
Chapter 34 Flag

Atlantis calendar, on June 10, 622, Queen Casey, dressed in a royal costume and wearing a golden mask, held a grand flag ceremony in Posidecia, the imperial capital of Atlantis, to feast for her subordinates.

When the charming blonde man, Apollo, drove the sun car through the sky, his golden arrow powerfully penetrated the clouds and rendered the Atlantis sky with the most gorgeous color.

The queen stood on the tall and handsome stage and read the prayer: "My holy sun god, may you bless Atlantis forever! Your most loyal people, the subjects of Atlantis, will always be loyal to you..."

After the solemn prayer, the Queen spoke generously: "I, the warriors of Atlantis, you are the pride of Queen Casey! It is the pride of the whole Atlantis! Your footprints will spread to every corner of the earth, and you will bring blessings to hundreds of millions of people in Atlantis. Your achievements will be recorded in history and become epics recited by people... For the future of Atlantis, move forward bravely!"

"H Long live! Long live! Long live!" The soldiers shouted slogans and shocked the world.

"My wise commanders, give full play to your excellent command skills! Release your soul of war that has been suppressed for a long time! The day of your triumph is also your glory..."

Oh, that momentum is not only the commander who commands thousands of troops and horses, but also more like the emperor who reigns the world.

Locke also made a brief speech, which was nothing more than morale and loyalty to the queen. Xue Lie next to him was also infected by the queen's ** speech. He rubbed his hands and was eager to try, as if he was going through fire and water.

The next step is to slaughter cattle, kill sheep, and kill blood. Criminals who violated the criminal law were framed on the burning flames. The queen and the commanders cut their index fingers at the same time, and the blood slowly flowed into the same golden cup. The queen dipped blood wine from the golden cup with blood, dusted it on the flame, and said, "Great sun god! Your people will uphold your will and shine light on every corner of the world. Your glory is our glory. Please protect your people and give your people light and strength! ......”

When Locke heard the words, Locke had a ominous feeling in his heart: Atlantis was located in the territory of Poseidon, and they sacrificed Apollo, the sun god. Shura, Shura, can you offend Poseidon? Locke couldn't help worrying.

In fact, Locke's worries are superfluous. Because now Atlantis, its patron saint is Apollo, which is due to Apollo's competitive character. Every day, when Apollo drives a sun car and passes through the sky of Atlantis, he is impressed by this charming island that reflects colorful light. In order to win the right of protection, he does not hesitate to quarrel with Poseidon. At the four-year regular meeting of the gods, the two gods quarrel fiercely for the protection of the island. However, Apollo wins every time, because he is the son of Zeus, and Zeus always wants to have some personal feelings. In the past, Zeus always prevaricates Poseidon for various reasons and defended his son, which led to the strong dissatisfaction of the Sea King.

The prayer is finally finished. The queen took a sip of blood wine and then handed the glass to Locke. After drinking a mouthful of blood wine, Locke handed the cup to the air force commander. The air force commander took a sip of it and passed the cup to the navy commander... Everyone took turns drinking until he drank the glass of blood wine. In this way, the flag sacrifice ceremony is over.

When Shura passed Locke, he whispered in his ear, "I will ask the chief bodyguard to assist you. If necessary, he will support you."

Lock nodded.

So, how many troops does the whole Atlantis have? Shura divided the whole island into 90,000 areas, each with a commander. These commanders are subordinate to the command, and there are three of the highest commanders among them. One of them is the chief bodyguard, and the commander-in-chief is naturally Queen Casey. Each commander is responsible for one-sixth of the cost of dispatching a chariot, 2 horses, 2 cavalry, 1 light chariot, one infantry and one driver. In addition, 12 combatants and 4 sailors can be dispatched. If these forces are added together, Atlantis can have a strong combat effectiveness of 1.2 million soldiers at any time. These are what people can see and what people can't see. They are: purple reincarnation naval fleet, purple reincarnation air team (under formation, because there are too few "magnetic levitation air chariots"), purple reincarnation ground troops, which are all secret troops in Shura's hands. Of course, these are the top military secrets of Atlantis, and Locke and Shirlie don't know.

So, how many soldiers did Shura give to Locke? A total of 100,000 is the purple reincarnation ground force. It is the ace army in Shura's hands, which is in case of emergency in wartime and is absolutely confidential. Usually, they are incorporated into the navy and trained with the navy, so no one knows that there is such an army in Shura's hands. But now, the energy shortage is imminent, and he needs to solve it quickly. Another reason is that he declared that Queen Casey is the messenger of light, and Atlantis is a country that transmits light and a country that loves peace. Then, it is impossible for him to blatantly launch a war with the outside world, otherwise he will lose his trust in the neighboring countries and discredit "her".

On the night of June 10, 622, an army of 100,000 people was secretly dispatched. They first reached the inland Sea through the underground corridor of Atlantis, and then went overseas in 20 giant ships.