
[Chapter 494 Collapse]

(Sorry, today's update!)

"Oh? Even a descendant knows me? Hey hey, my name is really good!" The black and white face said this tantamount to admitting that he was yin and yang, and he didn't seem to take the destruction of the fifteen homes in his heart.

In addition to yin and yang, there was also Yicha. Fifteen's eyes turned to him, but he found that Yicha was also looking at him.

also said, "Oh? So, did Jieyou give you all his divine power?

In Crescent Bay, Jie You once said that he was the owner of the Seven Star Palace, and he also pleaded 15 things, that is, to kill Yicha, which shows the deep blood feud between the two.

It is not surprising that the power of the 15th god is obtained at a glance, but it is an unsolved mystery why the god's power is handed over to the 15th.

151 raised his eyebrows. At this moment, he is not as reckless as before. With his strength at this moment, it is very difficult to deal with any of the three, let alone the three of them.

"Okay, put this aside in advance. We have a deep hatred with him. Let's find the book of creation and make a break..." Li hate said solemnly.

He naturally knew about the arrival of Yin and Yang, but before that, he had never invited these two people. If it hadn't been for the strength of these two people, he would definitely not have agreed to let them share a piece of the pie.

Li Han suddenly pointed his hand and pointed to the collapse of Tianshuo who rushed into the sky and said, "That is the birthplace of the book of creation. If you want to find the book of creation, you can only enter it!" As for the way to enter it, it is... open up a channel with your power!"

15 understands that no matter how poor he is, he is also a nominal inheritor of heavenly rebellion, so he can't enter the birthplace of the book of creation without him.

The reason why the three people are particularly smarter than the hatred is that they are not in a hurry to deprive them of the power of the 15th. Let him play freely and then take action at the most appropriate time to catch him off guard.

Although he has guessed some consequences, he has no choice at this moment, and he is quite curious about the whereabouts of the book of creation. If he can get it, it must be of great benefit to himself.

He slowly came to the bottom of the collapse of Tianshuo, stretched out his hands, pressed it on the protrusion of the sky, and then the force of heaven suddenly ran out of his underworld and rushed out of his hands. With the rush out of the power of heavenly rebellion, 15 suddenly felt that the huge thing in front of him was like a bottomless hole, and his power of heavenly rebellion was uncontrollably and turbulent.

"This feeling?" Fifteen's thoughts suddenly turned around, and this feeling of heavenly power being inexplicably sucked away, as if it had been touched at some time.

"The altar of the God?"

The fifteenth was in his heart. At the beginning, on the altar of the god, he touched the stone pillar, and the power of heaven was suddenly sucked away. At this moment, the feeling was exactly the same as at that time!

"Damn..." 15 felt that the passage of the power of heavenly rebellion was uncontrollable, but it was too late for him to stop. For a moment, finally there was a red color in the place where his hands touched, similar to the red color on the shape of the collapse of Tianshuo.

Then, the red color continued to spread until the size of a door that only one person was allowed to pass through was formed. With the huge collapse, dozens of people can't surround it. As soon as they enter the secret door, it is a huge square.

15 rushed in first, but in the huge square in the collapse of Tianshuo, there was nothing, empty, as if it had been robbed. He looked up and couldn't see the edge of the top of the square. At this time, Li Hate and others also rushed in in an instant, but with the same shocking look as 15th, he told 15 that it was also the first time for them to enter this collapse.

"Is this the birthplace of the book of creation?" Yicha doubted and looked around, feeling very strange.

"I think so!" Yin and Yang looked around, with an extra Taiji gossip in his hand, and then he toss the wall of the square with all his strength.


A loud sound resounded, and the whole square was buzzing. However, everyone looked at the wall bombarded by yin and yang without any damage!

The powerful blow of a peak ancient demon can't start a ripple, which can be seen as extraordinary here.

"This place is really strong and hateful. How can we know the whereabouts of the book of creation?" When he saw Yin and Yang's action, he was also shocked. However, he proposed that it was Li and hatred that came here, and naturally his eyes were aimed at him.

Li Hate did not answer. First, he looked at the empty square, and then looked up, but found that he could not find the top. With the power of the ancient god of Li Hate, he could not find its top.

"Hate, where does the collapse of Tianshuo lead to?" Yicha asked again.

"To the endless abyss!" Li Hate stared at the top for a long time before he said slowly.

However, his words shocked people. The endless abyss is outside this space. How can it be at the top of the collapse? Everyone was half-dead and puzzled. They smiled bitterly and said, "In this collapse of the sky, the space is upside down. That is to say, as long as you fly up, it is actually leading to the endless abyss. As for where the book of creation is..." Li hateful words, his eyes have turned to the fifteenth.

15's face was dark, and the eyes of several people who hated him seemed to have a hot smell. 15 did not say anything and slowly walked to the center of the square. The power of heaven emanated unscrupulously, and a palpitating breath suddenly began to permeate him.

With the operation of the power of the sky, there seemed to be something flowing inside the collapse of Tianshuo. After a long time, all the walls around the square emitted a red color, and the red color became thicker and thicker, almost into blood and magma. Everyone looked at each other and was very surprised, but at this moment, the place where the fifteenth stood suddenly condensed into a huge photosphere, and a huge heavenly book flashed by.

Everyone was stunned and saw that the flashing book suddenly turned into a jade pendant, which was printed with the pattern of dragons and phoenixes, which was very beautiful.

Everyone didn't understand its meaning. Suddenly, the picture changed again. The jade pendant with dragons and phoenixes suddenly broke up and turned into several streamers to all corners of the world, but the last fragment fell into the hands of the teenager.

Li Hen and others stared at the teenager, suddenly shocked, and then looked at 15. The two people were clearly the same person!

"Is the book of creation in the hands of this boy?" They were shocked, which they didn't expect.

"Don't worry, let's figure it out first!" With a wave of his hand, he has stopped Yicha from rushing to the 15th. There seems to be many mysteries about the return of the book of creation, because the order that appears in the picture of the photosphere is the heavenly book, the jade pendant, and another teenager. According to common sense, since the photosphere picture is displayed in this way, it means that the book of creation is very likely to be on that teenager, and this teenager is undoubtedly fifteen. .

In fact, it is understandable to infer this, but if 15 really has the book of creation, how can he be his opponent with hatred and others? Even if the fifteenth has just grown up, it is impossible to be at their mercy!

And in the photosphere picture, the last jade pendant is scattered into several broken jade. If you carefully analyze, all the broken jade combinations can be regarded as the real book of creation. As for a single broken jade...

"Good guy!" The three people looked at each other in consolation. It turned out that when they calmed down, they all thought together. If they wanted to get the book of creation, they had to collect broken jade, and there was one on the fifteenth!

So the three rushed to the fifteenth, but these three people did not know that there were as many as four pieces of broken jade collected by the fifteenth. As for whether they could form a complete jade pendant, even the fifteenth did not know.

However, when learning the whereabouts of the book of creation, even a broken jade attracted these three people. However, when all three of them rushed to the 15th, the collapse of Tianshuo suddenly shook, and the power of the 15th suddenly stopped, and then he felt that his power had disappeared!

Like Fifteen, the three people also felt this situation, and the power disappeared? This is a strange thing that has never happened before. How can three people feel at ease?

Then, the three rushed out of the sky at the same time.