
Chapter 38 vs. the Prince of the Sea

In the evening, Richt's army arrived at the border. Prous suddenly came and reported that he had found a Polksman in front of him.

"Kill! Kill as many as you see, and don't leave any of them!" Richt roared angrily.

"But, Your Majesty, according to the detective, it's a float, which seems to be Princess Ruoya's..."

"What? Princess Ruoya? Come on, take me to have a look!"

Pruss rushed to the front, and Richt's king followed closely.

Sure enough, they saw more than a dozen carriages and thousands of bodies, which fell to the ground in a terrible state of death.

"Is there something wrong with Ruoya? Go and have a look?" Richt urged.

Pruss ran close to the float and lifted the curtain. He found that there was a maid in it, half leaning before the collapse, and it was estimated that she was dead.

"Your Majesty! There is no Princess Joya. I heard that pirates have been rampant recently. Will the princess..."

"Whoever dares to touch my Ruoya, I will make him die ugly." Lihe's face was gloomy, which was a precursor to the storm. Prus was so scared that his soul flew away.

"Report...Your Majesty, we have found Princess Ruoya!" Guards came to report.

"Quickly, bring her to Your Majesty!" Prus wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After a while, Russ was brought to Richt. She was dressed in a gorgeous palace costume, with a pink veil on her face, and her long skirt was stained with large water stains and dirt.

"My dear, baby! What happened? Did you meet a pirate?" Rihe said in a hurry.

Ruos was stunned and then said, "Yes, Your Majesty, you see that my guards and followers have been killed by the pirates."

"Is there such a thing? I will avenge you. Passing on the order, station the army on the spot, I want to be with Princess Ruoya..." The three eyes stared at Ruos's chest.

As soon as Pruss heard it, he immediately felt it. He sent an order and camped on the spot, leaving only a dozen guards to patrol nearby. He himself ran far away to arrange meals and other matters.

Lih couldn't help it. He pulled Russ into the car, gasped and said, "I want to die. I can wait for this moment!"

Rih didn't wait for Russ to speak, let alone whether she agreed or not, and went up to pull her clothes. Those palaces are so heavy. The three layers are inside and the three layers are outside. One by one is removed, and there is another layer. No matter how you pull it, you can't finish pulling it. You are so anxious that you are sweat. Such a tender lamb was in front of him. He couldn't wait to swallow it in one bite, but now he didn't even touch his skin.

Rih was angry and lifted the veil. He saw "Ruoya": his pink face seemed to be able to pinch out water, his eyebrows were not thick, his eyes were watery, his eyes were golden, his lips were red, and he couldn't say how beautiful it was. Lihe couldn't hold back any more. The fire of desire in his three eyes soared, and he bowed his head to kiss the two red lips. A slender, boneless hand suddenly sealed his mouth.

"Your Majesty, you are the most handsome man I have ever met. Eat and eat..." Ruos laughed, even his eyebrows bent into a crescent, and then threw a wink eye.

Human women are beautiful! Richt's bones were crisp, and his breathing became more and more rapid.

The ugly three-eyed monster, let's see how I deal with you, I have to let you show yourself! Rus cursed in his heart.

When Lihe saw that he was too soft, he wanted to be hard. He shouted harshly, "If you don't follow me today, I will......" He wanted to flatten Porks and burn your clan or something, but when he thought that the beauty was already pregnant, where could she go? In case the beauty is unhappy and looking for life, I will beat the chicken flying egg.

Rih was patient and said in an almost pleading tone, "Ruoya, you are all my queen. I swear: I will never pick flowers everywhere from now on, just keep you alone, you... just follow me!"

"Who said I didn't follow?" Rus laughed and said, "You have to let me take a shower, right?"

"Oh, yes, yes, yes, take a bath. I want to take a bath with the queen. Hahaha..." Lihe laughed forgetfully.

"That's right! Your Majesty, look, there." Ruos waved to Rihe and pointed his white fingers out of the window. That's the direction of the sea. Rihe understood that Ruoya wanted to accompany her to take a bath in the sea.

"Okay, that's great! I like the sea." Lihe** smiled.

Rus took Richt's hand and walked to the seaside. There is a reef, where she and her maidservants used to sit and play, which is also far away from the garrison.

Soon, they stood on the reef.

"Go down!" Russ suddenly stretched out his palms and pushed it out hard.

Rih suddenly felt a strong force behind him. He stammered and fell into the water. Then, Rus also jumped into the water. Why did you do this? First, she wants to avoid the bodyguards and secretly get rid of Lihe, and second, she wants to confirm whether her inference is correct.

It turns out that Russ's guess is correct. As soon as he touched the water, he appeared. He was a huge sea monster with a human head and a fish tail. His head was covered with three green eyes and long hair like green seaweed on his head. It was very horrible that those long hairs were opening their teeth and claws in the water.

"Say, who are you? What does it have to do with Poseidon?"

It was only then that Richt woke up. I blame myself for being fascinated. Why do I forget that I will appear as soon as I enter the water?

"I'm the third son of the Sea King, Hyrox. Although I pretend to be the king of the land, after all, I am also the prince of the sea. It's not aggrieved for you to marry me as a princess. Henox said with a straight face.

"Bah, shameless! I was looking for you, but I didn't expect you to come to the door by yourself. Open your fish eyes and see who I am?"

The red pupil burst, and a red light shot at Hyrox.

"Ah, my eyes!" With a scream, the eye on Lihe's forehead was blind forever.

"Everyone has two eyes, but you have one more lustful eye. You should thank me for eliminating one harm for the people!" Rus laughed coldly.

" are not Ruoya, who are you?" Helox was terrled.

"Your fish eyes should not be completely blind, right? Open your eyes and see who I am?"

With a crack, the black wings opened. She showed herself, with red hair and red pupils, which was our demon king - Locke.

" are the devil Qi'ao! Didn't Pluto kill you?" Hyrox was very frightened.

"Don't mention that Hades, you are not good birds. Let me tell you, I'm not the devil Qi'ao. I'm the son of Qi'ao, the devil - Locke. Just wait to die!"

With a bang, his palms were pushed out, and Locke immediately found that he was wrong and outrageously wrong. Because his strength came from Mother Gaia, now he exerts his strength in the water, and half of his strength is reduced by the resistance of the sea. This resistance makes his movements much more sluggish, and even the wings seem to become a burden. Helplessly, Locke had to put away his wings.

And who is Helox? Sea Prince. In the water, that is his world and a good place for him to show his skills.

"Hey hey, are you so good at it? It should be you who died!" Hylocks smiled gutterly, and he had already seen Locke's weakness. With a bang, Helox shook up the huge fish tail and swept his waist. He immediately swept up the waves. Far away, the ships sailing on the sea found that the storm was coming, so they fled with full power, and a huge ship quietly dived into the bottom of the water.

If this tail is swept, Locke's waist must be broken.

"You ugly, come here. I'm not a vegetarian!"

There was a loud noise, with six thick arms wrapped around the fish tail and two other arms wrapped around Shanghai Rox' neck. Locke turned into a huge octopus.

"Today, I'll eat you! Your big ** fish, I'm going to chop you into pieces, fry, boil and fry!" Locke cursed viciously. His eight arms tightened his Helox tightly.

Both are working hard, one is struggling desperately, and the other is stranging to death. They fluttered from the water to the sea and tore into the water from the sea, causing waves as high as dozens of feet, and the sea was boiling.

The loud noise alarmed the soldiers stationed on the shore. They stretched their necks, stared wide, and looked at the two sea monsters fighting in horror, but none of them dared to move forward.

Halows is not a fool. Seeing that he could not break free, he shook himself, turned into a small eel, and slipped away and escaped far away.

Locke suddenly felt a light in his arm. Looking at it again, Hailocks disappeared, and he looked around in horror.

"Hey hey, you're dead this time!" The strange smile comes from behind.

Locke appeared in a hurry and turned his head to look. Helox is casting a spell to drive the sea water. The sea quickly rotated, forming a huge whirlpool, like a monster's huge mouth, roaring head covering and wrapping Locke tightly around it. Locke struggled desperately, and the more he struggled, the tighter he became.

At this time, Locke only felt as if he had a strong force from all directions and squeezed the bones around him, as if his heart was about to be crushed.

It's really a long-lasting hatred! Are you going to die here today? If it may not be difficult to deal with on land, you really shouldn't run into the water smartly. Locke regretted it. But where can I buy regret medicine in the world?

Maybe this life should have ended a long time ago, and it should not survive until now. Locke closed his eyes in pain.

"If I don't find these elements as soon as possible and return everything to normal, I, the queen, will have no face to continue. I will expose my identity at the sacrificial ceremony of Neptune, apologize to the people of Atlantis, and then I will be sacrificed to the Sea King, and finally burned alive..." Shura's words sounded in my ears again.

This man really broke his heart. If it hadn't been for his distrust of himself, he wouldn't have fallen into such a situation. Well, let me take a step before you. When I get to the underworld, I will fight with Hades face to face, so as not to bother to find a way to deal with him. Thinking of this, Locke removed his magic and recovered his body, just asking for death.

"Boom", after several loud noises, Locke suddenly felt that his body was light, and he found himself flying up. Locke saw his father, mother, and teacher Pierro. He ran over happily, just holding their hands to describe his missing for them.

I never thought that Qi'ao had a gloomy face and scolded harshly, "You are not my son of Qi'ao. How can I have such a cowardly son as you?"

"Locke, go back, go back! This is not where you should come." It's my mother's gentle voice.

"Rock, how did I teach you? I have already said that life is tenacious and fragile. All kinds of lives are closely related and need mutual respect and care. If we trample on life at will, we will end up hurting ourselves. We should respect the existence of other lives. To protect them is to protect ourselves. Look, what have you done? It was Mr. Pierre's harsh voice.

"What's wrong with you? I'm Locke. Don't you want me? No, don't go. You can't leave me alone. Locke is so lonely! Whoo-hoo..." Locke cried and chased after him. Those figures were surrounded by a halo and gradually faded away. Locke chased after him, and suddenly fell down with a "bang".