
[Chapter 331 birth]

(Second update)

"Hunlei Tianjing?" An old voice resounded, and with the end of the sound, the energy ball had completely exploded, and the hundreds of years of hard work of the people sitting on the sacrificial artifact were at this time.

How can it not be annoying?

The thunder crystal in the fifteen hands has been smashed in an instant and seems to be integrated into the photosphere, but the photosphere has exploded and has been replaced by a huge network of thunder, which is floating a strange weapon.

Is that the artifact?

It looks very strange, as if several slender wires are intertwined with each other, presenting a spiral, from top to bottom, extremely straight, and the hanging end condenses into a spike, like an upside down ice cone.

A layer of transparent light flashes on it, making it impossible for people to fully distinguish its shape. But this is enough to make everyone flock to it.

The first one to rush forward is a white-haired old man, that is, the old man who spoke when he took out the thunder crystal and destroyed their hundred years of hard work.

He took a deep look at 15 and his eyes were full of anger and murderous intent, but in front of the artifact, he had no choice but to put the matter aside for the time being.

"Glass old ghost, don't you speak credibility? How dare you want to swallow alone?" Another loud voice resounded, and it was the person who had just begun to talk to Xuan Ye.

Before the voice fell, the figure rushed up quickly.

"Huh, boy, do you also want to compete with me for the artifact? Is it still far away?" The old man Liuli shouted fiercely, and suddenly waved his big hand, and a huge powerful hand suddenly appeared and patted him on the cheek.

"Evil?" Seeing the old man's glazed means, the fifteenth heart suddenly cooled down. Such a means, this breath, is obviously a demon...

That is to say, the glass is a demon god...

However, before the glass's huge palm fell, another breath rushed up and stopped it. This breath is similar to glass, and it is also a demon god.

"Huh, Liuli, how dare you want to swallow the artifact alone?" The sound seems a little old. Liuli's eyes turned cold in an instant, and her face trembled slightly. She said in a low voice, "Don't you want to swallow alone?"

"Hahaha, okay... Liuli, that's the case, let's take it by our own ability. No one is allowed to hinder anyone..."

Hearing the words, Liuli's eyes narrowed slightly and nodded. However, at this moment, he suddenly took a huge black bend to cut Mo Fei, but he was not a fool. When Liuli nodded, he also suddenly took action.

The two evil demons collided with each other, so that the cave almost collapsed, but Fortunately, this sealed land was not believed to be so fragile that it could resist the attack of the two evil demons. Obviously, there was a stronger force to protect them.

"Shameless, hum, I knew you would take action..." Liuli said coldly.

"Humph, Liuli, don't think of yourself as noble. Didn't you want to attack me just now? It seems that we can't trust each other. We have sacrificed together for hundreds of years, but it's still the end..." Mo Fei sighed.

"That's also easy to do. If you leave, I'll get the artifact. How can we still be friends at that time..." Liuli's face is not red and his heart is not beating. She just attacked each other for the artifact, but at this moment, she says that she will become a friend. The older a person's cultivation, the deeper and deeper and more unfathomable it is.

Hearing this, he looked at Su Li, but the corners of his eyes suddenly caught a glimpse of Xuan Ye's silence. When the two evil demons confronted each other, he quickly bullied him next to the thunder net.

He condensed a faint inner film in his hand and quickly penetrated into the thunder net, trying to collect the artifact wrapped in the thunder net. However, when his hand touched the huge net, a terrible force came from it.

Xuanye was caught off guard and spit out blood and was suddenly bombed out.

"Big brother..." 15 exclaimed. Although Xuan Ye despised the decree, after all, he was his eldest brother. How could he bear to see him die?

At present, 15 quickly ran to Xuanye's side, but he, who had been seriously injured, was more tired than Xuanye.

"I can't measure my strength..." Liu Li and Mo Fei snorted coldly at the same time. Of course, they saw Xuan Ye's movements with their ability, but they seemed to have a tacit understanding that no one did it, because they just wanted to see the power of the Thunder Net.

However, at this look, they frowned. With Xuanye's strength, there was no room for resistance. If it were the two of them, I'm afraid it would not be so easy to deal with. If Xuanye hadn't tried his life, otherwise the two evil demons would come forward and still suffer a big loss.

"Hey, Liuli, you just saw that if you act carelessly, you will inevitably suffer a big loss..." Mo Fei smiled, and it was not a way for the two to confront each other in the air.

At this moment, although they are not worried, over time, the energy fluctuations emitted by the birth of the artifact will certainly be perceived by powerful beings. At that time, neither of them will expect to collect the artifact.

seemed to realize this, and the two did not say a word and went to the magic soldier in the thunder net together.

However, they all seemed to underestimate the thunder net, and the two evil demons captured it together, but the thunder net suddenly opened a gap, causing the two to suddenly rush in.

This shocked both of them. This thunder net is obviously a sealing array left by a powerful existence, but it can distinguish the strength of the person and make their own judgment. Such a magic array has never been heard and seen...

The two were shocked, but they were not ambiguous. At the same time, they went to the artifact wrapped in the Thunder Net. But the artifact also seemed to be wise and suddenly disappeared in place, causing the two to flop, and at this time, the thunder net changed again.

Inside, thunder tentacles suddenly appeared, and the two of Liuli were stunned and cursed. The sealing array was simply too strange, and the energy flowed endlessly, making both of them angry.

Although the thunder tentacles are mainly entangled, the energy contained in them should not be underestimated. Once touched, even if they are as strong as evil demons, they will suffer a lot of damage.

After a long time, the two evil demons looked extremely embarrassed, but the two of them could not retreat, only to support them in the thunder net.

All of a sudden, the two evil demons have been trapped again, which stunned everyone watching outside the thunder net. This thunder net is so perverted that even the two evil demons can't benefit from it, but when everyone thinks that what is sealed is the powerful artifact in the sky, they have no temper and can only blame. Liuli and Mofei are unlucky and have nothing to do with the artifact.

So, the remaining people were lively. The first person who stood up was the one who was almost slapped to death by the glass. He was the eldest brother of Sixia and Liuxia who was killed by 15 and Xuanye. He appeared red all over, like a blazing flame.

The remaining four people standing beside him are obviously his younger brother, each of whom corresponds to a color. Obviously, the seven brothers correspond to red, orange, yellow, green, blue and indigo, which is consistent with the color of the colorful Holy Spirit.

He looked up and glanced at 15 and Xuanye. Xuan Ye was severely damaged by the thunder net. At this moment, he was lying on the ground, but 15 himself was seriously injured and had no fighting power at all. As for his four brothers, they are all ahead of his horse, and the major task of collecting artifacts is about to fall on his head.

Holding each other's hands, the bones crackled. Judging from the momentum and strength he showed just now, it was obviously not much weaker than the wine fairy road, and even more. Of course, he was more sure to collect the artifact than Xuanye.

Therefore, he rubbed his hands and was eager to try.

"Xian, Xiandi... I'm dying..." Xuan Ye lay down on the ground, as if he was dying. Hearing this, his face turned pale with terrified, and he still remembered that the homage was still vivid in his mind. However, at this moment, Xuanye was seriously injured and difficult to recover?

"Actually, I don't want to collect this damn artifact, just because Xuanchu was imprisoned by the fire clan. In the memory bag given to me by the elder, I have understood everything. They actually threatened me to approach you to find the artifact with Xuanchu's life... I died, but the elder's The memory control is so powerful that I have become no longer me..." Xuan Ye said, breathless, reached into his arms, and took out the conch in the fifteenth hand. At this moment, he returned to the original owner, and he looked particularly relaxed.

Fifteen hands clenched the conch, and the heart couldn't bear it, so he hurried to concentrate on the inner spirit in the mind. However, he was devoured by the force of heaven, but he could not operate the inner spirit in any way. He pressed his hand on Xuanye's shoulder and extracted the inner spirit all over his body until his cheeks were red, and a trace of blood penetrated from his face.

PS: There is another update in the evening...