
[Chapter 334 True and False]

(Second update)

The Thunder Net dissipated, and the seal of the artifact was broken.

The artifact that is as straight as an upside down ice cone is shining and emitting infinite light at this moment. However, because the battle between the two evil demons and a god is not far from the floating artifact, no one dares to enter the range of the energy of the three people.

Even if he can't do it, although his strength is not weak, he will certainly not feel good to be affected by the three people with the strength of gods and demons.

However, the three of them dare not go forward, but it doesn't mean that others don't go forward...

Xuanye was blown out by Su Li. He vomited blood and his injury worsened again. However, at the moment when he was bombarded, Su Li seemed to have a trace of consciousness and did not kill him. Otherwise, in front of the throne god, Xuan Ye had already been smashed and ashes disappeared.

Maybe she thinks that Xuanye is the fifteenth eldest brother, or she is so kind that she is so deep-rooted in her mind that she doesn't want to do things, or she can't fully control her power at this moment, which makes Xuanye lucky to escape.

However, no matter what the reason is, it is an iron fact that Xuanye is not dead. He struggled to stand up, as if he didn't care about his injury. There was even an extremely ferocious smile on his face, and he laughed so crazily.

He moved slightly and stood straight again. The sword of Vance seemed to be more red, because it had been stained with a trace of warm blood.

"Litian split..." Xuan Ye's lips moved slightly, and a figure suddenly appeared behind him. This figure is consistent with his own appearance, but compared with the original, it is more silent and wise.

The corners of his mouth hooked slightly, and then the sword of the fire god quickly waved in the air, and then his whole body quickly disappeared from the original place, leaving only a faint shadow.

And the next moment, the place where Xuanye appeared was the place where the artifact floated in the sky. At this moment, the artifact emitted a dazzling light. Xuan Ye narrowed his eyes slightly, saw the direction clearly, and suddenly stretched out his hands to hold the sky.

But at this time, the power of the three gods and demons came quickly like a wave. When they came, they twisted the space, as if the power of the void was about to invade crazily.

Xuanye glanced and ignored it, because the Litian split next to him had quickly opened his hands, and a virtual shadow suddenly appeared around him. Finally, the virtual shadow merged, and a huge space passage suddenly appeared.

"Hahahaha, I didn't expect that the artifact finally fell into my hand..." Xuanye laughed wildly. He held the artifact in his hand and quickly disappeared into the space channel.

At this moment, everyone realized that the artifact had fallen into the hands of others. First of all, Yiqi rushed to Xuanye crazily, regardless of the power fluctuations of the three gods and demons. After all, it was an artifact that he had sacrificed for hundreds of years. Now that he fell into the hands of others, how could he be willing to do it?

However, before he rushed forward, the power of the gods and demons quickly swept him, burst out an outward air wave in an instant, shaking him and spitting blood. After all, he doesn't have the same body as Xuanye and can move through the air. Within the scope of the power of gods and demons, a master can't do it even if he wants to teleport, but Xuanye's split is relatively special and can ignore the space blockade. Otherwise, how can he become the town skills of the fire clan?

Of course, if a master devotes himself to blocking the space, Xuanye's split may be useless, but at this moment, only the power of gods and demons fluctuates, which is like chicken ribs for him. At this moment, Liuli and Mofei are restrained by the other party at the same time. It is impossible for them to withdraw their power at this moment, otherwise not only will everything suddenly become futile, but also they themselves will be suppressed by Su Li.

Therefore, the two have only a dry eye-catching score. As for the three people, with their strength, they can't avoid the fluctuation of the power of gods and demons, let alone have the right to seize the artifact.

So until Xuanye disappeared out of thin air, everyone had no choice. Unexpectedly, the biggest winner in the end was Xuanye...

Thinking of this, Liuli and Mo Fei became more annoyed. I'm afraid it will be difficult to catch up with Xuanye's escape, because if he comes to seize the artifact, there will definitely be someone to respond. Moreover, from the perspective of the space channel where he fled just now, the strength of the responders may not be weak, and even if they catch up with him, they will not benefit.

Therefore, these two evil demons with white beards can only completely bring their anger to Su Li.

"Little girl, if it hadn't been for you, I would have collected it long ago, so in order to compensate for me for not getting an artifact, I will frustrate you to ashes..." Liuli's face was angry. He had never been so angry and has never been so aggrieved.

The artifact that has been sacrificed for hundreds of years, but he didn't expect to fail at the time of success. What makes him even more crazy is that the artifact was actually obtained by outsiders... This kind of blow can't be sustained by everyone.

As soon as the glazed voice fell, his eyes were filled with blood in an instant. He waved his hands, and there seemed to be a roar in the air. The magic flame he controlled suddenly surged wildly and instantly gathered into a big mouth, biting Su Li.

Seeing this, he did not dare to show weakness. He also condensed the magic flame into a big mouth that ate the sky and violently bit Su Li.

The two demon gods are almost crazy, using all their means, regardless of what will happen in the future. Su Li, who was bitten by two big mouths, was simply miserable, and her whole body seemed to be burning with flames.

The purple is exhausted, and the power of the gods has completely gushed out, but how can she withstand the desperate attack of the two demon gods?

"Fifteen..." When she was about to be refined by the fire, Su Li's head suddenly became clear, and then she remembered the fifteen, which had long been dark.

She clenched her red lips, and her eyes flashed with desperate and sad tears, but then she smiled so sadly that the dull space around her seemed to bloom with beautiful flowers.

"Fifteenth son, Su Li died with you..." With that, she no longer resisted the burning magic flame on her body. Because her move also gave the magic flame a chance to break through her defense.


The magic flame burned her body, and Su Li seemed to have suffered the most painful cruel punishment in heaven and earth. The moment her delicate body trembled, she came to the side of 15.

She held the already dark and lifeless 15 in her arms, closed her eyes tightly, and let the magic flame burn both of them into nothing.

However, what surprised Su Li was that she had not been burned to death for a long time. What surprised her more was that the magic flame on her body was gradually fading away, and the pain that pain into the bone marrow also dissipated in an instant.

At this moment, she suddenly heard a faint heartbeat, and a warm breath hit her neck, making her person petrified in an instant.

Su Li suddenly opened her eyes and found that there was a huge thunder net around her, just like the thunder net guarding the sky, blocking all the magic flames of Liuli and Mo Fei.

What's going on?

But this is not the most important thing. The important thing is that the person lying in her arms has had a faint heartbeat and a faint breath. His breath hit his neck, showing the infinite power of life.

Su Li seemed to be demented. She trembled, and an idea suddenly surged into her heart - 15 was not dead, he was still alive, and he was still alive strong.

Feeling the rhythm of the life of the person in his arms, his heartbeat has become faster and faster, and his breathing has become more and more stable. Su Li has a feeling that 15 is like a silkworm chrysalis that is about to break the cocoon into a butterfly. Once he succeeds in turning into a butterfly, he will once again step to a desirable height.

Su Li suddenly cried, and her tears were like a flood bursting, gushing endlessly, and she could not rest for a long time. From sadness to despair, to hope, and finally returned to ecstasy, with great ups and downs. At the moment of relaxation, she has cried into the most crisp tears.

15 still did not wake up, and his body was still black, but his heartbeat and breath told Su Li that he was still alive, but he didn't know why he still didn't wake up.

Not far away, Liuli and Mofei, two evil demons, turned pale instantly when they saw the sudden appearance of the thunder net, because an answer had already appeared in their minds.

PS: Ask for red tickets...