
[Chapter 312 Entering the Space Gap Again]

"Human world? Maybe..." He nodded, but his expression was extremely lonely. Because he doesn't even know his origin.

"Human world? In the world?" Dad's eyebrows suddenly frowned, "Are you sure you are from the world?"

I was surprised, but I didn't know how to explain it: "I did come from the world, and the reason why I was injured was that I met that guardian Python Warcraft..."

"Dad, that's fierce..." Hearing 15 talking about the python demon, Xiaoqing immediately pulled her father's arm and whispered. But 15's ear power was so keen that Xiaoqing's words fell into his ears word for word.

Dad nodded, which put down his doubts and said, "Young man, since you are from the world, you are our guest. Mumian Village welcomes you..." With that, Dad put his hands together and made a prayer on his chest, and Xiaoqing beside him also put his hands together with a very sincere look.

As soon as 15 was about to speak, Xiaoqing said, "Brother Qianhong, are you really from the world? What does the world look like? Is it fun?

The question 15 can't be answered in any case. At the time of the world, he is either fighting or recovering from injuries or on the road. How can he have time to have a good time to play? Originally, when I learned to fly with the sword, I could enjoy the great mountains and rivers everywhere, but I didn't know that I met Xuanye halfway, and then fought against the python demon, and finally fell here.

15 shook his head and said that he couldn't say, "by the way, Miss Xiaoqing, uncle, is there anyone else you saved besides me?"

"What Xiaoqing girl, just call me Xiaoqing..." Xiaoqing's cheeks turned red and she whispered annoy.

15 nodded obediently, and Dad said strangely, "What? Young man, is there anyone else besides you?

"There should be. I was with my eldest brother. The two of us fought with the python demon and were finally sucked into the space channel. Are we separated?" The last sentence is completely self-tagging.

What he said earlier has stunned the father and daughter. Xiaoqing said in a trembling voice, "Brother Qianhong, have you really fought fiercely?"

"Damn..." 15 was shocked. Since the father and daughter knew the python demon, and the python demon also said that he was a guardian, didn't they have an extraordinary position in their minds, but at this moment, the python demon was beaten to pieces by 15.

Fifteen panicked, but the words had been said, and it was not easy to take it back. He said, "Well, my eldest brother and I had a fight with it..."

Before the fifteenth was finished, the father and daughter knelt on the ground and put their hands together, like the most devout believers in the temple. 15 was completely dumbfounded. He quickly helped the two up: "What are you doing?"

"Warrior, guest, you are a real warrior..." Dad seemed to be very excited. He took 15's hand, his eyes were full of light, and Xiaoqing beside him was also dizzy and blushed.

15's eyes widened, but he didn't know what was going on. Instead, his father explained, "This guest, you don't know that our original world is an independent world. There is only one channel connected to your world, and the exit of this channel is fiercely. So if our world wants to go to the world, we must pass through the fierce territory... Alas..."

Dad sighed and said, "From ancient times to the present, they have been the guardians of our world. We worship every year, and it is extremely convenient to travel to the world. However, just ten years ago, the sudden addition suddenly changed its appearance and became extremely cruel. As soon as someone approaches, they will take it. Devoured... so that the original world is isolated from the world..."

"Later, several big countries in the original Chinese world organized warriors to go there every year, hoping to defeat the fierce and return my passage smoothly, but no one has come back alive for ten years... But you have been able to fight with the fierce fierce, and you have only suffered some injuries and have not lost your life, which is enough to be a warrior..."

It turns out that the people in this space floating gap are trapped here by the python demon, and the people here have also developed a habit over time. However, anyone who has the courage to challenge fiercely will be named warriors, and the 15th is a fierce battle, but survived, much stronger than those warriors who have died.

The word "warrior" is also well deserved.

After saying that, Dad wanted to bow down again, but was stopped by the 15th. He said shyly, "Actually, I'm just lucky. Maybe I entered the space channel in time so that I won't be swallowed..."

15 laughed, I don't know whether it's true or not, but he can't stand the big gift of father and daughter.

I asked about some more information on 15th, and finally got a little understanding of this original Chinese world. The original world is similar to the world of Cangshen, and the time is consistent with the world, but this Yuanhua world is slightly more special than the world of Cangshen. In this world, if judged by the seasons, it will come one to two months later than the world. That is to say, when the heavy snow on the earth enters winter, the original Chinese world is still around the Mid-Autumn Festival.

He walked out of the wooden house and looked up, surrounded by autumn scenery.

Of course, the original Chinese world is not like the world of God. Most of the people living here are human beings, and only the distant wilderness has monsters. The place where human beings live is divided into three countries, one is the Chongyang Kingdom in the north, the other is the Panzi Kingdom in the east, and the last is the Chiqiu Kingdom where the 15th is located...

"Chi Qiuguo? Chi Qiuguo?" The name of this country is very familiar in the mind of 15th, because this is the country where Su Li is located. In addition, the sun and moon conch emitted faint light to guide before the coma, doesn't it mean that another conch is here?

I took care of all my thoughts. This Chiqiu country is indeed Su Li's country, but I don't know where to look for Su Li, because his sun and moon conch disappeared for some reason.

15 rubbed his head. At this time, the sunset had fallen, and there was a different peace in this small village.

"Driving..." 15 was looking at the sunset, but suddenly he heard a rapid sound of horses' hoofs. He looked up and saw several young people running towards the sunset.

Hearing the sound of horses' hoofs, the villagers in the wooden house have poked their heads out, with gentle smiles on their faces, thinking that the young man has their sons or grandchildren.

"Do..." Several young men tightened their reins and quickly disembed the horse. Their posture was extremely skillful. It seemed that these people were all good at horses.

"Xiaoqing, Xiaoqing, uncle..." A loud voice suddenly came from the young man. Looking at it, he saw a burly young man carrying a sika deer on his shoulder and quickly coming this way.

Hearing the young man's shouting, Xiaoqing quickly came out of the wooden house and said with a smile, "Brother Yanhu, have you come to send prey again? How embarrassing is this?"

"Alas... What does it matter? As long as Xiaoqing likes it..." The big young man named Yanhu smiled brightly, but suddenly caught a glimpse of 15 and raised his eyebrows and said, "Who are you? What are you going to do in our Mumian Village? What's your intention?"

The rock tiger opened his eyes angrily and looked evil. He quickly threw the sika deer on the ground, pulled out a firewood knife from his waist, and looked at the fifteen warily.

"Brother Yanhu, Brother Yanhu... Brother Qianhong is not a bad person, he is the patient I told you the day before yesterday..." Xiaoqing quickly stopped in front of 15 and explained, and then Yanhu snorted coldly and took the firewood knife back.

Although he took back the firewood knife, Yanhu pulled Xiaoqing aside and whispered, "Xiaoqing, you and your uncle should be careful. Now our Chiqiu Kingdom is fighting with Chongyang Kingdom. If the spies sneak in, it will be very bad..."

Yanhu looked at the beauty of the fifteenth life, and Xiaoqing looked at him from time to time, as if he was envious and happy. He was anxious, so he used a method to arrange the fifteenth.

"Brother Yanhu, rest assured that Brother Qianhong is not a spy of Chongyang. He comes from the world and accidentally bumped into our world..." Xiaoqing explained to Yanhu and secretly glanced at fifteen more. But 15's ears were so sharp that their voices fell into his ears word for word. He can't do anything about the suspicion of the rock tiger.

"How do you know that he is from the world? If he lies, how can you tell the difference? Yanhu seemed to give up and continued to ask.

"He knows nothing about our world, and Brother Qianhong also knows something about the world. I don't think it's pretending, and he has verified these fathers..."

15 has indeed not visited the world, but it can also say one or two, which is the best evidence for Dad and Xiaoqing who have been trapped in the original Chinese world, because their understanding of the world is extremely rare. Since 15 can say one or two, it means that what he said is true.

PS: Ask for red tickets...