
[Chapter 356 War II]

(first update)

"Boom..." The virtual shadow of the colorful butterfly seemed to eat fierce **, and a trace of blood-red light suddenly gushed out all over the body. The original colored body suddenly transformed when it was rushing, and the speed was simply shocking.

Butterfly Red is a move above the butterfly spirit, and the reason why it is above the butterfly spirit is that it is more furious than the butterfly spirit, which is equivalent to pouring an extra bucket of oil on the original burning flame, instantly increasing the power of the flame by ten times and a hundred times. However, after the flame is oiled, it can be ten times more violent, but its service life is also reduced, because the strong flame will burn everything that can be burned into ashes in an instant.

The same is true of butterfly red above the butterfly spirit. Although the two moves are used together, there is no doubt that the continuity of the butterfly spirit cannot last long. Although it can burst out ten times stronger power in an instant, as long as the non-ling fire can persist in resist it, the victory or defeat can be clear at a glance.

With Feiling's eyes, he could naturally see the clue. He knew that 15 was desperate. Huowu and Fei Ling are connected, so under his control, the rushing Huowu has instantly changed its posture and turned from attack to defense. His purpose is to withstand the 15th butterfly red blow, reduce its attack power, and then fight back.

However, Feiling seemed to look down on 15th, because 15 was not idle after using butterfly red. The source wooden sword in his hand was slightly raised, and the energy in the air flowed rapidly. It was almost visible to the naked eye that he was making a back move.

15 knows that Diehong's blow can't defeat Feiling at all, and not Ling's summoning this Huowu can only prove that he has used his strength, but it is difficult to force Feiling to play the card.

Butterfly red's blow, 15 has quickly used the sword formula, which is the same as his imagination. The sword formula created by Jiuxian Dao should be able to continue to evolve, and its power becomes more and more unpredictable with his deep cultivation. There is no doubt about this 15.

At this moment, the sword introduction formula has not been condensed into a whirlpool by fifteen. He has played the power of sword introduction, and his goal is naturally right and wrong. At first, Feiling did not notice that 15 was applying a secret hand. He just treated 15's butterfly red blow solemnly, but when the colorful butterfly shadow collided with his fire, Feiling suddenly felt something was wrong.

But at this time, it was too late. The colorful butterfly virtual shadow collided with the fire and black, and the earth-shaking sound penetrated through the world. The reason why Ling felt something was that something was that a rare gravity suddenly gushed out of the butterfly shadow, which quickly attracted the flame protection power on the fire black body he summoned. So that there was a huge loophole in Huowu's defense, and then collided with the butterfly shadow of the fifteenth. Even if the other party's power is not enough to defeat the fire, it is difficult to quickly raise the power to fight when it is hit under the protection flaw.

Between the lightning, Feiling's mind had turned several results, but in the end it still surprised him. The fifteenth butterfly spirit virtual shadow showed no sign of defeat. On the contrary, its own fire disappeared under the power of difficult to condense protection. In the end, it had to scream for a long time, turning into the flame of the sky and the butterfly spirit virtual shadow both returned to silence, and the hissing of the fire also became the last sigh.

The butterfly shadow of the weak side actually returned to silence with the fire of Feiling, and everyone on the scene was shocked.

Non-Ling's fire will naturally not die so easily, but if you want to summon it again, you can only collect the dissipated yuan spirit again.

Although psychics have physical power, they are only a wisp of gen spirits, because they have a soul contract with people, so even if they are broken up, psychics can reassemite their spirits with the contract, but this aggregation of genrei is not an overnight thing.

"Gravitation?" Fei Ling finally sensed the gravity in the fifteen moves at the last moment. He stared at the fifteenth move and was a little surprised.

Feiling does not care about winning or losing, and he also knows that although the current realm of 15 is the peak of the realm of the sword, its own combat effectiveness will not be weaker than himself. However, at this moment, he finds that 15* is not only strong in combat effectiveness, but also skillful in using moves, just the mixed with that hand. Force, Fei Ling believes that he can't do it so perfectly.

15 smiled slightly. He knew that this gravity was entirely due to the magic of the sword introduction formula of Jiuxiandao. Unconsciously, he hid it in the sword move and taught others to suffer a dark loss.

"Okay, 15th, next I will use the strongest move of my master, the thunder sword... You have to be prepared..." Feiling's face showed a little solemnity. Naturally, he knew that this move of the thunder sword was extensive and profound, and the nihilistic sword was taught to him and had not been fully controlled. However, despite this move, this move was also overriding. On top of all your moves.

"Thunder Sword?" 151 stunned, he suddenly remembered that when he was in Crescent Bay, a sword that hit the sky with a false sword, which was many times stronger than the Jian of Jiuxiandao Avenue to Jian, which could not be described as heaven and earth.

The fifteenth face showed a solemn look, and this battle has also reached the last juncture. He knows his strength. If it is against the first layer of psychics, the second layer still has the power of war. However, non-ling is the peak of the third layer. In any case, it makes 15 a difficult mood to fight. Of course, this is the premise to exclude him from exert his power of rebellion. Down.

As for the power of God, 15th thought in his heart, should it be used? There is no doubt that if 15 uses the power of God, it cannot be said that he will win, but the chance of winning is not a little bigger, but if he does not use the power of God, he can only lose.

Thoughts have circulated tens of millions of times. Fei Lingjing is an opponent, but he is so cowering that he has really failed Fei Ling's painstaking efforts.

Consides of this, I don't want to have any reservations. At least he can use the power of God completely. As for the power of heaven, it is a secret that can't be told by outsiders. Even if he fails to fail to be a secret.

At the 15th, it has also been decided, and there is a trace of firmness and determination in his eyes, just like when looking at the leader. With a gentle wave of the Yuanmu sword in the fifteenth hand, he is also going to take it seriously this time.

As soon as Fei Lingfu saw 15 like this, his fighting spirit became more surging: "Okay, 15th, it really didn't disappoint me..." With that, the long sword in his hand shook slightly, and a power of no less than 15th spread.

In an instant, a grand flame appeared on both of them. The flame was not a real flame, but a blazing fire condensed by sword gas. Almost every flame was full of their sword spirit. It's just that the sword spirit of 15 is condensed from several principles. At this moment, he naturally wants to use his strongest move at the moment to chase the wind. As for Feiling, his sword spirit is relatively simple, except for a pale and powerful thunder, thundering, as if beating excitedly.

The sword flame emitted from the two people is constantly intertwined and collided in the air, like two eternal opponents. As soon as they meet, they will fight to the death.

The sword flames are against each other, and the momentum of the fifteen people seems to be increasing. Boom..." The sound of the low somson explosion resounded, and the intersection of the two momentums has become overwhelming, and there is a trend of explosion.

The two masters who emit sword flames also seem to release all their momentum to a peak that is difficult to go up.

"Huhu..." The two raised their swords together.

"Chasing the wind..."

"Thunder Sword..."

Like two demon gods from ancient times, they have not fully moved, but they don't know how many times the sword spirit has collided. The whole square seems to have fallen into a dead silence as the two rushed forward. The people in the field were afraid of being affected by the two people, so they quickly retreated.

And at this time, the fiercest collision began suddenly.

The fifteenth sword "chasing the wind", after integrating the colored butterfly sword formula to complete the sword, I don't know how many levels the power has increased, and when he used this sword, there was also a faint layer of milky energy on it. This is the power of God. Under the joining of God's power, the sword of 15 seems to cut through the space.

However, Feiling's royal thunder sword is also not to be underestimated. When he stabbed his sword, it was not condensed into a thunderous sword that could span the heaven and earth like an empty sword, but his sword was wrapped in a scabbard-like thunder, but no one can deny that the power of this sword was enough to penetrate the world and break the void.

PS: Today's third update &......