
[Chapter 382 Reincarnation?]

(Second update)

"15..." At first hearing the sound of 15..." White snow seemed to be a piece of melted hard ice, and her whole body trembled and seemed to collapse.

"White Snow..." Fifteen souls are beginning to condense, but after all, he is only a mortal soul and can only support the demon power of the black prison demon king. If the black prison demon king withdraws the power at this moment, he will definitely disperse into countless soul factors.

"15, you... it's okay, it's really... great... I'm Bai Xue, I'm Bai Xue..." Bai Xue's voice trembled and reached out to untie the black veil on her face.

What a weak and beautiful face, what a pitiful and beautiful suffocating face!

As soon as he saw her face, the black prison demon king and the high priest were slightly moved, because of their weakness, charm, sadness, joy... It seemed that there was a magic deeply attracted the two. Bai Xue may not be beautiful, or slightly inferior to the high priest. However, her innate pitiful breath seems to be heartbreaking, and even her beauty is heartbreaking...

15 stared at Bai Xue closely, but he didn't expect that the white snow he cared about day and night really appeared in front of him again, but time passed, and things changed. Maybe Bai Xue was still white snow, but it was also very different from the carefree little rabbit demon. The white snow in front of her is obviously a white demon who has experienced the sinister world. Although she has replied to the white snow, some facts are difficult to erase, as if in Bai Xue's cognition, 15 killed Bai Qiong and shattered the world of the gods.

These are like the gap of time, eternal...

Bai Xue smiled sadly. She knew that she could not go back to the past, but since she had admitted that she was Bai Xue, it meant that she would bury all the hatred and resentment in her heart... Even if it was painful, she was the only one who could fight against it and worry about others...

Although he saw Bai Xue's far-fetchedness, he would not expect Bai Xue's mood at this moment. Naturally, he was willing to see Bai Xue return, so that what he had done in the world of the gods still needed to be explored and affirmed... Because Bai Qiong did not die in her own hands. As for the collapse of the world of gods, he had more There are fewer responsibilities, so he did not dare to make any comments before he figured it out, so as not to make Bai Xue worried and sad.

"15, you are only soul now, no body, and as long as I withdraw the power of the devil, you will dissipate again..." The black prison demon king said that the body of 15 always has to find a way to solve it. It is impossible to always be supported by the power of the black prison demon king, otherwise how will he cultivate and collect broken jade and go to himself. Save the people from your hometown?

Bai Xue and the high priest both looked tight. The former was naturally worried about the fifteenth, while the latter had no choice but to be ashamed of the Black Prison Demon King.

"Electric mother, how does this spiritual girl in the underworld survive?" The Dark Prison Demon King asked, and he obviously saw some ways.

The high priest nodded: "Yes, the existence of the spirit girl is soul..."

"So can the fifteenth also survive like a spiritual girl?" Seeing that the fifteenth was still alive, Bai Xue was no longer alive, and his mind became more and more lively.

However, the high priest interrupted her harshly: "No..."

The high priest glanced up at the white snow and the black prison demon king and sighed, "The existence of the spirit girl is indeed the soul, but their existence is like the eternal flower on the other side, which will not wither or be resurrected..."

What does it mean?

The high priest said: "The flower on the other side has a moment and eternity. In an instant, it withers in an instant, and eternity will last forever. In addition to those little girls, those little girls are born in the outer soul, but the outer soul element has been completely preserved. If the complete soul factor is reincarnated, there will be today. In the previous life, but if it is washed by the spring of the underworld, it will become a spiritual girl... Moreover, those well-preserved soul factors enter the underworld, which also means that their souls are extremely powerful and do not need any power to maintain or dissipate. Unlike 15*, if 15 does not have the power to maintain, it will dissipate. And those complete soul factors will not, so they can choose to enter Jiuyou to experience a washing of the spring of the underworld, transform into immortal spiritual girls, and always exist in the underworld in the form of souls..."

"The reason why 15 can't be the same as the spiritual girl is that the problem arises here. Only the soul can enter Jiuyou alone, but 15 can't do it. If he does not have other strength to maintain it, it is easy to dissipate. Moreover, more importantly, if you transform into a spiritual girl, your cultivation will stay here forever. At a level, it is impossible to move forward, and it must stay in the dark forever, unable to go out, and cannot be reincarnated..."

This is obviously not what 15 wants. No matter how difficult it is for him to cultivate, or stay in the underworld forever, it is better to choose to disappear at this moment.

The Black Prison Demon King and Bai Xue also seem to understand that the spirit girl is actually like a puppet imprisoned in freedom, or a servant of the underworld... Its existence is also very close to the eternal flower on the other side, and it also exists forever in the underworld.

"15, how is your cultivation at this moment?" The Black Prison Demon King pondered for a while, and suddenly said, what is his intention?

"When I went down to Tianshan Mountain, I should have been at the peak of the sword, and then experienced the battle. I lost my body at this moment, and I don't know how my cultivation is..."

The black prison demon king nodded when he heard the words, but he stared at the fifteenth and said slowly, "15, I will remove the power of the devil now. Let's see if you have any way to stabilize your soul..."

What on earth is he going to do?

Before the words fell, the Black Prison Demon King did not care whether he was ready or not. He had taken back his magic power inch by inch. His hand was really strange. Even if the high priest saw through his mood, it was difficult to understand his situation, and Bai Xue didn't know why... So the two women could only watch the Black Prison King continue to move.

I saw that the last wisp of demon power pulled away the soul of the fifteenth, and a layer of light gushed out of the fifteen body in an instant, and even several cracks emerged, which was a precursor that the soul was about to break. However, when the three demon kings in the black prison thought that the fifteenth soul was going to break again, those cracks suddenly no longer expanded, and even Is there a tendency to heal?

What's going on?

"I guessed that you are right. On the 15th, your kendo cultivation has completely entered the realm of divine, and the spirit and flesh are separated, which can keep your soul unbreakable..."

The realm of God? Fifteen was stunned. Unexpectedly, after experiencing a life-and-death battle, his cultivation jumped to a level and entered the real realm of monism. In the five realms of kendo, if you want to be a real monk, you can only reach the realm of God, otherwise at most, you can be regarded as a master than ordinary people. However, entering the realm of God is a new level. Because reaching the realm of God, you have been separated from half of the mortal body and marched towards the immortality. Big step.

"Black prison, even if the fifteen souls are separated from the body can still survive, how can he be completely resurrected?" Indeed, as the high priest said, there is only one soul at this moment, and the soul without the body will dissipate again one day. If you want to completely resurrect him, you can only find another body...

Is it possible that the Black Devil is thinking about...

"Reincarnated..." The voice of the black prison demon king seems to be a little cold. He is a demon king. What's the difficulty of such a trivial matter? And with the strength of his ancient demons, if with the help of the high priest, he breaks the soul of an ancient gods and demons and lets him seize the fifteenth, then he will have the strength of the ancient gods and demons in an instant. Why not be happy?

The fifteenth trembled condensed into a soul. As soon as the words of the Black Prison Demon King fell, he immediately objected: "I will never give up others..."

Why doesn't he want to? You should know that there is no other way but to seize the house in his current situation, and after he seizes the house, he can also have supreme power in an instant. Even if he does not have the power of heaven, he can return to the time gap where Nianfeng Village is located and save his people.

However, the benefits of taking away are true, but his refusal is also true... And the reason for his refusal is naturally to see Bai Yu take away Bai Qiong and other five patriarchs for the sake of the jade clan, and then the god took away Baiyu for his own selfish desires...

If 15 agrees at this moment, isn't it just like that man's demon stone?

No! Fifteen naturally did not want to become a madman like a stone wilderness... So he refused without hesitation...

PS: Hey hey, to reveal a little bit, the Black Prison Demon King and the High Priest are actually two important figures in the reincarnation chapter. It can be said that the second hero and the heroine are not too much. I write here that they are just to pave the way for reincarnation...