
[Chapter 462 Moving Mountain God]

(Second update)

15 stood on the sea and heard the battle not far away. Looking around, the energy storm swept over, and the wind roared repeatedly, and permeated the human continent not far away.

"Is that the devil?" On the 15th earthquake, there was a trace of energy fluctuation in the place where he stood, which was completely the power of the demon. It was no longer a strange thing for Tianmo to appear in the world. He did not want to participate, but suddenly a familiar breath came.

"Is this, Brother Yuheng? Sister Yan Ru?"

The surprise of 15 was not small. Yuheng, who thought they had been affected by the power of ancient demons, appeared here. At this time, 15 was also happy and worried. He was happy that Yuheng was still alive. Worried that the two were being surrounded by several demons at this moment and attacked in turn, as if they were joking.

"Damn!" Fifteen scolded softly and quickly moved to the battle circle.

"Brother Yuheng! Sister Yan Ru!" 15 shouted loudly, but when he really saw the two, his heart suddenly stopped beating, and his pupils seemed to stare out of his eyes.

At this moment, Murong Yuheng was bathed in blood, with a bamboo branch inserted in one of his eyes, and blood gushed out of his eyes, and countless ferocious wounds on his body, like a curved and strange smile, shocked the fifteenth mood to fall from joy to grief.

"How, how did this happen?" Fifteen trembled and wandered around. Where is Murong Yanru? However, 15 did not have time to find Murong Yanru, because another heavenly demon clawed Murong Yuheng's head. They seemed to have played enough to end Yuheng's life.

"No..." Fifteen exclaimed, "You stop it!"

His voice resounded like a bell. As his voice roared out, his figure was also like a wisp of wind, smashing fiercely at the demon who wanted to end Yuheng's life with the power of thunder.


The overwhelming power was surprised, and the space was also split by 15 at the same time. The demon who wanted to take Yuheng's life was smashed by 15 moves, together with spiritual consciousness.

"Fifteen brothers?" Yuheng was stunned, but then seemed to think of something, "Go and save Yan Ru, save Xiao Ziyan..."

15's whole body trembled, and the heart was like a huge rock falling into the sea, going straight down. Did something happen to Murong Yanru?

"What's wrong with Sister Yan Ru?" Fifteen was stunned and didn't wait for Yuheng to speak. A group of magic attack condensed in a heavenly demon slant thorn. Fifteen did not return. The muddy sky in his hand rushed out like a spirit snake, stabbing the day into a hornet's nest in an instant.

Then, 15 slowly turned around with a silent face, but countless anger surged in his heart and whispered, "You... are all going to die!"


Although 15 lost the artifact Longyin, his own strength was also in the realm of heaven and demons, and he was slightly running a trace of rebellious power, which was an extremely powerful help for him, so all the demons present were poisoned by him.

The sky was full of blood fog. 15 licked the corners of his mouth, took back all the scattered magic blood crystals, and then put them all into Murong Yuheng's body.

Yuheng trembled, and the power of the heavenly demon blood crystal did restore him a little. However, after all, he was a mortal body. After being attacked by several heavenly demons, it was the end of the year. At this moment, he could only hold out for a while, but he could not recover again.

Seeing this fifteenth, I couldn't help but feel sad from it. Yuheng has not done anything harmful in this life. In the spirit of chivalry, he didn't know how many times he helped the weak, but he didn't know that he ended up dying.

"Fifteen...Brother, life and death are up to fate, I just want... I just want to...g you one thing!" Murong Yuheng's voice became extremely weak, and two lines of tears gushed out of his eyes.

"Brother Yuheng, you said, listen, I will definitely agree!"

"Five...Brother, Yan Ru and Yan Ru were taken away by an ancient demon. She, she... You must save her, you must save Xiao Ziyan, I beg you..." Murong Yuheng knew what the ancient demon meant, and asked 15 to save him to die, but now, what can Yuheng do?

He said, slowly getting up and kneeling in front of the fifteenth.

"Brother Yuheng, what are you doing!" Fifteen was shocked and reached out to help Murong Yuheng, but he didn't expect that he was out of breath! His life has gone away with the wind like a withered flower.

Fifteen was stunned, and his heart seemed to be empty. Murong Yuheng's body suddenly disappeared at this time, standing in the air for fifteen, facing the vast sea...

"Brother Yuheng! Go well, don't worry, even if I fight for my life, I will save Sister Yan Ru and Xiao Ziyan!" 15 suddenly looked up, with a trace of crystal tears in his eyes, and his perception suddenly emitted, tracking the breath left by the ancient demon.

The ancient demon was very careful and completely hid his breath, but Murong Yanru's breath was perceived by him, "This direction!"

Fifteen stared and finally found a direction in the vast sea. He surged up his strength and suddenly flew in that direction.

I don't know how long it took, a small island full of rocks has appeared in front of 15. 15's perception, if Murongyan is really there, and her breath is uncertain, as if she is strongly resisting.

Fifteenth day gritted his teeth and rushed over.

On the island, after Murong Yanru was captured by an ancient demon, her whole body was bound. She only heard the whist wind in her ear, and suddenly appeared in a cave.

This cave is extremely deep, but it has become extremely bright by the ancient devil, and it is covered with red veil, like a new house.

"Hey, little beauty, I can be lucky to you, but your blessings, don't resist anymore. Let me do double repairs with you and absorb the little girl in your belly. At that time, you will follow me and become my concubine, and call for wind and rain!"

"You dream!" Murong Yanru's whole body is bound and can't move. However, although her body is bound, her senses are still flexible, but she can't see the person in front of her anyway. Is the ancient demon really so powerful that she can't even see his appearance with Yan Ru's cultivation?

The ancient demon's face darkened, and his voice suddenly changed: "Don't toast or eat punishment..." With that, his hands were connected and he wanted to be strong.

Murongyan Ru is a beautiful woman, and the little Ziyan in her belly has absorbed countless powers, which is also of great benefit to the ancient demon. The ancient demon in front of her is looking at her beauty and the energy of Xiao Ziyan at the same time.

The ancient demon has no choice but to be strong, but she can decide her own life.

"Xiao Ziyan, I'm sorry..." Yan Ru's tears were like a river bursting, "Yuheng, I'll go first..."

In an hour, a strong force gushed out of her body.

"What are you going to do?" The ancient demon was frightened, and the power gushed out of Yan Ru's body. He understood what she was going to do. At that moment, he waved his hands and suddenly smiled, "Little flower demon beauty, if you want to die, I don't want to die. If you want to die, I will wait for me to kill you!"

"Jie Jie, Jie Jie..." The ancient demon's laughter was really evil. He suppressed all Yan Ru's strength, and then reached out to untie Yan Ru's clothes.

But at this moment, the ancient demon suddenly became a force, and suddenly a strong force rushed from the sky.

"Who is it?" The ancient demon shouted loudly, but then seemed to perceive the strength of the person. Now he sneered and said, "Tianmo? It's simply looking for death..."

The ancient demon casually hit a shocking red light and hit the rushing man.

"So what about the ancient devil, I'm not afraid of you..." The voice of 15 was like a blockbuster. The whole island where the ancient demon was located shook suddenly, and countless huge waves surged, enging up the island.

A figure rushed out of the island engulfed by the huge waves and stood high above the fifteenth.

"Is that you?" Fifteen bursts of stunned, he completely saw who the person came. What kind of ancient demon was that robbed Murong Yanru? It was clearly an ancient god!

"Moving the mountain god!"