
[Chapter 384 Ukiyo Mirror]

(Second update)

It is naturally a happy thing for the electric mother to restore her memory, but the secrets from her mouth are more and more shocking.

According to the electric mother recalls, she was indeed attacked when she guarded the collapse of Tianshuo, but the person who attacked her was not the god, but another extremely powerful and gloomy force. That force shrouded it. With the posture of the ancient god of the electric mother, she could not resist, which was enough to see how horrible the person who attacked her had reached. .

But the good thing is that although the attacker is powerful, he is also very afraid of the person who came to relieve the siege, Pluto. Yes, the electric mother was indeed attacked, and the person who saved her was the underworld. At that time, she was severely damaged by the attacker and waited for the underworld to save her, so she did not know anything about the next thing, but she was sure that the underworld did not intend to steal the heavenly book.

I don't know if the underworld poured ecstasy soup into the electric mother, or it was true, but without exception, both the black prison demon king and the spirit of the whole sky entered into meditation. But after thinking about it, the most suspicious thing is the person called "death". What kind of god and demon can be called death? First of all, the man needs to be fierce and decisive, and the six relatives do not recognize him, and he needs to kill.

Death, death, is naturally the god who brings death... or the demon that brings death...

I have a general understanding of the situation of some electric mothers. Such a frivolous person as the Black Prison Demon King suddenly had a trace of admiration for this woman. She was willing to stay in the underworld as a high priest in order to repay the saving grace of the underworld, and for thousands of years in a flash...

It's just that there is something wrong. At the beginning, the news of the death of the electric mother was attacked. At that time, the fifteenth mother Yun Mingshu did not seem to have been born yet. How did the electric mother know?

The electric mother smiled and said, "Because of the floating mirror... Moreover, the underworld also set a limit for me while sealing my memory. The first limit is that I can restore my memory for a year every thousand years, so as to see the people I miss through the floating mirror, and the second limit is when my deceased comes with the inheritor. When it comes to the underworld, my memory can be completely recovered. When it comes, it's up to me to go or stay..."

When she spoke, her eyes fell on the Black Prison Demon King. It turned out that she had made a decision.

"Floating Mirror? Is it a legendary artifact that can see through heaven and earth? The spirit of Huntian seemed very surprised. No wonder the electric mother knew about Qin Tianqian and Yun Mingshu in ancient times.

However, what surprises the spirit of heaven is the artifact floating mirror. It is said that as long as it is illuminated, you can know whether there is a previous life, or you can also see what you want to see in the mirror, such as the treasure that restores the fifteenth body...

"Electric mother, can I take a look at the floating mirror? I want to know who peeled me off the book of heaven..." The spirit of heaven looked solemnly, "And I can also find a strange treasure to restore the fifteen bodies through the floating mirror..."

After listening to Bai Xue for so long, she didn't understand what the three were talking about, and the last sentence was completely heard by her, and the floating mirror could find a way to truly resurrect 15.

"However, if you want to find a strange treasure, you must know what kind of strange treasure it is, and ordinary strange treasure is not very useful for 15..."

"I know that the reason why I can't wait to appear is because I know a certain kind of strange treasure, and I believe that the strange treasure may exist in the dark, but it depends on how the floating mirror shows..." The spirit of heaven nodded, as if it were in his chest.

"That's right, then come with me..." The electric mother waved her hand and took the lead in walking to the stone chair. When she walked to the stone chair, the electric mother stretched out her delicate jade hand and gently patted it on the left armrest. Suddenly, the stone chair that used to be the seat of the god moved slowly, and a stone door suddenly appeared behind the stone chair.

Following the electric mother into the stone gate, it is a four-square passage made of porphyry. There is a faint blue lighting stone every ten feet. The light is extremely weak, highlighting the mystery and depression of this place. However, although everyone is photographed by the atmosphere here, no one is surprised. Expression, because looking at the interior of the simple underworld outside, you can guess that the layout here is probably the handwriting of Pluto.

The passage was not long. Not long after, a huge secret room appeared in front of everyone. The secret room seemed to be full of crystals, and the crystal clear crystal emitted fluorescent light. In the middle of the secret room, there was a huge mirror.

The mirror is rectangular, and the four periphery is made of crystal, and its mirror is also crystal-like, crystal clear. Everyone standing in front of the mirror can't even see their own figure?

Is this the floating mirror?

The electric mother nodded: "The floating mirror can see through heaven and earth, and can also see through the future, but I have investigated several times who attacked me at that time, but there is no clue... If I guess correctly, the person who attacked me must be a person at the same level as the underworld, otherwise it is impossible to explore the floating mirror. Not..."

"How should I use it?" The spirit of the sky asked.

"Stand in front of the mirror, just think about it sincerely..."

"What about the spirit of the floating mirror?" Huntian carefully explored the floating mirror, but there was no sign of life.

"The floating mirror has no artifact, because it is a spiritless artifact, which is not the same as your spiritual artifact..."

Spiritless artifact? This is the first time I've heard it. Are there different types of artifacts? Just like spiritual weapons and non-spiritual weapons? Naturally, the answer is yes...

However, although the spiritless artifact does not have a spirit, its power is far more powerful than that of spiritual weapons and divine objects, even stronger than that of divine artifacts, because it is known as its artifacts.

"I understand..." The spirit of heaven nodded and stood in front of the floating mirror, slowly condensing and mood. What it wanted was who stripped it from the heavenly book, because it was related to its birth and belonging, and it could not be careless.

If a person does not know his birth, he is a very distressed thing, and the artifact is not included. Of course, it also wants to know his birth and who caused this situation, and to find out what kind of conspiracy his existence is involved.

However, when the spirit of heaven stands in front of the floating mirror, nothing happens, and the famous floating mirror can't even explore his origin? Why is this? Is it because its birth is too special, or is there a powerful peerless master who shields the sky with his own strength?

Mystery, everything is a mystery... The spirit of heaven is fruitless to explore, and 15 naturally has to try, because his origin is not known for himself, but the result is still a mystery.

"The floating mirror can't find their origin and what happened to them?" The electric mother looked at the fifteenth and the spirit of heaven in disbelief and saw that both of them were silent, so she did not say anything.

And what did the black demon king think of and said, "Will it be related to the book of heaven? This floating mirror does not have the ability to explore?"

This seems to be the only explanation at the moment, right?

But... No, if the floating mirror can't explore things related to the heavenly book, how did the high priest know Qin Tianqian and Yun Mingshu?

However, the electric mother has not yet answered the answer, but a picture that seems to be extremely familiar to someone suddenly appears in the floating mirror...

Because the person who appears in the floating mirror is the black prison demon king!

Why is this?

At this moment, no one is standing in front of the floating mirror. So is the picture that appears in the mirror once recorded by the floating mirror? That is to say, someone has used the floating mirror, and the person you want to watch is the Black Prison Demon King...

In a scene, the picture passed through the floating mirror will always have the shadow of the Black Prison Demon King?

Who has ever used this mirror? Everyone's eyes looked at the electric mother. Yes, the underworld once gave the electric mother a setting for the memory. Every thousand years, her memory can be restored, and then gazed at the person in her heart with the floating mirror... That is to say, the person she remembers in her heart is the black prison demon king?

Isn't she already had a friendship with the black prison demon king long before ancient times? Although she didn't see her, every time she heard her brother talk about her, has she been occupied by this frivolous slut in her heart? So, when she saw the Black Prison Demon King in the underworld, she had a strange feeling, and even when the "heartfelt words" full of lies were poured out by the Black Prison Demon King, it had touched her heart for no reason and quickly?

But it turned out that she had already admired him!

PS: Ask for red tickets...