
[Chapter 306 Demon]

(Second update)

Walking out of the mountain gate, a trace of cunning flashed on Chanlian's face. As the uncle of the young disciple of Tianshan School, he naturally had fewer restrictions on the door, so he could swagger out of the mountain gate without any obstruction.

Every disciple who becomes an inner door has a inner disciple token engraved with his own name, which is also the root cause of the inability of others to impersonate.

"Qianhong, your identity is still very useful. It seems that if I want to go down the mountain in the future, I will come to you... Hee hee..." Chan Lian patted 15 on the shoulder and looked very cute.

He nodded at 15 o'clock and hurriedly stayed at a certain height. He, who had just learned to fly with the sword, had not brought others. This time, it was somewhat dignified.

He said, "Cunlian, I just learned to fly with the sword. I may not be able to fly with people. Do you really want to take it?" How many catties? 15 himself knows in his heart that he is not afraid, but afraid of "in case".

"What does that matter? At worst, we will fall together..." Chanlian said relaxedly, as if she was fearless, but she wanted to be relieved by this in her heart. If the fifteenth imperial sword has an accident, she has no regrets and can fall with the fifteenth, and she doesn't have to bear any responsibility. If she is lucky enough to survive, it is also her fate.

No matter how the sword is in crisis, Chanlian has to ride. There are some secrets in her heart that can't be humane to the outside world, so she also takes this opportunity to vent.


"Okay, Qianhong... It doesn't matter, I'm not afraid..." Chan Lian said firmly, with a little crystal in her beautiful eyes.

After watching it for a long time, he nodded and said, "Then I'll try my best to control it..."

The gray-black Yuanmu sword slowly hung in front of the two under the control of 15. 15 jumped first, and then pulled Chan Lian to the sword. After both of them stood firmly, his thoughts flowed, and the Yuanmu sword slowly floated up.

"Chandian, let's go..." 15 suddenly took Chanlian's hand, with two fingers in his right hand, and the wooden sword rushed forward like an arrow.

"Haha, the Royal Sword Flying..." 15 controlled the source wood sword and quickly sank into the clouds, like a gust of wind bringing layers of clouds.

The wind sounded, and the clouds and fog around it were getting faster and faster. I don't know how long it took, 15 looked around a few times, but nothing but a vast area of white.

"Chun, let's go down a little more, and it seems that we can't see anything in the clouds..." 15 said, and the wooden sword he controlled has dropped rapidly.

"Hu..." Like a light breaking through the clouds, it quickly flew to the low sky. Fifteen looked around and saw the vast mountains like a lying beast. Looking at the air again, it is cloudy at this moment. I haven't noticed any abnormality in the clouds. I rushed out of the clouds and suddenly had an unknown premonition.

"Qianhong, what's going on here?" Even Chan Lian found something unusual. Her beautiful eyes moved slightly, and her hand was tight and tight.

"Demon spirit..." 15 frowned. At the moment when he rushed down the clouds, he already felt that in this area, it was full of demonic spirit, and it was not too much to describe it as demonic spirit.

"Where have we been now? It should be far from Tianshan, right? Chan Lian said.

"It should be..." The perception of 15 emanated, and the perception was intertwined with the demonic spirit, but no abnormality was found. That is to say, there is no blood in this area except for the strong demonic atmosphere, which temporarily reassures 15.

"I flew in the direction of the Song Dynasty with my flying sword. The words here are likely to be the Yan Dynasty north of the Song Dynasty..." 15 pondered for a while.

"Yan Dynasty? Is this the Yan Dynasty? Chanlian nodded, "From the geographical point of view, it is indeed the Yan Dynasty... Our Tianshan Mountain is located in the northwest of the Central Plains, the south of the Yan Dynasty in the north, the Qin Dynasty in the west, and the Song Dynasty in the east..."

"Chan Lian, let's go down and have a look. I always feel that this area is a little strange..." 15 controlled the wooden sword and slowed down. His perception in mid-air was emitted again. The lower it went down, the concentration of demonic energy became.

"What's this?" As the speed of flight slowed down, Chanlian saw a clear lake with a huge outline in the lake.

Huh? What is that?" Fifteen followed Chanlian's eyes. The lake was clear and there were no obstacles, but looking down in the air, there was a huge python in the middle of the lake at this moment. The python was lurking at the bottom of the water, suspected that the head was slowly exhaling slight bubbles. The bubble floated to the surface of the water and broke in an instant, floating out of a fog of different colors from the surroundings.

"Demon spirit?" Looking carefully, it was the demon gas spewed out by the python dormant in the water, but the demon spirit just emerged from the bottom of the water with a silky scarlet, but slowly faded after emanating in the air.

"Qianhong, is that a monster?" Chanlian asked.

"That's true..." He nodded at fifteen o'clock, and he had now controlled the wooden sword to fly towards the lake. However, at this moment, the lake suddenly surged, and a huge scale tail suddenly rose up, as if there were eyes, sweeping the fifteen and Chanlian who was slowly falling.

"Oh, we woke up the monster..." He shouted loudly and hurriedly controlled the wooden sword to fly away and stayed in the air. He could not use his real strength.

"Ah..." When the fifteenth said, it was too late. The huge scale tail swept over, as if there was a great force.


In the middle of 15 and Chanlian, the two of them were swept away by the scale tail and rushed out like lightning.

"Chen Lian..." 15 was shocked. Although the scale tail had swept them, at a time of crisis, he controlled the wooden sword into a huge branch to resist the scale tail. Although it blocked part of the power, the remaining huge power still shocked him and Chan Lian out.

From this, we can see the extremely powerful strength of the monster.

"Elongation..." 15 was shaken into the air, and so was Chan Lian. He hurriedly held the Yuanmu sword in his hand, and then quickly stretched the sword and wrapped it around Chanlian.


A sound of breaking wind came, and Chan Lian only felt that her waist was tight. Suddenly, a vine had entangled her, and then an upward force came from the vine. She suddenly turned around and found that the fifteenth was close at hand.

"Chand, don't let go..." 15 shouted loudly, quickly holding Chan Lian in his arms, and then both of them fell down.

"Qianhong, am I going to die?" Feeling the sudden sound of the wind in my ears, the whole person fell empty, and suddenly there was all kinds of tenderness in Chanlian's heart.

For her, this may be a kind of relief, so looking at the solemn cheek of 15 at this moment, she will indulge herself and pour out feelings that have been suppressed.

"What can we say, we won't die..." Although 15 frowned, he seemed particularly calm. In the air, he can't control the sword again, but with the flexible nature of the source wood sword, it is not easy to be killed.

"Go..." When it was only dozens of feet away from the ground, 15 quickly pointed down the source wooden sword, and tens of millions of vines gushed down like spiritual snakes.

"Boom..." The vines were directly inserted into the ground, and a burst of smoke and dust filled them, and the speed of 15 people's fall suddenly decreased several times. Then, 15 clenched the source wood sword and bent quickly. The curved source wooden sword suddenly gushed out an upward force, which slowed down the speed of the two people falling again.

When it reached a certain height, the fifteenth suddenly withdrew the sword, and then the two landed safely on the ground.

"Wow..." He exhaled a long breath, and 15 suddenly sat on the ground. When he fell down earlier, he seemed to be extremely relaxed, but in fact he almost exhausted his energy. If there was an oversight at that time, he and Chanlian would have fallen into a pile of mud.

"Are you all right, Chan Lian..." 15 calmed down and stood up again. At this moment, Chan Lian seemed to be a little silent? Fifteen looked at her, and Chanpei's eyes seemed to be full of confusion, loneliness, joy and despair...

"Cun Lian, what's wrong with you? We are still alive, you..." Looking at Chan Lian, he suddenly felt that there was too much wrong with Chan Lian. Since the first encounter, Chanlian always likes to ask, "Who in the world will not die?" At this moment, after experiencing life and death, she has become so haggard? What secrets are hidden in her heart?

"Cchan Lian, what can I do for you? If I can help, I..." As 15 said, Chanlian covered his lips, and then a different smile appeared on his face, which seemed to be full of sadness and nostalgia.