
[Chapter 377 Trap]

(Second update)

Memories must be a sin that everyone can't escape, because memories are mostly painful...

If the memory is painful, it goes without saying, but if there is more joy in the memory, and when the memory suddenly awakens that it has become a thing of the past, then his heart can only be more painful...

The black prison demon king's memory at this moment is naturally the joy with "her", so when he comes out of the room of memory, he feels lonely like a withered flower on the other side...

The sad flowers on the other side, the withered petals are heartbreaking, and those lost joys are even more desolate. The Black Devil is not such a sentimental person, but whenever he thinks of "her", he will touch the lowest string in his heart. A gentle touch will make him unbearable.

"Hate and hatred... I didn't expect that I was wise in the black prison. I thought I had been in the flowers and didn't touch the leaves, but I didn't expect that I would eventually fall on this word 'affec'..." The black prison demon king sighed slightly and laughed at himself.

But does he regret it?

Regret that I abandoned gods and demons for her, fought with heaven for her anger, and was willing to let go for her... No! The Black Prison Demon King will never regret it. Even if he can't get her and heart, looking at her gentle smile is his greatest satisfaction. Since he is satisfied, how can he regret it?

"15... You and he are simply carved out in a mold. Although I hate him because he stole 'her', I have never blamed him, because he loves 'her' more than me and is more suitable to be with 'her' than me. It's just to play tricks on people. The two of them also have a will to care about the world. They are equally kind, but in the end, only fate made the two of them self-defeating... But good luckily, they have a you, and they must be able to feel at ease..."

The Black Devil felt that he rarely sighed, but he didn't know how many times because of "he" and "she".

15, which has collected three-quarters of the soul factors, can obviously feel the emotional changes of the Black Devil, but he does not emit any soul fluctuations, as if he is thinking deeply.

"Okay, boy... Brother, I'll collect all your soul factors first, and then try to bring you back to life. When you have the strength, I will prove your parents' past experience..."

The Black Prison Demon King sighed. Is it all because he is the son of "her" or the person carved out in the mold with "he"? For the person who took away his favorite, the Black Prison Demon King not only did not blame, but also admired him more, and he shouted that he hated it, but in fact, it was just dupnot...

However, the Black Prison Demon King will naturally not admit his words and deeds, otherwise how can he be worthy of the word "Demon King"? Therefore, after a while, he returned to his unruly appearance and traveled thousands of miles in one breath to quickly collect all the soul factors belonging to the fifteenth.

I don't know much. The Black Prison Demon King believes that he has run all over the underworld, but it is difficult to collect the fifteen soul factors in any case... Is it possible that those soul factors have dissipated?

Is this the end? Unexpectedly, after working hard for a long time, some of the soul factors of 15 have already returned to their origin... In fact, it is true that there are thousands of soul factors of 15. How can each have this half chance to become an eternal flower? If there are one or two, it's easy to say, but tens of millions, the probability is small and pitiful, which is tantamount to a mortal winning the battle of life and death with an ancient god...

The Black Prison Demon King pinched the fifteen soul factor in his hand and laughed at himself. Unexpectedly, in the end, even the son of "their" could not be saved.

"15, big brother really tried his best..." The Black Prison Demon King whispered.

"It's okay, big brother, life and death. It seems that my life should be like this, and I can't blame others, but big brother, can I ask you one thing?" The soul of the fifteen fluctuates, and the black demon king can naturally feel it.

"You said..."

"Brother, I want you to find Bai Xue to take care of her for me, and don't tell her the fact that I'm dead, including the Tianshan faction, don't tell anyone..."


"Brother, can you promise me? I just don't want them to be sad for me..."

"Do you think no one will care about you if you don't tell anyone? Tell them that it may make them sad, but if you hide it from them, won't it make them worry about you for the rest of their lives?


"15, it's not the eldest brother who said you, your starting point is certainly good, but have you ever thought about what your friends will become if they haven't heard from you for a long time? You see, this is the sun and moon conch you are wearing. The other party must be your confidant, right? Although I can't hear the sound in this conch, I can feel every energy fluctuation on it, and I also believe that every energy fluctuation brings the deep miss of your confidant... Do you have the heart to make her miss it so much?

The Black Prison Demon King was frowned with a conch, which was obviously one of the artifacts left after his body bursting. Because the objects he had were not mediocre, he was not broken by the void. Later, the Black Prison Demon King completely collected it in order to return it to the 15th in the future, but Now...

"Brother Black Prison, but..."

"No, but what happened to you, the beauty who has the sun and moon conch with you should have sensed your crisis. I'm afraid she also knows it clearly at this moment... Do you think you still want to hide it from her?"

"15, in fact, let me tell you, the former owners of the sun and moon conch were your parents. At that time, they were too considerate of each other and would rather hurt themselves than let the other party suffer even a trace of harm. However, because of this, it happened to be self-defeating and deeply hurt the other party... I say that you can Do you understand?" The only thing he can do is sigh in his heart, but isn't what he said that the two love each other deeply?

Maybe you don't have to care about gains and losses when you love someone. Maybe if you love someone, you would rather hurt yourself than let the other party suffer even a little harm. Maybe if you love someone, you must be happy and not let the other party unhappy with you...

However, this kind of love seems to have surpassed love... Why do you want to scar yourself? Why do you have to resist all the sorrows and sufferings by yourself? Isn't it good for two people to share them?

For the onlooker's Black Prison Demon King, 15's parents love each other too much. It is precisely because both of them would rather hurt themselves than have a trace of grievances, which caused an irreparable tragedy...

The two people who love each other are frank with each other, and all the sorrows and joys are shared by them. Isn't it better than one person who wants to be thousands or ten thousand times stronger for each other?

I didn't expect to let the Black Prison Demon King, a layman, interpret it to define the two people who love each other... However, the Black Prison Demon King himself knows very well that he is not the person concerned. He is just a bystander. The bystander may be calmer than the authorities, but sometimes the bystander and It may be easy for the bureau to reverse.

And he, a bystander, can't feel the good intentions of the authorities at all. He just guesses the hearts of the authorities with the mentality of a bystander...

However, he understands that no matter how they love each other, loving someone is the same thing as being loved by someone. Therefore, although the Black Prison Demon King enlightened 15 with the mentality of a bystander, he did not think that 15 was wrong. He just gave him a broader space to think, among which there were pros and cons choices. , or let him think for himself.

"Do you still want to stick to your original practice?" The Black Prison Demon King asked, however, after a long time, the fifteenth was like a stone sinking into the sea, and there was no sound. The Black Prison Demon King was shocked. Is it impossible to collect all the soul factors, and those remaining soul factors will also be scattered with the wind?

The heart of the Black Prison Demon King couldn't help sinking, but at this time, the flowers on the other side of the shore floating around him danced for some reason. Why did the flowers move in all this forbidden time and space?

Moreover, those floating flowers quickly condensed into two words: soul factor, Hades Palace...

PS: That's it...