
[Chapter 379 Entering the Temple]

(first update)

Everyone turned their eyes to the high priest in the center of the upper end of the steps, and even they were infected by the "heartfelt voice" of the Black Prison Demon King.

But what about the high priest? Is she also moved by a mess like these unborn women?

The Black Prison Demon King continued to observe his words and colors, but still did not respond?

"Is it because I'm not good enough?" The demon king of the black prison sighed in his heart. Looking at all the women except the high priest, he even felt a little uncomfortable for everyone. What he just said was not from the bottom of his heart. He secretly sweated coldly. "It seems that you forced me out of the killer..."

The killer? Does he still have a killer?

"Since you have completely forgotten me and think that I have slandered the underworld and disturbed the order of the underworld, please punish me. I won't complain, because... my heart is dead, for you..."

The Black Prison Demon King deliberately said the last two words as a heavy load. The high priest's body trembled, and her heart had already beat, but after all, she was a high priest and tried her best to endure any action until she heard the word "for you" of the Black Prison Demon King, and her whole body seemed to collapse. In fact, if there were no others, she was afraid I'm afraid that she has already been paralyzed to the ground or jump into the arms of the Black Devil... However, she is a high priest, and she can't do whatever she wants.

Therefore, only silence... However, this silence made the black prison demon king sink to the bottom of the sea. He sighed that his charm was not as good as before, and also secretly cursed the high priest's buttocks with hemorrhoids, and no man wanted to...

Silence, or silence... There is no concept of time in the dark space. The black prison demon king just calculated that after about a stick of incense, the high priest finally made an action and saw her slowly raise her right hand. At this time, the black prison demon king found that there seemed to be a scepter in her right hand, and there was a bright scepter at the top of the scepter. Blue jade beads, there is a silky energy flow on the jade beads, and it is a terrible force.

Is it difficult?

"Bever, this girl really wants to kill me..." The black prison demon king saw the high priest raising the scepter and secretly scolded himself for being stupid to come home. He had always wanted to "seduse" her, but he didn't expect that he was not as good as the high priest's hand holding the scepter and waved it gently.

The demon king of the black prison was anxious. He just wanted to change his shape and run as the best strategy to settle accounts after autumn. However, at this time, there was a sudden exclam from the queue of little girls on the left: "Priest, don't... Uncle Black Prison is not a bad person..."

The Black Prison Demon King was stunned. Isn't this voice the little Coco who sold him? Since she told the high priest her whereabouts, why did she plead for her?

When Coco's voice fell, she ran out of the queue and knelt on the ground, and her movements seemed to be very infectious. The little girls on both sides of the square knelt down and begged the high priest to bypass the Black Prison Demon King.

The black prison demon king was stunned: "Is it my heartfelt words? Shit, these little kids actually know what love is? Haha, it seems that I didn't waste my saliva. The effect is not fucking good..."

"Why do you plead for him? Or do you think this priest is really going to punish him? The high priest's voice seemed to tremble, as if it was caused by trying to calm down.

What does her mean? Naturally, the Black Prison Demon King did not understand the meaning and said in his heart, "You have to kill me with a scepter. Don't be so misunderstood, okay? It's not worth your action. It's better if you don't take action. Wait for me to strip off your clothes..."

The Black Prison Demon King curled his lips. He obviously also thought that the high priest was uneasy and kind. However, he was wrong. He was completely wrong. After hearing his affectionate and heartfelt words, the high priest had become completely at a loss. After all, she was also a beautiful woman, and her past memory remained. How could he not expect it? What about a Langjun who is willing to sacrifice for himself?

It's just that the high priest doesn't know that this is just a common method of the black prison demon king to win the woman's heart. However, the high priest is in the fog, and the black prison demon king is not in the fog? The so-called 1,000 injure enemies and 800 self-damage. Although the Black Prison Demon King has brought out the "pounding words" at this moment, he also has to devote himself sincerely, otherwise how can it be convincing?

Therefore, when the high priest gave birth to a trace of unbreakable emotion, even the Black Prison Demon King himself was unconsciously affected by a long-silent string - the string of love.


The jade beads at the top of the high priest's scepter emitted a bright light, but this light unexpectedly did not shoot at the Black Prison Demon King, but at the white snow bound by a string under the jade sculpture behind him.

As soon as the jade pearl shines on Bai Xue's body, the bundle of fairy rope that bound her immediately disappeared without a trace, but at this moment, Bai Xue's desire to survive was not strong, so as soon as the bundle of fairy rope was untied, her whole body was like a roll of falling leaves and suddenly fell to the ground.

For good, the little spirit girl who was closest to her, like Coco, quickly helped him, and Bai Xue muttered softly: "He is dead, what's the point of me... alive? 15th, can I marry you? Will you marry me?"

What is idiot? What is love? Infatuation, infatuation... Although the two words have the same word, their meaning is one hundred and eight thousand miles different. If the demon king of the black prison is infatuation, then Bai Xue is infatuated. Infatuated, she has already forgotten herself and the meaning of existence.

Ask what love is in the world, only life and death are allowed! Yes, Bai Xue just wants to go with the 15th...

Looking at Bai Xue's appearance, the Black Prison Demon King also secretly felt sorry. Maybe this is the reason why he wanted to hide the news of his death on the 15th? Authorities and bystanders didn't expect the Black Prison Demon King to turn his position upside down again...

"You two come with me. I have something to ask you..." Naturally, the high priest also saw the abnormality of Bai Xue. However, after all, the Black Prison Demon King and Bai Xue are outsiders, so she must deal with it, but this treatment can be light or heavy. Naturally, it depends on the performance of these two people.

The Black Prison Demon King is careful. It seems that the high priest and little girl will not kill herself, but what should she say next? Is it possible to continue to play? It's just that he is all deceptive, not to mention that it was unexpected to come to the underworld with Bai Xue, so how to deal with it next?

Tear the truth? Unless he wants to die... lie? This is the only choice, but how to compile the whole story? He had just said that he exiled himself to the void in order to end his life and accidentally entered the underworld, so where did Bai Xue and Fifteen come from? How did they meet?

"My dear, there are too many lies. If it is exposed, won't I die without a burial?" The black prison demon king was worried. Should he follow the high priest into the palace of the underworld? If he goes nine times for life, if he doesn't go, he can escape with white snow at this moment, but what about the soul factor of 15? Without the soul factor of fifteen, it is impossible for Bai Xue to survive, and he will also be hunted down by the high priest and lingus in the underworld? Or live in the dark forever? Unless he is impatient one day, he will be reincarnated by himself...

"Damn it, don't care about the Dragon Pool and Tiger Cave, I broke through..." The black prison demon king crossed his heart and strode into the underworld with the high priest.

At the beginning of entering the Temple of the Underworld, the Black Prison Demon King only felt a cold breath coming towards him. He looked around. The interior of the Underworld was indescribably simple, and there was only a stone chair in the center of the innermost center.

The high priest quickly walked into the hall and then stood in front of the stone chair. She did not sit down. It also showed that the stone chair should be the position of the underworld. The black prison demon king thought about what he was going to say next, but to his surprise, except for the high priest, her spiritual daughter did not follow up and supported the white snow. After helping her to the hall, the spiritual girl also slowly retreated...

"What's going on? Are you moved by Laozi's words? Do you want to 'talk' with me alone? The Demon King of the Black Prison was very confused, but at this time, the high priest suddenly opened his mouth and said, "How much is what you said true or false?"

"It's over..." The black prison demon king's heart thumped, and the high priest asked like this, which means that his trick has been seen through? Did the high priest introduce himself into this temple really to make himself have nowhere to escape?

"Then am I a fucking idiot?"

PS: Ask for a red ticket...