
[Chapter 326 Shock]

(Second update)

Hunlei Tianjing is the crystal sent by Lin Lao in the world of God at the beginning, and according to Lin Lao, this Hulei Tianjing is a thing of the Lei clan, and it is also a key. As for where it is opened, it is unknown.

15 has been wearing the thunder crystal on his body, but he didn't see anything strange about it. However, at this moment, just as the four-headed bone knife swept his waist and abdomen, it hit the thunder sky crystal in his arms.


After hitting the crystal, the bone knife could no longer enter. The blood splash in the four imagination did not occur, but a pleasant hum came from the blade of the bone knife.

"What is this?" At the touch of the bone knife and the thunder crystal, a thin electric current flowed rapidly and passed along the bone knife to the four-eyed hand.

Although the current is small, it should not be underestimated. Siqi only felt a pain in his arm, followed by a numbness, and the bone knife in his hand suddenly loosened. Seeing the gap of the four gods, the source wood sword quickly turned into a spirit snake, wrapped the bone knife, and then suddenly pulled it, and the bone knife was thrown out by the rattan.

Seeing that the bone knife was taken away by the other party, Siqi came to his senses and retreated sharply to Liuqi's side.

"Strange, strange... Why was I suddenly hit by a powerful electric current just now..." Because the bone knife was taken away, Siwei had to stand on the side of Liuwei with vigilance and look at the fifteen people.

"What's wrong with you? What was hit by the electric current? Just now, you were able to cut off the human with a knife..." Liu Wei was injured, but he could see clearly when he watched the battle. At the last moment, Siyi's hand suddenly shook, and then he loosened, and then the blade was taken away.

"Humph, do you think I'm really a hand mistake? When did you see me miss my hand? The black line on his face was really weird just now.


"I don't know. This feeling is like being wrapped by the artifact current in the cave at the bottom of the lake..." The reason why Siqi feels strange is that the electric stimulation from the fifteen bodies is similar to the artifact stimulation they want to get.

"This is impossible. The sky is still in the cave. How can it appear here?" Liuyi also suddenly became solemn. The purpose of their own industry is to obtain the artifact sealed by Chiqiu Kingdom, and for this reason, they have been sacrificed for many years. Four hundred people will also walk around the original Chinese world and the world for a while, but they will not be too swaggering. After all, it will cause unnecessary trouble and will make him We have lost all our work.

"It's not Huntian, but the weak human body has something related to Huntian. If I'm not right, it should be Hunlei Tianjing..." Siqi narrowed his eyes and couldn't see any expression on his face.

"Hunlei Tianjing? Legend has it that it can collect artifacts from the sky? Liu Wei opened his eyes wide and his eyes flowed around on the fifteenth.

"It's not possible, but it's collected by Hunlei Tianjing, which is a little more guaranteed... Hey hey, I didn't expect that the Hunlei Tianjing, whom we have been searching for, would come to the door by himself..." Siqi licked his lips and licked, "Liuqi, it's time for us to make contributions..."

His eyes were shining. If he hadn't been seriously injured at this moment, I'm afraid he couldn't wait to come forward to capture the thunder sky crystal.

The two monster brothers are completely different from 15 and Xuanye. They are standing side by side, and neither of them speaks. Just now, the bone knife was 15 years old, but he survived. For this reason, Xuan Ye also smelled an unusual smell.

But 15 himself had to be much more indifferent. Of course, he saw the abnormal movement of Hunlei Tianjing just now, but he didn't know why Hunlei Tianjing, who had never moved, chose to protect herself at this moment?

"Lao Lin said that this is a key, and it is related to the guardian artifact of the Lei clan... Is it the guardian artifact of the Lei clan?" The whole body trembled on the 15th. Isn't this Chiqiu Kingdom the sealed place of the sky?

Entering the original world, Hunlei Tianjing has a trace of connection with Hun Tian, thus stimulating its power. The resistance to this knife is caused by the protection of Hunlei Tianjing.

Thinking of this, Fifteen suddenly woke up and took out the thunder crystal from his arms. I don't know when the small thunder above has become much bigger, and bursts of energy linger, and a layer of thunder suddenly appeared around it.

The divine object is different from the spiritual weapon. It is not spiritual, but after getting along with the master for a long time, it will also produce a trace of dangerous perception, so as to protect the master within a certain range.

15 clenched the thunder crystal and felt the power of thunder over it. He suddenly felt as if he had regained the power of thunder.

"This feeling? It's like thunder?"

His eyes were slightly raised, and at this moment, the four-eyed figure hit again. Unexpectedly, he was approached by four, but this time, four did not attack fifteen, but reached out to get the thunder crystal in fifteen's hand.

"Be careful..." The speed of Siqi was simply incredible. When Xuanye reacted, Siqi was already clenched with the hand of 15.

"Hey, let go, or your hand will be pulled off by me..." His face was not good, and there was a trace of madness in his eyes.

15 did not speak, but felt the rhythm of thunder on the thunder crystal. Finally, his eyes suddenly became sharp and shouted: "Earth thunder..."


With two people as the center, several huge thunders suddenly came out of the air. Each thunder is like a giant dragon across the world. When the thunder roars, it is accompanied by the sound of dragons.

15 and Siqi were wrapped by thunder, and there was an endless crackling sound. Thunder seemed to destroy all the things in the package, even its maker.

"I don't believe I can't kill you..." Suddenly, a voice sounded from the thunder, and then a huge whirlpool suddenly appeared, hovering on the whirlpool, and this time there was a trace of thunder.

The fusion of the three forces has caused an extremely heavy impact within a radius of a hundred feet. The trees are uprooted, the birds are frightened, and the mud and land surged in an instant. The loudness is simply unimaginable.

"You want me to die, you are still far away..."

Another voice suddenly came from the whirlpool, anger, humiliation, madness...

The ice and fire whirlpool exerted by 15 is enough to annihilate a master of the realm of God. Coupled with a trace of thunder, the three forces are almost comparable to the three or even four levels of masters of God, and these four powers still have the power of resistance under his power of ice, fire and thunder. I have to say that he is powerful and barbaric. Horizontal.

"Come on, hateful human beings..." The voice roared, and it was difficult for outsiders to see what happened in the whirlpool. Although Xuan Ye was shocked by the strength of the 15th, he was more worried about whether the 15th could defeat the four evil.

According to the conversation between Sixia and Liuxia just now, we can know that they have seven brothers, and they are all from the bottom of the lake. The sudden increase at the entrance of the original Chinese world is controlled by these fourxia. It's just that these four-persons are only the second among the seven people, and the stronger first, and the glazed lord.

"Well, they should be collecting the Lei artifacts..." Xuan Ye's eyes were cold. The fifteen and four acres were wrapped in a whirlpool, and they could not see the war situation at all. However, isn't this a good opportunity to kill six erodes?

The corners of Xuanye's mouth were slightly hooked. Although Sixia was powerful, it was handed over to 15 to deal with. As for this sixxia...

"I see how you escape..." muttering in his heart, Xuan Ye had already rushed to Liuqi with the sword of the Fire God. On the way, Xuan Ye's body suddenly shook, and another figure separated from his body. The figure was shrouded in black, which was difficult to see through. If 15 was here, he would certainly recognize that this was the man in black who attacked him the day before.

"How can humble human beings want to attack me?" When Liu Wei saw Xuanye rushing, he didn't care about his injury and hurriedly gathered his strength to resist. Xuanye's Litian split is personally instilled by the fire elders, and its combat effectiveness is several times stronger than Xuanye himself.

It was difficult to resist in any case. After two rounds, his head was cut off by Xuanye, who was peeping beside him.

Xuanye snorted coldly and looked at the whirlpool made by 15 again. At some point, a gray-black flame ignited on the whirlpool, and a strong and suffocating resentment suddenly spread out.

"What is that?" Xuanye was extremely shocked, but before his words fell, the place where he stood, even the whole Chiqiu country, and the whole Yuanhua world suddenly shook.

PS: Ask for red tickets...