
[Chapter 416 Resurrection of the Vna God]

(Second update)

A wild sand land in the west of the wilderness is now full of strange power, and those gods and demons occupying a place in the wilderness also seem to feel the strange vibration of the wild sand land.

This vibration is insignificant, but it is carefully perceived, but there is a fascinating and invincible atmosphere. The gods and demons below the gods and demons are all scared, because the breath is like a sharp sword and a pair of cold eyes. As long as they are disrespectful, they will be destroyed.

"Hey... This wilderness is really good. There are so many weak gods and demons, enough for you to kill..." A low man's voice resounded in the wild sand, but no one was seen in the vast sandy land. Instead, there was a black flame behind a sand dune.

Carefully distinguishing, the sound seems to come from the black flame.

"The six lords, can we do a big job in the world after this?" Another voice resounded. Listening to this sound, he seemed a little young, but there was a sinister voice that was different from ordinary people... He seemed to think that his sinister was something worth showing off, so he spoke without reservation.

"Tianqing, don't be too anxious. The Lord ordered that as long as the people or gods and demons hinder this matter, they will all be killed... I'm afraid today's matter will not be so simple. Don't forget that there were two ancient demons to provoke me a few days ago... If this is not bad as I expected, I'm afraid today is the time for them to attack again... ..."

"Oh? Hey, if it comes just right, my way of blood cultivation just needs to absorb the cultivation of an ancient demon..." The young man's voice resounded again.

"If your eldest brother knows that you have fallen into a demon, and you have also practiced the bloody practice second only to the way of silkworm eating, I'm afraid he will frustrate you..."

"My big brother?" There seems to be a trace of self-deprecating in the tone of the young man, "My eldest brother only cares about improving his strength. For such a long time, even if he freezes me, he doesn't want me to let me practice. I've really had enough... What about becoming a demon god? At that time, if it hadn't been stopped by the stinky boy in the world of God, the cultivation of the human and demon stone wilderness would have been absorbed by me long ago, and now I would not have retreated to practice this bloody cultivation..."

"For us, whether it is the way of sifting or the way of blood cultivation, as long as it can be used for us, we won't care about your origin and what you have done. Hey hey... Today, you don't have to fight internally with the girl who has the way of sifting. If it's things are bad today, let alone the Lord, even I am not I will forgive you easily..." The six lords wrapped in black flames hummed coldly, and their momentum suddenly doubled.

When the young man saw the warning of the six lords, he was silent for a moment and spit out two words: "I understand..."

In the tomb of the fire god, the seven lords pinched the "divine object" in his hand. Only then did the fifteenth come back to his senses from the fear of the seven lords, but his eyes were suddenly attracted by the "divine objects" in the hands of the seven lords.

Because that is the broken jade that contains the power of heaven!

This piece of broken jade was suddenly the broken jade carried by Xuanbing in Crescent Bay. At that time, their purpose was to attract the broken jade in Crescent Bay with broken jade, so that it could be collected, but later the fifteenth fell from the sky and broke the balance.

"Xuanhuo, do you know the true value of this broken jade?" The seven masters stared at the broken jade for a long time. When they saw the ancestor of the fire clan frown, they slowly said, "This broken jade is related to the future development of heaven and earth... And when all the broken jade like this are collected, incredible things will happen..."

What the seven lords said seems to make people understand, but 15 can understand it as soon as they hear it, because when all the broken jade is collected, the power of heaven will become complete, and the book of creation will also emerge at the same time! At that time, as long as you control the power of nature, it will be enough to hold the whole world in your hands.

Naturally, the great ancestor of the fire clan did not know the secret of the broken jade, but this broken jade is a necessary "divine object" to resurrect the fire god, that is to say, with this broken jade, the fire god has the hope of resurrection, which is also the message that the great ancestor received from the dead organization.

"I've never heard of..."

"Of course you don't know, forget it. It's useless to tell you this. Our great lord once had a relationship with the Vladivine, and he also appreciated the strength of Vlaeus very much, so the great lord will help the fire clan resurrect the Vladen so much..." At this time, he had fixed the broken jade in mid-air, and And a huge unparalleled force suddenly gushed out of his body, forcing everyone to retreat.

"Hey..." The seven masters condensed the broken jade in the air, but at this moment, the corners of his mouth suddenly evoked a strange arc and said loudly, "My dear Lord Death, please bring the fire god back to the world from the endless void, reorganize his soul, reunite his body, and restore his power to the past..." < /P>

Wait! Fifteen's head trembled, and the seven lords just said... Death?

Does death really exist? And can it also recondensulate the soul factor of the fire god? This... How can a dead person, how can the fire god, who has returned to its origin as early as ancient times, be revived? Is it a dream, or is it the true god named "Death" that really has such a powerful power to condense the soul of a soul factor that returns to its origin?

Impossible! Absolutely impossible! Even the Creator is impossible!

However, the realistic scene stunned 15. When the seven main singers sang, the magma lake had surged violently, and in an instant there was a huge wave, like a blood basin mouth, "Boom..." With a loud sound, all the fire disciples under the altar were swallowed up!

"No..." The great ancestor of the fire clan roared crazily. He wanted to save the disciples of the fire clan again, but it was too late. His gray hair was even more vast. He stared at the seven masters and trembled, "Why is this? Why did you kill my fire disciple?"

Dazu's whole body seemed to exude a cold murderous atmosphere. His eyes were cracked, and there seemed to be a strong resentment in his chest.

"Why? Do you think it's so easy to resurrect the dead? The god of fire is a super ancient god, and nature that needs blood sacrifice also needs life... And it is the same life... Originally, the spirit of the god of fire has been destroyed, and it is impossible to resurrect, but it is different with this broken jade, because it contains... the power of heavenly rebellion... Hey hey, this power is more than the creator god For the ancient existence, as long as there is it, coupled with the blood sacrifice of strangers, there will be three layers of hope for the resurrection of the god of fire... Xuanhuo, your master can be resurrected, and what is the blood sacrifice of this dry fire disciple?

The seven lords continued to control his power and drive the magma, but he inadvertently seemed to reveal a shocking secret... the power of heavenly rebellion!

This power was heard by the great ancestor long before ancient times, but now it suddenly sounds a little creepy... The heir of the power of heavenly rebellion is called the Mingzi. Naturally, as the Xuanhuo, the great ancestor of the fire clan, has also heard of it, but he only knows one and the other. For a long time, he has thought that the Mingzi should be extremely powerful and scattered A character with a strong sense of death, however, when he learned that there was a force of heaven in the broken jade, a disciple once told him that someone could absorb the broken jade...

A series of things rushed up, and Dazu's eyes suddenly fell on Fifteen, frightened and frightened... He stared at Fifteen, and his expression at this moment was more wonderful than all the disciples of the fire clan were killed just now...

Seeing the great ancestor of the fire clan staring at him, he naturally guessed something. He gritted his teeth hatefully. If people knew his identity, he would definitely be defeated. However, at this moment, his strength was so weak that it was impossible to escape the shackles of people with the strength of ancient demons.

Therefore, with no hope of survival, it can only be slaughtered...

"Are you...the legendary..." The great ancestor was about to say the word "ming zi", but at this time, a hot arm was stretched out in the thick magma under the altar and grabbed the great ancestor's neck.

Before the great ancestor finished his words, he had been abruptly withdrawn into the magma.

"Hey, your master needs your life, so you can also go... die..." As soon as the seven masters fell, they were surrounded by a huge airflow, which bombarded the ancestors who had just been caught in the magma but rushed to the Internet.

"Boom..." Several loud noises, and the flesh and blood of the great ancestor have spread all over the sky.

PS: It has become a habit for me to type. I don't type for a day, and my whole body is uncomfortable. And before this promising book, I can only comfort myself with "experience the happiness" and "fun in it". However, although I can maintain an optimistic attitude, there is no denying my pursuit of achievements. Seeing the results of this book every day, sometimes I really want the eunuch to calculate it, but when I think back on holding on for so long, it's really a pity if I give up, so I just want a little encouragement at this moment, a motivation that I can continue to write... Thank you...