Fei Ling to the empty sword of Cuizhuju.

The Xuwu Sword is located at the highest point of Wujian Peak, which has a huge lake, which is full of green bamboo on all sides, and the Xuwu Sword also built an extremely simple bamboo house on the edge of the lake.

In front of the bamboo house is a small lawn, with a round stone table on the grass and a pot of tea on the stone table. The bamboo house is laid simple, with a bamboo table, two bamboo chairs, and a futon. There is a pair of words hanging on the innermost bamboo wall, but there is only one word on it, which is "Tao".

When Feiling came with 15 and Yiyi, the nihilless sword was standing in front of the word "Tao" and meditating silently, as if the soul came out of the shell, motionless.

"Here you are..." After several people walked into the bamboo house, the virtual sword turned around and looked at 15.

A cloud-like white hair poured down, and his eyebrows were as white as snow, and there seemed to be no ripples in his indifferent eyes. Fifteen was stunned for half a sound. It was still that he saw the cheek of the nihilistic sword so close that it was like a piece of warm jade that no one would have thought that such a figure with such a young face would be an old man hundreds of years old at this moment.

"Brother?" After a long time, I finally came out with two words. Although the nihilistic sword did not show any immortal pressure, 15 still felt a little nervous. I don't know why this is. He always feels uncomfortable with the nihilless sword.

"Little brother... Can't you remember your memory anymore?" Xuwu Sword seemed to be particularly kind. Fifteen was Lin Zhenzi's new disciple, and Xuwu Sword treated him like his own younger brother.

I don't know what to say about this memory. His memory is undoubtedly shattered by the power of void, but everyone who met him said that this memory could not be recovered. Before entering Crescent Bay, 15 may feel that it is true that it cannot be recovered, but since he regained the power of nature, he has changed his mind.

If you can find a piece of broken jade again and absorb the power of heaven, you will definitely be able to recover some of your memory. If you can find it completely, I'm afraid you may be able to recover completely.

"I can't say this clearly, but I believe that my memory should be able to recover..." 15 nodded, said, and said, and I was not very nervous. What if I saw a fairy? He was also transformed by a mortal.

"Okay..." Xu Wujian nodded slightly, and then said to Fei Ling and Yiyi, "You two go out first. I have something to say to my little brother..."



Feiling and Yiyi looked at each other and retreated respectfully. When they exited the bamboo house, the nihilless sword said, "How do you feel about your body? Half a month ago, you were devoured by the power of heaven. If it hadn't been for the Black Prison Demon King, you would have been burned to death by that force..."

15's heart beat fiercely, but this nihilless sword also knows the power of heaven and the black prison demon king?

Seeing that 15 was a little nervous, Xu Wujian slowly said, "I didn't know at first, but later I learned from my master that you said that you were a variable in the future..."

Hearing the news of the power of the godless sword is from Lin Zhenzi, and his heart is also slightly relaxed. Although he has not collided with a person who really coveted the power of heaven, from the skull of the crystal god in Crescent Bay, this power of heaven has a great attraction for gods and demons. .

Of course, you should be careful when you have suffered a lot, so as not to be noticed and fall into eternal disaster.

"Brother, do you know anything about the power of the sky?" 15 asked, if you can't see Mr. Lin, it is also a reason to ask about the empty sword. But who knew that the virtual sword shook his head and said, "I know a limited thing. If I don't break through to the world without a sword, I can't touch this layer of secrets..."

Fifteenth, what does the nothing sword mean?

"The reason is a long story. You just need to remember that everything is fixed, and you must not go against your heart..." He looked at the fifteenth with a sword and kindness, and there was a smile on his cheeks, which is a love and guidance for the back.

15 nodded incomprehensiblely. He asked, "Brother, is that Xiaoqi also in Tianshan?"

Xu Wujian nodded, turned around, and looked at the huge "Tao" on the wall. He said, "Xiaoqi is now practicing in the alien fairyland, and it's not the time for you to meet..."


"15, remember what I said, everything is doomed. At that time, you have to know how to restrain..." The nihilless sword said solemnly.

But 15 suddenly found a problem. Is this nihilless sword too old-fashioned? Is it that Jiuxiandao and I have the same idea? Such an idea suddenly popped up in the heart of 15.

The virtual sword is a fairy, and of course it is closest to the origin, but for ordinary people like Jiuxiandao on the fifteenth, he seems too rigid and stubborn.

15 sighed and always wanted to quit quickly, but who knew that Xu Wujian told him a lot of things that he didn't understand.

PS: Ask for a red ticket...