
Chapter 28 Martial Arts Arena

Three days later, Locke and Shelie, dressed in gold and silver armor, appeared on the martial arts arena.

Sura sat on the viewing platform - his golden throne. He was thinking: I only gave you command and didn't teach you how to command. I'd like to see if you two have the ability to bring up my soldiers. I hope you don't make a fool of yourself, or I will be so shameful. Where is the queen's face?

This is a vast open square, and the ground is also paved with common red, white and black stones. In front of the center is a huge handsome platform, and its base is also made of three-color stone, on which stands a shining metal rod, which should also be gold. There is a strange flag flying on the top of the pole. I don't know what fabric it is made of. It is black with a gold edge, and in the center is a powerful foreign beast, which is exactly the same as the blood jade. At this time, the flag was fluttering in the wind and hunting. Locke muttered in his heart again: Even the flag should be made like this. Why? Does Shura like this thing so much?

Locke looked under the stage, and there was a piece of black pressure. No, it should be a piece of purple, including infantry, cavalry, sailors, and chariots. Those guards are wearing purple robes, infantry with black armor, cavalry with red armor, and sailors with silver armor. They hold spears and shields in their hands, as well as bows and arrows... Although they look at various, they are arranged in order and order, and do not seem to be messy at all.

Such a scene is not only magnificent, but also quite spectacular.

Locke couldn't help but be a little disappointed. What can be the more spectacular scene? After all, they are all human beings. That flesh and blood body can't resist the kiss of death. How can they resist Pluto?

Looking up at the high Shura, there was an imperceptible smile on the corners of his mouth under the mask. Shura, are you testing me? I, the real prince, will not lose to you, the fake queen. Lock picked up the commander's seal in his hand and looked down the base, which was engraved with four characters of "purple reincarnation".

At that time, wars often broke out between human beings, and there were often fights between countries. In that era of cold weapons, how to command such a huge army? It depends on the commander in charge of the command. He must have quite strong ability, courage and wisdom to strategize and win thousands of miles. And the fight of cold weapons best reflects the command art of the commander.

But who is Locke? Demon King. Isn't it useful for him to command such a group of ant-like human beings? Locke opened his red pupils and appeared in the gold armor suit. Anyway, he was wearing a mask, and no one would see it. Locke carried up the magic, condensed the surrounding aura, and gave instructions to the commanders of various squadrons through his magic knowledge, including: sneaking on enemy camps, capturing and defeating the fortresses, the confrontation between the two armies, the defense of this array... Between soldiers and soldiers, between teams and teams, all kinds of arms cooperate with each other, attack and defend in an orderly manner, and advance and retreat freely. Soon, he turned thousands of troops and horses in the field into a thrilling fight.

In Shura's eyes, what he sees is no longer a martial arts arena, but a real battlefield. Shura nodded with satisfaction, but no one knew the doubts and fears on his face behind the mask.

When he walked out of the martial arts arena and passed Locke, Shura whispered in his ear: "From now on, this army is yours."

Xuelie followed Locke and was at a loss. Just now, on the handsome stage, he didn't say a word or make a move, and so did Locke. However, the battle in front of him was real. How did Locke do it?

Next, I didn't see the shadow of Shura for several days. Locke and Shirlie trained and arrayed every day, and there were endless tricks, and the soldiers also practiced happily. Gradually, Locke had a feeling that he found that no matter how difficult the instructions he gave, the soldiers could quickly judge and respond correctly. This was greatly beyond Locke's expectation. He did not expect that these seemingly weak human beings would have such a high IQ, and Locke did not dare to underestimate the seemingly weak Shura.

And Xuelie is still standing beside Locke. He is thinking: Anyway, he is a foil. This silver and white seems to be specially designed to set off the golden body. With his white body, the golden body will be even more brilliant. Xue Lie, like passers-by, silently accompanied Locke and enjoyed the scenery in front of him alone.

The tenth day, the chief bodyguard suddenly came and announced that it was summoned by the queen.

Locke entered the palace accompanied by Xue Lie. After ten days of absence, Shura's body seems to be much thinner. What on earth is he doing these ten days?