
[Chapter 390 Wind and Clouds]

(Second update)

Time flies.

Human world, Tianshan.

It has been two years since he went down the mountain on the 15th, and there has been no news of him in the past two years, which confused the disciples of Tianshan Mountain. Two years ago, he came to Tianshan on the 15th. As soon as he entered, he went down the mountain privately, and then he was punished by the head. Then he was asked to go down the mountain to practice.

In the past two years, the whole world has been surging. The gods and demons, who were forbidden feet, have become more and more unscrupulous, and the source of the unscrupulousness of gods and demons is the earth-shaking battle two years ago.

Some people with high cultivation have already explored the original situation through secret arts. It was a small war between gods and demons, in which several ancient gods and demons were even involved. The battle between gods and demons must be wind and clouds, shocking the heavens, and this fragile space in the world can't stand their tos at all.

And since then, there have been countless battles of gods and demons, large and small. It seems that it is not far from the general battle of gods and demons, and then there will be another loss of life.

On the swordless peak in the middle of Tianshan Mountain, several figures stood respectfully in front of a bamboo house. After a long time, the door of the bamboo house was slowly retreated, and a young man with white hair came out of it...

No sword!

Two years later, his face has not changed at all, and he looks more and more energetic. Among the people hanging their hands in the bamboo room, one saw the shining appearance of the nihilless sword and couldn't help envy.

"You are coming..." Xu Wujian's voice was indifferent, and then slowly walked to the huge lakeside, looking at the sky with deep eyes. "Can you hear from them?"

"Master, the disciples have sent their brothers to pay attention to them on the 15th and found that they may not be in the world..." The head of several figures said that it was the eldest brother Fei Ling.

Looking at its appearance, in the past two years, his cultivation has been more and more refined, and more than one or two points have been refined. He stood at random, and a force of controlling momentum was flowing slightly. Oh, my God! Unexpectedly, Feiling broke through from the psychic realm to the psychic realm in two years?

After listening to Fei Ling's words, he shook his head secretly and said, "How does the leader arrange it?"

Feiling replied, "In the past two years, the world has been turbulent, and there have caused trouble in the two worlds, and there have been many large and small battles, ranging from gods and demons to gods and demons, but the battle between gods and demons has not occurred. According to the master's speculation, the gods and demons will also join the human battlefield in the next few years, so the leader has After the order, all the disciples of Tianshan were recalled, and even issued a call to the Basan people... The Tianshan faction is the leader of the world, and naturally is the tip of the storm of the future battle of gods and demons, so the leader means to preserve his strength to survive this catastrophe..."

After saying that, Feiling stood respectfully beside the Xuwu sword and fell down after hearing it. However, the Xuwu sword shook his head slightly, as if there was something in his heart, but in the end, he nodded: "Just do as the leader wants... As for the fifteenth, let them go..."

"But, Master..."

"It doesn't matter, the three of them have their own fate..." Xu Wujian stopped talking and turned around and slowly walked into the bamboo house.

However, who are the three people he mentioned? Hasn't only 15 people disappeared in the past two years?

"Big brother, what does the swordless elder mean? What does it mean that 15th uncles have their own fate? A petite shadow curled up and gracefully, and she locked her eyebrows deeply, as if she didn't understand. And the owner of this shadow is the Fuyao who has grown up.

Two years later, she has faded a layer of greenness, has added a charm, and is also a complete beauty. It's just that no matter how much she changes, she always looks like a child in front of Fei Ling, pitiful and cute.

Feiling didn't say anything. He just shook his head. It had been two years since he went down the mountain, and there was no news at all. His eldest brother was naturally anxious, but he also didn't understand what the nihilless sword meant.

"The fifteenth uncle is also true. Why did he go down the mountain at that time? Later, I don't know why Sister Su Li suddenly changed into a person. She washed her face with tears all day long and finally went down the mountain. There was also Sister Chanlian. Why did she become happy and sad, worrying about gains and losses? I really don't understand... And the most incomprehensible thing is that all three of them are missing? Fu Yao knocked on her little head, and fifteen or three people did make her think about it.

Fei Ling said, "The three brothers are all temperamental. Don't worry about them too much. In the future, the Tianshan faction is on the tip of the wave. You have to work hard to improve your cultivation. With your current strength of the three layers of sword, it is naturally not enough..."

"Well, that's what the big brother would say. I'm not a genius like you, nor that madman Fengyan. How can my cultivation improve so fast? If it hadn't been for the cultivation holy place where the leader opened the Beifeng Lingxu Cave in the past two years, I wouldn't have reached the peak of the third level of the imperial sword in two years..."

"You little guy..." Fei Ling shook his head with a smile and said to the young man beside him, "Nonheng, Feicheng, do you know where Yiyi is?"

"Sister Yiyi..." She wanted to stop talking, but Fei Ling frowned and said in a low voice, "She has entered the alien fairyland again?"

"Sister Yiyi has also worked very hard in the past two years. She entered the alien world to enhance her cultivation. I think it's for the sake of the sect..." Fei Hengyi explained.

"Alas..." Fei Ling finally sighed, "Let her go. Although the fairyland is dangerous, with Yiyi's strength, it would have been no problem if she hadn't met powerful demons, and the leader did not come forward to stop it... Let's go first and arrange everything..."

The whole world is not peaceful. It is as anxious as the Tianshan School, and there are other sects that they intend to prepare for themselves. However, unlike Tianshan, Tianshan is famous as the first in the world, so when the battle between gods and demons breaks out, it is absolutely the brunt.

However, although many sects are busy with how to tide over the upcoming crisis, except for one sect, which is naturally a fire clan.

The purpose of the fire clan is naturally to resurrect the fire god, which is a considerable conspiracy and plan, and the fire god is a powerful ancient god, holding an artifact away from the sky, which is enough to sweep one side. Therefore, as long as the fire clan can resurrect the fire god, it will be easy to get through the future turmoil.

However, although the Fire clan got the key to open the tomb of the VIII, it has not yet obtained the correct location of the VIII tomb, because one of the three remnants is in the hands of the 15th hand. The 15th has been missing for two years, and the VIII has naturally been delayed for two years.

Of course, in the past two years, the fire clan has not done nothing. At least they have more and more frequent contact with the mysterious organization, and even intend to devote themselves to the mysterious organization, but the thieves of the mysterious organization are at least at least at the level of evil demons. However, although several people in the fire clan have reached the level of gods and demons, it is impossible to The whole fire clan is arranged to enter the organization.

Unlike the turmoil in the world, the underworld where more than fifteen people are located is unchanged. Even according to the calculation of the Black Prison Demon King, the fifteenth has less than a scent of incense. Of course, this is also related to the static time of the dark time and space.

When he entered Jiuyou to refine the ghost stone on the 15th, the Black Prison Demon King was already planning to return to the world again. First of all, he thought about the person who finally attacked him.

At that time, the black prison demon king could have fled with fifteen and white snow, but he didn't expect that the mantis caught the cicada and yellow finch. Finally, he was plotted to return to the entrance of the void turbulence again. Then it was the arrival of the ancient gods and demons of the gods and demons that he had no choice but to run into the void turbulence. Fortunately, several people did not die.

It's just who attacked him? In fact, the power seems to have reached the ancient demon, otherwise it is impossible to force the black prison demon king back, and what puzzles the black prison demon king is that the attacker does not belong to the two camps of gods and demons at all, just like the third camp, and the power behind it may not be much weaker than the two worlds of gods and demons.

The Black Prison Demon King was thinking about himself, but at this time, at the cracked entrance of Jiuyou, an unusually strong energy fluctuation suddenly hit, and a colorful airflow slowly drifted away, like a colorful cloud river falling from the sky.

"Success?" The Black Prison Demon King looked happy and saw a figure stepping out of the crack of Jiuyou. He moved slightly, and the energy around him had surged away like running water.

"This power? Is it the road to simplicity? The suddenness that came out of the crack was 15. He gently clenched his fist and felt the surging power fluctuation of his body, and an indescribable comfort surged in his heart.

"15...you, have you succeeded?"

PS: Ask for red tickets...