
[Chapter 408 Don't Leave a Next]

(Second update)

The realm of 15 itself is the simplest, and his dark body has the potential to compete with the gods and demons, so he can compete with a demon with his physical strength, but his own cultivation is too weak compared with the demon god, and he will inevitably be at a disadvantage or even defeated during the war with a demon.

However, if he fights against the evil demon again with the artifact, the result is not the same, and the end of Gao Lu is the best proof. The artifact is in the fifteen hands, and his whole body is like a huge thunder. The surrounding void is constantly broken and condensed, and the blood rain is scattered, like a sad song...

15's body was shattered, just because his own strength was too weak to fight against a demon. However, with the four demons, he could only be beaten.

Originally, as long as he operated the power of heavenly rebellion at this moment and killed these four evil spirits, he had some concerns in his heart. At that time, in Crescent Bay, it seemed to have been confirmed as the underworld by the two worlds of gods and demons, and even the ancient gods and demons of the two worlds of gods and demons had been dispatched. If he exudes the spirit of heavenly rebellion at this moment, on the edge of this world In the void, it is easy to be noticed by the powerful existence scattered in the world or peeping at the world.

You can't use the power of heaven! At this moment, it has not reached an uncontrollable level, so the fifteen generals continue to be deadlocked with the four evil demons.

The heaven is worthy of being an ancient artifact, and the colorful Holy Spirit and the body of the Ninth are also rare treasures in the world. Under their joint action, the 15th has not shown any signs.

"I also participated in the war..." Seeing that the four evil demons can't stand with fifteen, the spirit of the whole sky came out. "You let the sword spirit of the source wood sword cooperate with me, you use my body, and I urge the source wood sword, which can temporarily help you resist a evil demon, and you will kill one of the three in a short time. This battle There is a hope of winning..."

After saying that, the spirit of Huntian has communicated with the sword spirit of Yuanmu Sword in an instant. At this critical moment, the sword spirit of Yuanmu Sword naturally has no objection, and the spirit of Huntian is also an instrument spirit, combined with Yuanmu Sword, and its power is not weaker than any evil demon.

The four evil spirits were quickly dispersed by the spirit of heaven holding the source wooden sword. As soon as they saw the sudden help of the fifteen, the four evil spirits were stunned at the same time, but at the same time exclaimed: "The spirit of the artifact?"

"That's the spirit of the artifact. Refining him quickly. As long as you refine him, the artifact is ours..." A nightmare roared. However, before his words fell, the Huntian body in the fifteen hands has quickly transformed into a huge sword, like the transformed rut, "Puff..." The evil demon who shouted loudly It has been split in half by him.

The void is once again filled with blood fog...

"Want to refine Laozi? Even the ancient gods and demons can't do it, just you? Delusion!" The spirit of the heaven shouted. Even if he is an instrument, he can naturally control the thunder. Therefore, when the source wooden sword in his hand is scattered into vines, the branches are also mixed with electric arc thunder. The fifteenth movement was rapid, and the movement of the spirit of the whole sky was not slow. At the moment when the fifteenth crushed a demon, the spirit of the whole sky quickly bound the broken mortal demon with the power of thunder.

However, the spirit of heaven is only an instrument after all. Even if the evil demon is smashed, it is difficult for him to kill it completely, but it is enough to buy a certain amount of time for the 15th.

I saw that the remaining three evil demons attacked quickly and wanted to refine the spirit of the sky quickly. Their eyes were like torches, and the gloomy demons boiled and roared all over their bodies. Suddenly, the demons condensed into huge mouths that were enough to swallow the sky, and they were bound to swallow the spirit of the whole sky and the fifteen together.

However, there was one of the four evil demons, and the pressure of 15 suddenly weakened, and this weakening pressure was enough to turn the form aside.

"You three, die..." Hu Tian in the fifteen hands changed his appearance in an instant. In today's battle, his understanding of the artifact Huntian has deepened another layer, including the deformation at this moment.

Huntian's body is a thunder arc that is more than one person high. Because the nature of the thunder allows him to stretch and shorten at will, and even transform it into a thunder spear, but the head of the long gun is huge, which looks like tens of thousands of arcs.

The remaining three evil demons were not surprised to see the deformation of the artifact. On the contrary, they are more greedy and can't wait to use all their strength. As long as they kill the young man in front of them, it is not a problem to seize the artifact.


The huge lightning gun was quickly waved by the fifteenth. At the beginning of the swing, the whole gun body of the long gun was like a winding dragon, suddenly stretching out, surrounded by a huge spherical thunder net when the three evil demons were caught off guard. The thunder net suddenly appeared and was extremely powerful, but the remaining three evil demons were not afraid of death and were bound to fight against 15.

15 sneered, his eyebrows condensed, and the thunder net had burst into a brilliant brilliance, among which countless tentacles appeared, and three evil demons were trapped in an instant. With the power of the fifteenth, it is more than enough to trap the three evil demons. However, if there are four, he is a little powerless, so he wants to kill one of the three before the spirit of heaven can't trap the fourth evil demon.

"Hey..." Fifteen faces are as heavy as iron. He has condensed all the power that can be used in the sky. The moment when the three evil demons were briefly bound, the sky in his hand trembled, and the huge gunhead that had been condensed was quickly smashed against a demon.


There was only a slight sound, and the evil demon had burst into an inch of flesh and blood in an instant. In the thunder net, flesh and blood were permeated, long, and there was a tendency to condense again, but how can the fifteenth, who has slightly prevail now allow him to be resurrected again? The thunder net he controlled was shining again, and countless thunder arcs penetrated into the body of the broken evil demon like a bone. The small arc was only one hole, and the consciousness in it had disappeared.


When the rest of Xiang Xiangxiamo saw this situation, his heart was extremely cold. It was too terrible for this human boy to use the artifact, and he was still a mortal. When can a mortal use the artifact like this?

"Who the hell are you?" One of the three evil demons died tragically, and the combined strength of the remaining two naturally weakened a lot, and it was no longer possible to resist the shackles of the Thunder Net.

"Me? Of course, it's the person who killed you..." Before the fifteenth sentence, "bang" trembled softly, and the remaining two evil demons were also bombarded.

The five evil demons, after a long time, have extinguished the four, and the remaining one is also the turtle in the urn.

For the time being, the life of the broken evil demon is naturally because he still has a certain value. 15 was not in a hurry to ask any questions about the rest of the evil spirits. Instead, he ran the "Underworld Secret" to confirm the absurd idea he had just flashed...

Can the power of void also be decomposed by his "Heavenly Secret"?

This speculation can be said to be extremely bold, but no matter what the consequences are, the 15th has run the "Underworld Secret" and its answer has been revealed in an instant... "Underworld Secret" cannot decompose the power of the void!

The power of the void should be a state of "nothing". It can be imagined that it does not belong to any tangible side door force, and the reason why the "Underworld Secret" cannot be decomposed is that the power of the void is the same type of original power as the aura of the day. Since it is the original power, how can it be decomposed?

However, after the aura of heaven and earth is absorbed by the creatures of the three worlds, they can form their own inner spirits, demons, and even the power of gods and demons. So what kind of unique "inner spirit" can be formed after the power of the void is absorbed by others?

Standing in the void, the power of the void is really strange. It can't be decomposed or absorbed. However, the energy contained in the power of the void is so vast. At this moment, the power of the void is like the mysterious spring in the nine ghosts, but the latter can absorb the former. Indeed, I feel extremely uncomfortable with a pile of treasures that are difficult to use anyway!

15 sighed and temporarily left the matter behind, because the last demon suppressed by the spirit of the sky seemed to have run out of food.


The thunder net permeated and covered all the broken evil demons. He smiled faintly and said, "Speak and tell me everything you know..."

"Oh..." The broken nightmare seemed to be still fighting, but at this moment, they had no good temper. Su Li and Chan Lian were nowhere to be found, and they were placed together by the old black demon. Although they killed four nightmare demons, it made the old black man of Montenegro slip away, and the resentment was really aggrieved.

If this remaining evil demon is more frank, 15 can be considered to be lenient, but if he resists, he has to be strict.