
Chapter 24 Behind Luxury

Lying on the golden** in the hotel, Locke couldn't sleep. Shura's gloomy eyes and painful expressions always flashed in front of his eyes. He stared at the roof. The curved roof is regularly arranged with round holes, and the light from those holes illuminates the whole room. Unlike Apollo's golden sword, this light is too white and not dazzling.

Locke turned over and stepped on the ground barefoot, feeling soft and comfortable. The floor is paved with a whole piece of animal fur, which is red and very bright. This is a rich country, almost full of gold, and even the residence for foreign envoys is extremely luxurious. But one thing he doesn't understand, Shura, the seemingly weak human, his thin body, how did he build this city so huge and luxurious?

Locke opened the window and looked out. It was already night. In the distant night sky, a cold moon is dim yellow, a few stars are slightly bright, several winds are blowing, and a few black clouds are pressing on the city. It seems that it is going to rain.

Such a night is not conducive to travel, but it is still noisy outside, the streets are full of traffic, and the flow of people coming and going is surging like a river. This is really a strange city! What is the purpose of people rushing around? Can't you stop and enjoy the quietness of the night? Unbelievable human beings! Locke felt very annoyed, so he jumped out of the window.

The night was already dark, but the city was brightly lit.

In the day, Locke only cared about looking at those beautiful buildings and didn't notice the overhead. Only then did he find that the whole city was shrouded by a dome of crystal magnified light, which were of different colors.

Locke watched as he walked. Every other distance, a stone pillar is erected on the edge of the street. For the sake of beauty, those pillars are carved with strange patterns and beautiful patterns. The top of each stone pillar is connected with slender metal plates, which shine silver and connect with each other and extend into the distance.

Lock remembered that when he was a child, he was very timid and afraid of the dark. Even if there was candlelight in the palace all night, those lights could not dispel all the darkness. There were always some corners that could not be illuminated by candlelight, dark, like the huge mouth of a monster, which made him afraid.

What puzzles Locke more is that it is already night, and the dark clouds are pressing the city. Apollo, the charming blonde man, has already gone to pick up beautiful girls, but where did these lights come from? This is really a mysterious city!

The prosperity of the city at night is no less than the day. People are busy selling goods that have not been sold in the day and buying things that have not been bought in the daytime...

Through the bustling night market, Locke heard the music of luxury fans. He saw many gorgeous carriages parked next to a tall building. In the distance, many carriages were speeding here. In and out are some men and women dressed in gorgeous clothes and wearing precious jewelry. They are either dignitaries or famous merchants. Locke followed them curiously. When he reached the door, he was stopped by the guards. The obscene guard immediately turned black when he saw Locke alone, with no car, no woman, and wearing a strange robe.

"Waist card!"

"What waist card?"

"All guests who come here for entertainment must have a waist card issued by the palace. You, just you?" The guard walked around Locke a few times and turned his rat's eyes. "If you don't have a waist card, you have to hand over a hundred gold coins."

It's really a dog-eyed person! Locke cursed fiercely in his heart. He clearly saw those people go straight in and didn't take any waist cards at all. Why do you have to get a waist card when you come to me? Oh, don't you let me in if I'm poor? There is no door, not even a window! Locke applied the "migration method" and removed all the gold coins in the guard's pocket.

"Oh, is that enough?" Locke threw a bag of dirty gold at the watchdog.

"Wow, there are 500!" The guard's face immediately smiled like a flower. He nodded and said, "Your excellency, please!"

I X, fucking SB! Locke cursed harshly in his heart. This dirty human, with only greedy desire in his eyes, saw that face, Locke wanted to vomit. He hurriedly turned around and quickly walked inside.

This is a luxuriously decorated hall. At the front desk, a group of exposed dancers danced in deafening music and danced all kinds of gorgeous dances. Men and women in different clothes, some eat, some hug, some smoke, drink, whistle, scream loudly... The air is full of ambiguity.

Locke sat down in a corner and looked coldly at those clown-like human beings. Before his buttocks were seated, several thick and gorgeous girls surrounded him. A pungent smell of perfume drilled straight into his nostrils, causing him to sneeze several times in a row.

"Well, this guest is a foreigner, isn't he?" A silver-haired girl put her towering chest up.

"Look at this face!" A golden thing put on Locke's waist, which was a woman's plump arm.

What's more, he actually stretched out his hand with green nails and touched Locke's face... Locke had never seen this battle. He blushed with shame and hurriedly stretched out his hand to stop it. With just a pull, the women screamed and fell out one after another.

"Ouch, my face!"

"My foot hurts so much! ......”

"What's wrong with this man? Is he sick?"


The ears are full of women's coquettish moans.

People turned their eyes one after another, and those eyes were like thorns on their backs. What kind of human beings are these? They were extravagant and shameless indulgent... Locke couldn't stand it anymore. He pushed away the crowd and fled like a trapped beast rushing out of the cage. In a panic, he couldn't find the way. When he saw a door in front of him, he bumped into it...