
[Chapter 418 The Death of Xuanye]

(Second update)

Xuanye is the ultimate owner of the artifact Litian, and as the former owner, the fire god naturally hopes to gain more powerful power. Therefore, the fire god will have the idea of integrating Xuanye, because once Xuanye is integrated, it means that he can exert 100% of the power of the artifact Litian. At that time, in the ancient gods and demons I'm afraid it will be invincible...

More invincible than the seven lords and six lords, even the great lord!

"Okay, after you merge with the sky, you will be born to kill the world..." The seven masters smiled, and his eyes coldly glanced at the fifteen and white snow that condensed themselves. "As for the two of you... disappear completely..."

The seven lords waved their hands quickly, and the hands of destroying the sky frequently hit out: "Fire God, I give you two blood sacrifices. You have to take good look at them. One of them is...ming zi!"

"ming zi? Hahahaha, I refined him today... Huh, the way to eat silkworms? Hahaha, today I'm going to completely devour you two..." The fire god is excited, one has a unique way to eat, the other has the power of unprecedented rebelliousness, and even... artifacts!

"Is this the artifact of Thor's beast? Today, it's all in the hands of my Vladivine..." Vladivine shouted loudly, and the big hand has once again paid 15 and Bai Xue... to pieces!

The surging magma devoured 15 and white snow in an instant!

However, the reason why the Vulcan can be resurrect is the broken jade with the power of heavenly resistance. Although 15 also has the power of heavenly resistance, no one can stop the Vulcan to completely smash him and destroy his spiritual knowledge, but the Vulcan negligence is here. He only shattered the body of 15 and Baixue with magma. The two were swallowed up and their spiritual consciousness was not completely silenced.

So, the moment the fifteen was pulled into the magma, he suddenly felt the same power as him.

The power of heaven!

The broken jade fell into the magma, and the power of heavenly rebellion contained in it is being guided by the Vect to resurrect itself. Therefore, at this moment, in the magma, it is full of the power of heavenly rebellion!

As soon as she entered, with him as the center, the scattered forces of heavenly rebellion had been attracted by her, and at the same time, there was the broken jade that fell nowhere.

"What are you doing?" The Vulcan seemed to have found the fifteenth action. At this time, he had decomposed Xuanye's soul. However, the abnormal movement in the magma shocked him. The power of heavenly rebellion guided by him seemed to be passing away?

"You, stop!"

The Vulcan has not yet been fully resurrected. He is going to completely resurrect himself through the guidance of the power of heavenly rebellion and the integration with Xuanye, but he did not dream that the source of the power supporting his resurrection is being absorbed by the fifteenth.


The fifteenth body quickly condensed in the magma, and he didn't know when two pieces of broken jade were merging with each other!

The fusion of broken jade is slow and gentle. When they merge, they continue to emit bursts of violent energy. This energy, the magnificent and gentleness of the mountains, is similar to wind and thunder, ice and fire, and seems to be two opposing forces. However, due to the lesson of the previous car, as soon as Yamazawa's power was incorporated into his body, it was completely running freely...


There were loud noises in the magma. The seven masters stood on the altar, but somehow they didn't hear the sound of the fire god hate the injustice. He just smiled coldly: "Huh, six, can't you resist the two ancient demons outside?"

It turned out that it was not that the seven lords did not hear it, but that he completely threw his spiritual energy into the outside world of the tomb of Vulcan, and listened to his words. At this moment, there seemed to be two ancient demons in the outside world doing it?


A loud noise of the mountain, the altar standing by the seven lords suddenly burst open. A giant hand that did not know where it came from seemed to cross the space and directly break the altar standing by the seven lords into nothingness!

"Have you regained your strength?" The seven lords were extremely frightened. He shouted in the direction of the giant hand, but the other party did not want to talk to him. The giant hand was directly run over and did not give any room for the seven lords to turn back.

"Black Prison Demon King, stop it. The Lord actually appreciates you very much. If you can join the death organization, you will definitely have a place to take charge of the world in the future..."

The Black Devil? Since the person who came is the black prison demon king! But why did he come to kill the seven lords? Is it for the death organization of the seven lords to resurrect death? Or will the fifteenth be swallowed up by the fire god?

Obviously, it's not... The Black Prison Demon King came to stir up the situation for only one purpose, because the seven lords were the yellow finch that exerted a secret hand in Crescent Bay at that time.

With the character of the Demon King of Black Prison, he will not care about ordinary things. As for who once wanted his life, he will naturally chase him to the ends of the earth and frustrate it!

"Join the death organization? Hey hey, okay, but... your little life should be left to me first..." The black prison demon king shouted, and his whole figure had quickly come to the seven lords, but when he saw the surging magma, he was stunned.

"Vacon?" However, take a closer look, "Fifteen?"

"Fuck, go to hell..." The demon king of the black prison fully understood as soon as he saw this place. He waved his hands quickly, like a banana fan, and waved his huge palms on the seven lords.

"Bumbang..." The bodies of the seven lords were scattered by the Black Prison Demon King, and then dispersed until the bones were gone and the spiritual knowledge was destroyed.

Returning from the underworld, the strength of the black prison demon king has not grown at all, only two or three layers in its heyday, so it is difficult to turn up huge waves in front of the seven lords and six lords. However, at this moment, somehow, his strength has completely restored the power of the ancient heyday. In this transformation, the black prison demon king suddenly became poor. The bare egg turned into a rich man, and the six lords and seven lords were completely pediatric in his eyes.

Of course, the six are mainly stronger than the seven lords, and the black prison demon king cannot kill him instantly. However, these seven lords, with no assistance, can only be left to the black prison demon king**.

"Black Prison Demon King, you..." The seven lords could no longer speak. The Black Prison Demon King waved his hand and wiped out his last spiritual knowledge. "I'm the devil! Naturally, I need to be cruel... Hey hey, how can I become a demon king?"

The black prison demon king touched his long hair and then looked at the surging magma in front of him: "No, if it goes on like this, it will certainly be discovered by other strong people..."

"You stinky boy, you don't let the eldest brother worry so much..." The black prison demon king gritted his teeth, gushed out all his strength, and then completely blocked the space, just like when the fifteenth was running the power of the sky in the crescent bay, but today is different from the past, the fifteenth The power increased ten thousand times more than at that time, so at this moment, when the Black Prison Demon King blocked the surrounding space, the power of 15 also confronted him in an instant.

"Puff..." As an ancient demon, the black prison demon king has spit out a mouthful of thick blood at this moment, but he gritted his teeth and still endured, "You stinky boy, if you are stronger, I can't cover you..."

The Black Prison Demon King said to himself. Only when he saw that there was a trace of silence in the magma, he was a little relieved, because if his strength at this moment was found, his end would only be...death! And there is no place to die!

If the fifteenth dies, the children of Qin Tianqian and Yun Mingshu will be cut off! Reasonable, the Black Prison Demon King could not let this happen, so he would rather hurt himself than let 15 die. He hoped that 15 would grow up slowly until one day he could stand up and be fearless in the face of ancient gods and demons, so that Qin Tianqian and Yun Mingshu's spirits in heaven would also be comforted.

15's strength has increased unparalleledly. At this moment, he has reached the level of the heavenly demon. Although he is far from the ancient demon, he also has the capital to escape his life under the ancient demon.

"Big brother..."

When the Black Prison Demon King blocked the space, the voice of 15 has sounded. The Black Prison Demon King was stunned, and the power of heavenly rebellion had completely disappeared. He was a burst of joy. However, when he looked at it, he found that fifteen was standing on the magma in a daze, and there was a glowing figure in front of him, which was... disappearing!

The eldest brother of 15 also shouted at the light and shadow. The Black Prison Demon King suddenly felt curious and slowly came to the side of 15. He saw the light and shadow and exclaimed, "The method of integration? Does the V of God want to integrate with him?

"Brother in Black Prison..." There was a bitterness on the fifteenth face, and he shook his head, because he knew that Xuanye had returned to heaven, because the spirit of the sky was also shaking his head.

PS: Ask for a red ticket...