
[Chapter 323 Make a scene]

In the world, when Su Li told 15 herself that she wanted to sacrifice her happiness for the country, the soul of 15 seemed to leave her body. Although he has never seen Su Li, he doesn't know when his emotion has become as clear as Puyu. This may be the deeper love mentioned by Bai Xue or Yiyi...

When he came to the original world, when he learned that this place was Chiqiu Kingdom, it was even more difficult to control the mood of 15th, because Su Li was here, because the Su Li he longed for was in Chiqiu Kingdom and was willing to pay for her ideals.

The princess's marriage is a major event for the whole country, but because the war is imminent, this grand event can only be simple. From the king's point of view, compared with the neighboring Pan Ziguo and his relatives, there is no difference in nature between the two, both of which are guided by interests.

Of course, the premise is that Xuanye alone can match Pan Ziguo's million masters. If it had been put before, the king might not have cared, but now, after confirming that Xuanye was the first warrior to defeat the fierce, all the concepts have changed. Being able to defeat the fierce increase also means that it is not a problem for one person to fight against thousands of people, and Xuanye is brave and resourceful. It is much better to get a son-in-law than to send his daughter to the country to avoid disasters. The latter can be saved for a time at most, and the former can be said to save a lifetime, and even under the leadership of Xuanye can expand the territory. .

Why don't you do this?

As a king, he should treat all the people as his own children. Although he spoiled Princess Yanyue, he had no choice but to sacrifice her. However, Xuanye's appearance gave Chi Qiuguo a hope. More importantly, Princess Yanyue seems to have feelings for him... In this way, he can make the princess Happy and able to be rich and strong in Chiqiu, in this way, it is easy to distinguish who wins and who is inferior.

Therefore, when Xuanye proposed marriage to the king, the king readily agreed, and the auspicious day of marriage was the next day.

However, Princess Yanyue, who learned the news, had a deep lock on her eyebrows. Perhaps Xuanye had the same name as the person she longed for, and also had a common token between the two, but she never felt the feeling of pounding. Instead, it was the later human talent Qianhong, which made her feel shocked. At the same time, a familiar feeling came to my mind.

And the human talent named Qianhong is like a mold engraved with the dream in her mind... So at the moment she saw the fifteenth, she muttered that the people in the dream came to reality.

When the auspicious time was approaching, Princess Yanyue was dressed in purple and sat alone in embroidery**, quietly in a daze, looking at herself in the bronze mirror on the opposite floor, with a little haggard.

When the Chongyang Kingdom and Chiqiu Kingdom fought at war, the king was already depleted, and she also worked extremely hard. Originally, she planned to marry a neighboring country for Chiqiu for a moment of peace, but after several changes, the talent between one person finally fell from the sky. When she learned that he was the "fifteenth son", she was simply gentle and quiet at an unusual time and couldn't wait to meet the person she longed for, but when she saw him, she couldn't help but be a little disappointed, because that person was not the "fifteenth son" she was familiar with until he took out another conch...

Princess Yanyue's heart was full of sadness and joy, and she didn't know what to do. From that moment on, although the "fifteenth son" in the world loved her and was obedient and tender to her, Princess Yanyue had never been really happy, and even the "fifteenth prince" held her hand without a trace several times, and was gently rejected by her. For a person who has no feelings, even if he has a conch as a token, Princess Yanyue began to doubt it.

It was not until the person in her dream came to reality that Princess Yanyue's heart was more difficult to calm down. That breath, that voice, that familiar face, that kind of heartbeat in the face of conch, in the face of later human talents, suddenly all surged up to my heart, but when she learned that his name was Qianhong, Princess Yanyue looked disappointed...

Princess Yanyue sat in a daze, and Feng Guanxia beside her didn't even want to look at it. At this juncture, how should Princess Yanyue choose is extremely important, national or personal happiness?

However, she seems to realize something. If the "fifteen prince" who wants to become him is pretended by others, not to mention that she will put her life in, but also push the country to the pit of fire...

Princess Yanyue clenched her embroidered fist, and she suddenly took out a half-palm-sized conch from her arms. The pimples on it made him unable to put it down. Her lips opened gently and said quietly, "Sixteenth son, Su Li is very distressed. If you can hear it, can you help Su Li..."

When the voice fell, she walked out of the bedroom without looking back. The Feng Guanxia lay there without moving.

He walked quickly in the corridor of the palace and saw that he was about to arrive at the palace hall where the marriage ceremony was held. His hands could not help but be clenched, because he was too forceful and his fingers were white.

However, at this moment, a voice resounded in his ear: "Firteenth son, Su Li is very distressed. If you can hear it, can you help Su Li..."

" Su Li?" Fifteen's heart tightened, and he was stunned for half a sound. Then he ran to the nearby courtyard and couldn't help looking at the sky, as if he could find clues.

Only the result disappointed him.

"Suli..." 15 lowered his head and muttered for a while, but suddenly thought that Yanyue was mainly married to Xuanye, and Princess Yanyue was most likely to be Su Li, so he quickly ran to the hall.

"Never mind..." 15 felt that he was running too slowly and quickly took the Yuanmu sword from his waist. Due to the rebellious power the day before, his body was still in disorder at this moment. His own strength was less than half of the previous one, but it was still more than enough to control the flying sword.

The fifteen imperial sword flew quickly. His action had already shocked the busy slaves and maids around them, and some people even smashed everything in their hands to the ground.

The square in front of the council hall of the Kingdom of Chiqiu Kingdom is full of people. The innermost part of the square is near the side of the council hall, and a wide platform has been built. Although the princess's marriage has been simplified again and again, the thin camel is bigger than the horse. Anyway, it is the princess of Chiqiu Kingdom. Of course, it can't be too shabby. .

People come and go in the square, but only a few people on the high platform. Among them, Xuanye, the king was in sight, but the two kings seemed particularly anxious.

"Where's the princess? How about it? The auspicious time is coming... Xiao Gao, go and have a look..." The king paced back and forth, and his urgent mood was clear at a glance.

It's Xuanye, who is wearing a big red gown and combing his hair in a bun at the moment, and looks very happy.

The king was a little surprised to see Xuanye's calmness. His wife hasn't come yet. Why is he not worried at all... Xuanye is not worried, but it's useless to worry, and he also knows that there will definitely be no peace today.

"My son-in-law, I don't think you're worried at all?" The king finally asked, but he still had time to get Xuanye's answer, only to find that the other party had looked at the sky behind him.

The king was surprised, and then turned his head slightly. This look shocked him, because a man flew in the sky...

15 drove the flying sword and flew quickly from afar. Xuan Ye looked at the 15 standing on the wooden sword, and suddenly there was an indescribable feeling in his heart.

When they came to the original Chinese world, the two brothers were commensurate, and Xuan Ye also regarded 15 as his own brother, but when he came to this original Chinese world, all this changed, and Xuan Ye was no longer himself. The elder didn't know what method he used to implant a wisp of memory fluctuations into his mind in the form of a memory kit, so that Xuanye became extremely evil.

"Brother, I just want to ask you a word..." 15 has stopped in front of Xuanye and the king, and he stood on the wooden sword and had no intention of coming down.

Xuan Ye stared at the fifteenth, and after a long time, he slowly said, "Ask..."

"Why did you pretend to be with me?"

"Pretend? Where does this start?" At this jux, of course, Xuanye can't let 15 mess things up. "It's true that I'm also known as '15', but this is just a surname of the Lei clan. I came to the place where the Lei clan lived for generations. Of course, I have to take this name, and this '15' surname is not taken by myself..."

PS: Hey hey, there is almost a fight, and another group of people will appear...