
[Chapter 505 Truth]

"Kang, click..." The hatred sky began to collapse, but the power of the six people did not dissipate. The giant hand of the hatred, the Taiji yin and yang map of yin and yang, the magic light of the magic Buddha, and the silence of the vast sky, and the five forces firmly locked the fifteen in five directions in the air.

In the realm of ancient gods and demons, there has never been such a situation. Five peak ancient gods and demons fought against another ancient demon together. Even if the ancient demon is a unique underworld son in heaven and earth, they can't resist the alternating bombardment of these five forces.

15's face has become extremely difficult to look. He has a whirlpool and a sword of life, which is enough to crush two of them to death. As for the other three, he has nothing to do. After all, he hates that the five people are not ordinary ancient gods and demons. The years they have experienced are not described as endless. Over.

15's eyes flashed slightly. Although his heart was completely cold, he did not retreat because of this. The purpose of his trip was to be crazy. Even if he was inescapable at this moment, he must pull one or two as a cushion.


15's madness reached the limit and roared violently. He suddenly used all his strength in his left and right hands. In the whirlpool of heaven and the sword of life, it was full of countless forces of reincarnation. The hatred of the hand of heaven and the yin and yang of Taiji yang were all changed. However, they realized that they could no longer accept the fifteenth purpose. Hands, only quietly praying, also the power of the three people can take the lead in smashing the fifteenth body.


15 went crazy, and the whirlpool and sword spirit controlled by both hands suddenly doubled. While giving up life, its counterattack power is even more powerful, especially for 15 people with the power of the sky, which is even more frightening.


In the end, the power of 15 is faster, covering the hatred and yin and yang. The power of the crazy has shocked the two peak ancient gods and demons who have lived for many years, but at this time, the strength of the remaining three people also bombarded on 15.

15's body was uncontrollably, like a ball, suddenly enlarged, and then there was a loud "bang" sound, which blurred the flesh and blood, and his power of eroding hatred and yin and yang also lost its source with the bursting of his body, and finally did not pull the two men as a cushion.

However, although 15 burst his body, he was still not dead, but his opponent would not give him any chance to condense his body, and the five people took action at the same time, which was bound to break all the consciousness of 15.

"Although strong, it's over..." He was shocked, but he can't miss the final work anyway. Although he has just been eroded by the power of 15 and has not fully recovered, although he has almost lost his life, and although 15 is his half-brother and his once beloved A woman's child. The hatred at this moment also needs to draw a perfect end to everything in the past.

His own shame and his jealousy for thousands of years will come to an end at this moment.

However, when the five people thought it was about to be completed, countless thunders had suddenly washed down in the cloudy sky, and at the same time, a blood-stained knife also fell from the sky.


The power of the five people is blocked from a sea of thunder.


"Thunder God!"

Two surprises sounded at the same time, but these two surprises contained strong anger...

The space in the sky has been distorted, and then two tall figures suddenly stepped through the space. These two are burly, majestic, and have unquestionable power.

was saved by two people who fell from the sky, and 15's body condensed again. His eyes seemed to stare solemnly at the two savior who fell from the sky, but when his eyes fell on the cheeks of one of the men in golden armor, his face had completely changed.

Because that person is... Thor!

Before that, the Thor I met was changed by Su Li. Now that I see Thor himself, the heart of 15 seems to have broken the five flavor bottles, sweet, bitter and salty, and the tide of my heart rises and falls like the tide in the sea.

His original heart, which was determined to die crazily, suddenly calmed down at this moment. He stared at Thor in front of him, as if to spit out everything, but he just resisted it. After all, Thor also participated in the crime of that year. Even if Su Li had died on behalf of her father, the crime was not committed by Su Li, but How can you die on your behalf?

The sudden appearance of Thor and Xing Tian made 15 more confused, but he was still silent, because Thor saved him for no reason.

"Thunder God, Xingtian, do you two want to die?" The previous demon king said with a gloomy face. His eyes narrowed slightly and his face was gloomy and terrible.

"Magic Buddha, if you fight alone, you are far from my enemy. You couldn't stop you from destroying the abundant time and space. Today, you can't hurt my best friend's children!" Thor's voice rolled, and the fifteen eardrums hurt.

He just said that "the children of his best friend" could not be stopped in those years? Isn't Thor the culprit of that year? How can he try to stop the unsucing good man?

Impossible, absolutely impossible! He must be lying. He must have said this in order to get the book of creation! However, why did he lie? If he died on the 15th, wouldn't he have a greater chance of getting the book of creation?

"Impossible, impossible..." Fifteen's mind was shocked and his mind was chaotic. If what Thor said is true, then Su Li...

15's eyes were finally soaked with tears. His crazy heart suddenly became icy and snowy, and his body was also constantly trembling and trembling, as if he was afraid, as if he had been eroded by the heart demon...

The sudden appearance of 15 is naturally seen in the eyes of everyone, but even if they want to break their heads, they can't imagine that 15 killed their beloved by mistake! At this moment, his heart has been ruthlessly torn into countless pieces, and countless fragments have been broken into thousands.

The only person who guessed the root cause of 15's appearance was naturally Bai Xue. She witnessed all of 15 and Su Li, but it turned out that the two of them were fooled by a lie and finally made an irreparable mistake.

It hurts! Heartache! Bai Xue's heart also hurt for some reason. For no reason, 15's heart was torn by reality one by one.


Bai Xue jumped up, and she could not intervene in the previous battle. However, at this moment, she must protect 15, because the latter has lost his consciousness of fighting after knowing everything. At this moment, 15 is like an injured child. He needs people's comfort and care.

"White Snow, White Snow... Let's go, let's go quickly..." 15's heart was full of fear. He, who had just been crazy and bloodthirsty, became timid and cowardly in a blink of an eye. Just because of Thor's words, he lost all his confidence and fell from heaven to hell.

Thunder God and Xing Tian saw a burst of doubt. Hundreds of years ago, the ten people of Thor went to the New Year together. Among them, Thor went to stop the other nine people. As for Xing Tian, he was also one of the culprits, but later he suddenly realized that this time he saved 15 with Thor to atone for his sins!

Although Xingtian and Thor are powerful, fighting alone with any of the five people from Li Hate may not fall to the bottom, but the situation at this moment is that the 15th has lost the will to fight, and it is undoubtedly a pebble to make them face the five people of Li Hate, even if it is added to the white snow, which is also the strength of the ancient demon, will not help.

Although Bai Xue's strength is good, it is like an ant for the five ancient gods and demons that have existed since ancient times. Therefore, Thor and Xing Tian have both faded.

After long-term discussion, make deployment and planning.

"Well, what can happen even if there are more of you? I don't know why Mingzi has no fighting spirit at all. I think you can fight against the five of us!" Li Hen licked his scarlet tongue. After self-healing of these breaths, he has returned to its best state. Naturally, Thor and the two did not put it in his eyes.

What just surprises Li hate is that the Thor in front of him now looks different from the Thor who saved 15 at the beginning. Obviously, the Thor was more powerful, because the Thor rescued the 15 under three ancient demons of the same level, which was not difficult at all, but the person in front of him did not have this strength.

What the hell is going on?