
[Chapter 370 Static World]

(Second update)

15 Due to excessive consumption, although it has improved a little under the healing of the White Devil, it is really difficult for him to use the power of nature again. What's more, with his current situation, he is afraid that there will be problems as soon as he uses it.

However, at this moment, there is no time for him to recover and think. The huge void turbulence seems to be close at hand, and the cutting of the power of the void is also becoming more and more turbulent. The fifteen arms, cheeks and chest have broken, and blood is flowing. Even with the power of the Black Prison Demon King, he is also It is about to be destroyed.

Does he have a choice at this time?

Fifteen bursts of bitterly. He didn't see the squares around him. He slowly reached out his hand and stroked the white devil's cheek. Then his face condensed. In an eye, the power of heavenly rebellion in the underworld had been completely emptied by him.

The power of heavenly rebellion spread all over the body with the meridians, like a trickle, slow and flat. However, after a moment, the originally peaceful power of heavenly rebellion suddenly rushed up, like beasts running wildly, and like angry river waves, surging.

The sudden rage made the fifteen internal organs tremble violently, which is the result of forcibly exerting the power of heavenly rebellion. Before that, he was devoured by it because he could not fully control the power of heavenly rebellion. The white demon exhausted the power of the demon to save it. At this moment, he was eroded again. Even if the fifteen body was beaten with iron, it was difficult. Bear it.


15's body is like a fierce beast trapped in its body, constantly running around, smashing all its meridians and bones. Before he exerted his power, his body had turned upside down.

"Puff..." 15's mouthful of blood spewed out, but he understood that if he forcibly urged the power of heaven at this moment, there would be only one end - death. But if he doesn't use the power of rebellion, he will also die, and the white devil and the black prison demon king will also be buried with him.

Thinking of this, 15 didn't know where the power came from. He endured the inside that had already been bombarded into meat mud. He slowly stared at it, with a trace of light, but he couldn't hear anything.

The light is getting brighter and brighter, and his hearing is becoming more and more empty. He can hear someone shouting in his ear, as if he is trying to stop himself, but he can't hear anything. On the contrary, his vision is suddenly enlightened.

First of all, 15 is shocking. The light in front of us turned out to be a huge "flowing wind". The reason why it is called "flowing wind" is that it is pure like a flowing wind, but it is not the wind, because the wind does not have such a vast and powerful power.

"flowing wind" is obviously a void turbulence, but there is a trace of peace when facing it on the 15th. Because it can be seen, it can also be more correctly positioned by exerting the power of rebellion.


15's strength surged wildly, but before the huge void turbulence, it was as small as a flat boat in the sea, but even if it was small, it was enough to open up a short space-time channel in the huge void turbulence.

The power of heavenly rebellion is worthy of the power of destruction and creation. The power of emptiness is originally the power of "nothing", but I didn't expect that the former is more emptiness than emptiness.

In the void, the power surged, and a road to the other side of the future suddenly appeared in front of everyone. However, on the 15th, due to the force of heavenly rebellion and the erosion of the power of the void, his whole person turned into a bloody rain at the moment when he appeared in the passageway...

Is he dead? His body is like a bursting crystal, and his flesh and blood are scattered into wild sand all over the sky. Under the sweep of the power of void, I don't know whether it is strangled into nothingness or drifting to the depths of the void where?

"15..." Suddenly, a tragic cry came from the void. It turned out that the white demon suddenly woke up at the moment of the 15th explosion. Seeing that the 15th moment dispersed into blood, and then disappeared. Her whole body was like petrified, all the resentment and sorrow, love and missing turned to ashes at this moment.

However, the white demon did not go crazy or cry. She just stared at the direction of the disappearance of the fifteenth, but was stunned without any movement. Even the black prison demon king repeatedly told her, she did not move, as if she was going to disappear with the fifteenth...

Yes, the white devil was not sad because of the disappearance of the fifteenth. She was just empty and disheartened. She was originally intended to kill fifteen. At this moment, isn't his death not the same as his own intention? Why is she sad? Why is she sad?

"Haha..." Suddenly, the white demon smiled, and she laughed so happily that her light red eyes had become extremely pale at some point. Is that? Lazy eyes? Before a person dies, due to the return of light, there will be a trace of lean light in his eyes. However, after death, his pupils are lax, not to mention a trace of fine light, not even a trace of vitality will be left...

At this moment, the white demon is undoubtedly a dead person... Maybe she will not die so easily, but her heart has died with the disappearance of 15...

"15, I'll accompany you..."

The white devil has already made up her mind. At the moment she saw the 15th to destroy her mother and destroy her homeland, she vowed to use the 15th blade, and the moment of the 15th blade was also the time when his soul returned to the sky.

The white demon is Bai Xue, and the white snow is also the white demon. The white demon is a murderous demon without blinking, but Bai Xue is a kind and elegant little rabbit demon. When she decides to kill the fifteenth, it is the white demon. When she can't bear to do it, it is Bai Xue. What a contradictory person, what a miserable and painful and weak woman.

Since the fifteenth has been eroded and died by the power of emptiness, does it mean that snow can be free?

Death may not be terrible. The real terrible thing is to live without heart. Since Bai Xue has realized that it is a kind of sadness for her to live with others since then, why doesn't she disappear at this moment?

Bai Xue stood quietly in the void. She smiled gently and said quietly, "15, I want to marry you... You, will you marry me?"

Before the words fell, a wave of void turbulence had come, and the thunder was too late to cover its ears and was about to swallow the snow. However, at this time, the space-time channel created by the fifteenth life suddenly generated a suction, attracting the black prison demon king and the white snow inward at the same time.

"The gap of time has contracted, that is, that is, now..." The spirit of the sky shouted loudly. Since the moment when the fifteenth dissipated, he had separated from the fifteenth, and many divine objects on the fifteenth had floated in the void, and the black prison demon king collected them all, because he suddenly felt that the fifteenth would not die so easily.

However, the void turbulence does not have time for him to think about this problem. A huge wave comes. If he does not quickly enter the space-time channel, even he will definitely die.

The black prison demon king is finally an unprecedented ancient demon. As soon as the spirit of the sky fell, a huge suction suddenly hit him, and he grasped the suction and quickly entered the space-time channel. As for the white snow, he was entangled by a thunder shot by the spirit of the sky. It also rushed into the space-time channel.

After Bai Xue entered, the space-time channel just disappeared, and the white snow unconsciously thought that he was being swallowed up by the void turbulence, and closed his eyes peacefully and quietly, but he did not know that it also entered a time floating gap, a time chaotic space gap with the muddy sky and the black prison demon king.

The time gap is only ten fingers in the whole void, and only one or two forged by the great gods, and the time gap entered by the Black Prison Demon King and Bai Xue were naturally natural. Soon the Black Prison Demon King found a hint.

Because as soon as he entered the time gap, he floated in the air, and no matter how he struggled, it was difficult to transfer any distance.

The sky is blue sky and white clouds, but the ground is full of flowers. The whole world seems to be flowers, and this flower is difficult to recognize. As an ancient demon, the Black Devil naturally recognizes it at a glance.

That's the flower on the other side...

Legendly, flowers only bloom on Huangquan Road, and flowers and leaves will never meet. However, the flowers on the other side of Huangquan Road are blooming all over the land at this moment.

There is no wind and no energy fluctuation. The Black Prison Demon King's action is completely driven by his own palm wind, because the world is not only full of flowers on the other side, but also a static world. Air will not flow, energy will not flow, and even time will not flow...

A completely static world seems to be not only time, but also life.

"Don't tell me, this is Huangquan?" The Black Prison Demon King finally stepped on the ground, and now he is the only one left. Bai Xue and Hun Tian and him were dispersed when they entered the space-time channel, but there is no doubt that the two of them must be in a corner of this space between time.

"You guessed right..." I don't know when a crisp little girl's voice resounded in the ears of the Black Devil.

PS: There will be only two more tomorrow...