
[Chapter 373 Cocoa]

(first update)

After the continuous efforts of the Black Prison Demon King, he finally found a quarter of the fifteen soul factors, only a quarter, and the huge ghost. I don't know whether the fifteen other soul factors still exist, or his soul factors have been recombined with other factors and reincarnated as a human.

As long as the flower on the other side of the soul factor does not wither, the power and memory contained in it will not dissipate, but once it dissipates, it will no longer be found.

After searching for a long time, the black prison demon king is not very anxious, because if the soul factor of 15 has really dissipated, it will no longer exist, and the existence will still exist, so he does not have to worry about the passage of time, but before it is determined that all the soul factors of 15 will dissipate, he will anyway I will continue to look for it.

"Hey, you can't mess around in the dark, or you will be miserable if others find out..." The little girl shouted.

"Others? Is there anyone else here besides you? By the way, who is the master of the underworld? The Black Prison Demon King was too worried about 15 and forgot to ask the little girl about the underworld. Obviously, from the little girl's anxious appearance, the underworld was also afraid of its master, and this master may be at the same level as the God of Creation.

"The master of the underworld is Lord Pluto..."

"Dead?" The Black Prison Demon King was shocked that the years of his existence can be said to have existed since the beginning of heaven and earth. He is very familiar with theming shen, because theming shen is the previous inheritor of "her", and according to his memory, theming shen should be permanently sealed.

However, the master of the underworld is the god of the underworld. What's going on?

"Yes, Lord Pluto has been living in the Pluto Palace, so you'd better not rush, otherwise it will be very troublesome..." The little girl advised that she really didn't have this scheming, so that she didn't want to believe that the Black Prison Demon King was an invader.

"Is the underworld still there?" The Black Prison Demon King was undoubtedly shocked. He knew that the god Hades was sealed, but he was by no means here, because when he was still the ancient god of heaven, he witnessed the whole process of the seal of the gods.

At that time, the underworld controlled part of the power of heavenly rebellion. However, he should not have been the inheritor, but controlled part of the power of the heavenly rebellion with his powerful magic power. At that time, the heavenly path had not been separated from the trajectory of the heavenly book, so the inheritor of the heavenly rebellion appeared as a figure who violated the heavenly book, so the god at that time Only the three demon worlds will work together and finally summon the remaining yuan spirit of the creator and seal it permanently, while the sealed land of the underworld is the endless abyss at the junction of the three worlds.

However, at this moment, the little girl said that the underworld has always existed in the palace of the underworld... This shock is not small for the demon king of the black prison. If the underworld is alive, will he rashly come to the underworld and seek his own way to die? And will the existence of the underworld cause irreparable disasters to all things in heaven and earth?

Thoughts flowed in the mind of the black prison demon king, and suddenly there was a smell of conspiracy. He couldn't help trembling all over his body. Unexpectedly, as an ancient demon, he still knew nothing about the secrets of this world.

"Have you ever seen Pluto?" The Black Prison Demon King asked.

The little girl shook her head and said, "No, I was not derived from the vitality here. I used to be a person, and later my soul was detained by several powerful demons, but when I was controlled to play a good play, I was saved, but at that time, after all, I I died, so I came to the underworld, but I was not decomposed into a soul factor by the power of traction, so I was attracted by the high priest and became the spirit girl here..."

The little girl told her past to the demon king of the black prison, and the face of the person who saved her seemed to remain in her mind and could never bedelible.

"The high priest? Who is it?"

"The high priest is a deacon under the underworld, which is very powerful, and there are several other deacons outside the high priest. They are all born in this underworld, and there are few spiritual girls like me..." The little girl explained, but she didn't realize that the black prison demon king was talking to her.

Of course, this is understandable. After all, the little girl is still young, and there is no secular intrigue in the dark. Naturally, she comes to say something.

"Is the high priest awesome?" The Black Prison Demon King continued to ask, but he was worried about it. Compared with this Pluto, it has been sealed, and the Nether god recognized by the little girl may only be fabricated by high priests and other high officials to appease their subordinates. Maybe the Netherworld used to be the residence of the Nether, but now it is impossible for the Netherworld to still exist in the Nether, so what the Black Prison Demon King should be afraid of is the high priest. If the high priest is strong enough, he can only be honest and careful. However, if the high priest is not strong enough, he will have to be strong.

"The high priest is awesome. Oh, by the way, except for the two passages of death and life, only the high priest and the god of hell know another passage in time and space to the world. If you want to leave here, you must ask for the consent of the high priest..." The little girl talked about the matter, but this made the heart of the black prison demon king jump. .

Is there another access channel?

Time floating gap is different from space floating gap, because there are thousands of entrances in the space floating gap, but there is only one exit. However, the time floating gap has no exit. If you want to get out of the time floating gap, you have to "go along the edge" and cannot be forced.

And the underworld time and space is the most strange existence in the space of time. It is well known that the access channels are life and death, but the little girl said that the high priest knew another passage, which made the black prison demon king overjoyed.

"Bear by the way, little girl, what's your name?" The Black Prison Demon King suddenly asked that he knew a lot of useful things from her, but he didn't know his name. He was really sorry.

The little girl first heard the Black Devil ask her name. She didn't know why. She blinked her big eyes. After a long time, she smiled and said, "My name is Coco..."

"Cocoa? What a cute name, as cute as your people..."

Coco didn't seem to understand the praise of the Black Prison Demon King. She said, "Hey, what's your name? Why don't I take you to the high priest? The high priest has a good heart and only asks for her. I think she will definitely agree..."

Looking for a high priest? The Black Prison Demon King must feel that it is not appropriate. Since the high priest is the first person under the underworld and is guarded in the underworld, although the Black Prison Demon King is involuntarily, he is also an invader. If he sees the high priest, it is no wonder that he will not fight. And even if the high priest is good-hearted, he just doesn't know what means he will use for his subordinates and dissidents?

Therefore, according to the old way of the Black Prison Demon King, he will not be able to meet the high priest unless he has to. Of course, in the end, in order to leave here, he still has to deal with him, but at this moment, he still has to find the soul factor of Qi 15 and Bai Xue and the separation from him. The artifact is muddy.

"Hey, little Coco, my name is Black Prison, you can call me Uncle Black Prison..." The Black Prison Demon King said that this pink and jade little girl was very popular with him, and she was so warm-hearted that she said all the things he wanted to know and didn't expect.

"Bright, Coco, the high priest should also live in the Pluto Palace, right? Where is the Hades Palace? The black prison demon king thought that he could not approach the Hades Palace under any circumstances. Although the Hades could not be here, it was better to stay away without knowing the strength of the high priest.

"Oh, it's actually not very far..." Coco pointed to the distance, but the Black Prison Demon King only saw a continuous mountain, but as long as he knew that the Hades Palace was in that direction, he had a certain plan.

He said, "Coco, I want to go there first to find my brother's soul factor. By the way, don't tell others about meeting me, because I want to find my brother's soul factor and can't be disturbed by others. Do you understand?"

"Damn..." The Black Prison Demon King scolded himself for being shameless in his heart. Coco in front of him was really a lovely little girl. He always felt like a salty and wet uncle.

"Oh..." The little girl looked at Uncle Black Prison's serious face, which seemed to understand a little, but she didn't understand, but still nodded slowly, and then blinked her eyes to see the Uncle Black Prison leave.

PS: Today's third update...