
[Chapter 349 Xuan Ion]

(Second update)

"What I want to tell you is the time gap..."

Time gap? Is there a time gap besides the space gap? Time buoyancy also seems to be a kind of space buoyancy, but how is it different from space buoyancy?

And this is not the first time to hear about this time, because as early as Shangyang City, Jiuxiandao had been mentioned once, but 15 did not regard him as an important thing. However, at this moment, the old man said something wrong and had to make 15 feel surprised.

He didn't say anything, but heard the old man say, "Qianhong, do you know the difference between time gap and space floating gap?" Naturally, 15 will not answer, because he doesn't know the difference between the two at all.

The old man did not seem to expect the answer on the 15th meeting. He continued: "The gap in time, more specifically, is the gap between time and space, that is, the so-called space gap in time and space... Hey, the biggest difference between these space gaps and space and the world is that the time there is completely inconsistent with the world..."

Is the time completely inconsistent? What's going on?

As far as I know, all the floating space time should be consistent with the world. Even the heavenly world and the underground demon world should be on the same timeline as the human world. How can there be a floating gap in the world that is inconsistent with the human world? Because there is something wrong with its existence.

At the beginning of the opening of heaven and earth, the most primitive appearance is the world. It is a combined latitude of time and space, but it is also the most primitive and basic latitude. Space can be opened up again, but can time be opened up again? This is unimaginable for 15th.

The old man's words shocked 15. Although the old man explored him without his own consent, which made him dissatisfied, he still had to ask, "How can time be completely inconsistent?"

"Hey, why are you a little interested in my words?" The old man said leisurely. Seeing that the fifteenth did not answer, he said, "This time is inconsistent, which means that the flow rate of time is different... You may feel that the flow rate of the world is so gentle and untouchable... However, when you are in the gap of time, you also feel the same. When people in two worlds have lived together for a hundred years and compare with each other, there will be no controversy, because both are 100-year-old people and old, but when a person lives in the world or anywhere in the space of time for a hundred years, and then quickly puts them into another world, then the surprise is obvious. It has been clearly distinguished..."

"Do you understand what I mean, Qianhong boy?"

Fifteen frowned and thought hard, as if he didn't seem to understand.

The old man explained: "In fact, it is also easy to understand. You can understand the time of time gap as fast and slow. When it passes quickly, thousands of years have passed, the world may only blinked for a moment. When it passes slowly, the speed of time in the world will increase accordingly, that is to say, the time gap Only a moment later, thousands of years have passed..."

Is this the time gap? Now I understand that this is the reason why it is said to be completely inconsistent with the time in the world. Because the time of the floating gap cannot be inferred by common sense, the moment of time floating gap in the world may have passed thousands of years. On the other hand, the floating gap of time has passed thousands of years.

After listening to what the old man said, 15 immediately fell into meditation. Does the deviation of time about some things you know mean that you can solve it easily?

Is this a settlement?

If Nianfeng Village, where the 15th used to be, is a time gap, then it is still the appearance of the ancient period, but the world has time flies. Ten million years passed? That is to say, it is not an accident, but a necessity to know the ancient characters of 15? Because he used to be in ancient times...

And the broken jade, which was regarded as a meteor, must have appeared more than 300 years ago from the time gap, but those meteors arrived in the world one step earlier than the fifteenth, so that the fifteenth that followed arrived appeared 300 years later...

What a time gap, a time gap that is completely inconsistent with human time!

15 stood still in a stunned manner, as if the questions in his heart had been explained, but he always felt strange. Where was he strange? If he lived in the world for decades or even hundreds of years, and then immediately rushed back to the time gap where Nianfeng Village was located, would the war still continue? Or can he struggle to save it if he has the strength?

Thinking of this, 15's heart couldn't help but feel hot. Although he absorbed a broken jade and injected the power of heaven into the body to restore some memories, these memories were all when he was a child. In any case, he was still a little confused for him, but after all, Fengcun was the place where he was born and raised that year. How could he abandon it? Gu?

Just how to go back? What if the time gap is broken like the world of God? How can he go back?

15 stands quietly, motionless, not even a little mental fluctuation, is this still thinking?

"My intuition tells me that this time gap is very useful to you... I don't know if I'm right?" The old man's voice sounded as if to pull 15 back from his thoughts.

However, 15 did not answer, and he did not want to answer.

"Well, in the whole void, there will not be more than ten time floats... More than half of them are naturally generated at the beginning of heaven and earth, and the time floats forged by people are at most one or two..."

What? Is it so difficult to forge the time gap? Can't even the ancient gods and demons do it? Of course not! Even ancient gods and demons do not have this qualification.

Those who have the ability to forge the floating gap of time can only far surpass the ancient gods and demons.

What kind of existence is that? Is there still such a strong existence in this world? The answer is a mystery... An unknown mystery, because such a character is very close to the god of creation. Although they are not as good as the god of creation, they are not far from each other. Just because they don't know how to use the power of heaven, they can never become or even surpass the god of creation, but after unremitting efforts and Growth must be infinitely close to the god of creation.

15* Without answering, he finally slowly stretched out his hand and took the remnant picture floating in the air in his hand. Starting with the remnant picture, there is a trace of warmth, like baking by the stove for a long time.

He silently put the remnant picture in his arms and was about to turn around and leave, but he seemed to want to ask a question: "How did you lead me here?"

This problem has actually been bothering 15th, because the old man has begun to observe him since he entered the valley of knowledge, but it was one day half a month later that 15th rose a fire because of boredom and was called.

I don't know what means the old man used. Fifteen only felt that the technique of inflammation in his body was beating abnormal, and the old man could also say the source of the fifteen skills as soon as he met. Presumably this was the source, but he really couldn't figure out how the old man did it?

Hearing this, the old man seemed to stroke his white beard and said, "Naturally, it is based on your inflammatory technique..."

He answered lightly, but he was stunned in his heart. He didn't expect that there was still a hidden crisis in this burning technique? The old man used a little trick, and then he came to the door obediently?

seemed to see the idea of 15, and the old man said, "Do you know that the art of Yanxuan has a prospin? You have to spin in it, so I use the pile of fire you gave birth and call it back to make you jump... People are always curious, so I don't worry about you won't come. Of course, if you have learned both the positive and negative spins at this moment, then I can't help it..."

15 was stunned. Just as he was about to ask a question, the old man said, "You want to ask, why do I know the art of Yanxuan clearly, and even the person who passed it on to you may not know it? Hey, of course, it's because this inflammatory spin technique was created by the old man... And the power of the inflammatory spin technique is not only limited to hiding breath. If it is positive and negative practice mutual assistance at the same time, it is easier to make people grow up..."

"Who the hell are you?" 15 was once again shocked by what the old man said, because the 15 used the art of Yanxuan was very clear about the magic of this volume of skills, but the world also thought that this skills were ordinary. It turned out that it was only half a volume of skills.

However, how can a person who can create such a skill be an unknown person?

"Old man? Hey, didn't I tell you? I am the Xuan ion who is as famous as your master, and the Xuan ion is me..."

PS: Let's do two more today...