
[Chapter 507 to Heaven]

Bung Tianshuo also shook once a few years ago. At that time, it was obvious that the birth of theming zi, so the two worlds of gods and demons have been active in the dark.

But now, why does the collapse suddenly tremble? Is theming son born again?

Obviously not, because at this moment, Mingzi has been swallowed up by the dragon of the three people. In this case, what does the vibration of the collapse of Tianshuo mean?

The space shock became more and more intense, and the battle between the four Thor also stopped. They all looked doubtfully at the shaking collapse, as if there would be some terrible existence there.

"Why? It's more violent than the last vibration. Is it because of the Pluto? Li Hate looked at the fifteen who was being swallowed by the dragon. Suddenly, his scalp was numb, and a clear sky hit his mind.

"There, kill theming zi!" Li Hate's voice seemed frightened, but at the moment he made a sound, the rest of the people took action, because the same idea as Li Hate, the shock of the collapse of the world meant that the book of creation was about to be born! Maybe it is not the real book of creation, but it has nothing to do with the book of creation. If the collapse of the world continues to shake, then the person who benefits the most is undoubtedly the underworld.

So, after realizing this, the five people were killed by Li Hate.

However, the five of them started, and the two Thor also started immediately. Unfortunately, in front of the five peak ancient gods and demons, the two Thor had to be defeated.

Five powerful forces have been shot out from the air and converged into a force in the air, as if the five people are already like grasshoppers on a rope. At least at this moment, no one can do it alone. What they have to do is to kill the underworld and then quickly.

Before the five people took action, 15 had been swallowed up by a dragon condensed by three forces. It is reasonable that he should have died without defense, but he still has soul fluctuations. Does this mean that the shock of the collapse may be caused by him?

As for the reason for the shaking of the collapse, is it possible that he is undergoing the last layer of transformation?

From the ancient demon to a more powerful existence, that is, to reach the legendary state, otherwise it is impossible to explain the series of things that happened from the collapse and reorganization of his body.

He was hit head-on by the three peak ancient gods and demons and did not die, causing the shock of the collapse of Tianshuo, and there was also a powerful ability fluctuation emitted when the five people joined hands to attack...

All of this seems to point in this direction...

15, but it is really transforming!

He didn't realize that the snow withered like a flash in front of him, and he still had time to get together, and he didn't have time to thank and apologize. She had dissipated with the wind like sand.

15's heart was naturally extremely angry. He extracted the power of heavenly rebellion without hesitation. He wanted to burn the whole world with the flame condensed by the power of heavenly rebellion. However, when he really raised his power to the limit, strange things happened.

He felt that his heart was breathing. At the same time, he suddenly felt an extremely unfalling energy fluctuation from the collapse of Tianshuo not far away. At this moment, he seemed to be connected with the collapse of Tianshuo again. He moved at will, and the collapse of Tianshuo also vibrated.

Feeling the slowly flowing energy inside and outside the body, 15 suddenly found that it had condensed into a vast heavenly book in his mind. The heavenly book was born from his mind, and then floated above his head.

Just observe carefully, this heavenly book still has a flaw, because it is not a real entity, but infinitely close to the virtual body of the entity, but the energy emitted by this virtual heavenly book is also quite vast, just like the poisonous sun in the summer afternoon, roasting human beings on the earth.

Tianshu rushed out of the fifteenth body, and suddenly there was a huge energy rushing in. In this energy, there were five strands of energy hovering, and so far, as long as it did not surpass the existence of ancient gods and demons, it would be extinguished!

If the fifteenth at this moment also stays at the peak of the ancient demon, then his fate is doomed. However, at the moment when Tianshu rushed out of his body, the destined ending has changed again and again.

The sky has faded, and the sky seems to be tired. It gradually quieted down. The time around suddenly returned to zero, silent, and the world became extremely quiet, as if it were a silent world.

15 slowly stepped out of the void. Every time he took a step, a white lotus flower would bloom under his feet. From a distance, the white lotus seemed to be snow, and it seemed to be dotted with stars in the night sky, calm and without any ripples.

However, 15 has come out of that huge energy. There is no expression on his face. He only gave birth to his right hand and gently put it in the air. Then, the huge energy disappeared in an instant!

What kind of power is this?

The space flowed again, and time was like a rushing river, and everything returned to its original appearance. However, the five people, as well as Thor and Xing Tian, were stunned. Fifteen stood in the air, like the giant standing for thousands of years, and like the god of creation, which made people dare not look directly. The power emanating slightly on his body almost made everyone present kneel down.

"This, this is... the legendary realm?" The voice of Li Hate trembled a little. In any case, he couldn't figure it out, but the legendary realm let 15 break through at this moment. Is this the ending arranged by God?

"No, no..." Li Hate's body trembled. He no longer had the courage to fight against the 15th, but he still had his own thoughts.

Yes, he hates heaven, hates the injustice of heaven, and hates the sky's poor eyes. Obviously, he met Yun Mingshu first. Obviously, he wanted to give everything for her, but in the end, he was nothing and could get nothing. At this moment, what else can he do but hate the sky?

"Everything is empty..." 15 Youyou said, he suddenly fell in the air, and the rain-like light suddenly came from the air. Seeing this, the faces of the five people suddenly changed, but in front of absolute power, all their actions were superfluous, and each of them closed their eyes, but the imagined ashes did not disappear. Born, the light rain condensed by the fifteen did not hit them at all, but bypassed their bodies and all fell into the void.

The five people looked at each other in contemptably, and no one said anything. They just stared at the fifteenth, as if everything had become empty.

The strength of 15 has undoubtedly left them far behind, and their life and death is also controlled between 15 thoughts. Any action is superfluous. It's better to stand quietly like this and wait for the 15th sentence.

Five is undoubtedly angry with the culprit of the broken time and space, but despite his anger, he still hasn't forgotten to think, and there is one thing he can be completely sure of when he reaches his realm.

There must be a powerful existence behind these people, otherwise these people can't break the space gap forged by Yunmingshu!

In ancient times, Yunmingshu was beyond the existence of ancient gods and demons, that is, the realm of 15 at this moment. Characters in this realm can pinch several people with one finger. Therefore, if the existence of such a realm forges the gap of time, the existence of the same realm cannot break the space at all.

Therefore, 15 believes that there must be this realm to help them secretly.

Thinking of this, a person suddenly came to mind. That person was the tenth person in the directory written by the Western Emperor White Tiger. That person had no name, no record, and no clue.

15 did not kill the five people of Li Hate, but suddenly asked in a low voice, "You have destroyed my home. Except for the seven people here, the three demons here and the dead Jieyou, who is the tenth person?"

Hearing this, everyone's face suddenly changed. It's not that everyone didn't want to say who that person was, but that person didn't even know the seven people present. As for why that person participated in that action, it was entirely because of the three demons of the demon clan.

That is to say, among their group of people, only the tenth person knows the Three Demons!

15 raised his eyebrows slightly. Looking at the expressions of the crowd, they could guess, and they didn't know. Who is the tenth person? It seems that as long as you follow this clue, you will inevitably be able to lead a group of strong people who surpass ancient gods and demons. At that time, you will be afraid that there will be another war of destruction.

15 had a gloomy face and didn't say anything. He was thinking about what to do next, but at this moment, his heart suddenly jumped and he suddenly looked up at the sky.

"Haha, I didn't expect that you found my existence as soon as you arrived at the realm of heaven. It's really gratifying..."

A loud man's voice suddenly came from the sky. Hearing this voice, several people changed their faces again.

PS: Hidden characters are coming out...