
Chapter 40 Hero of the Night

Xue Lie said a few words to his subordinates, then went back to his room to prepare some supplies, turned them into a burden, and hurried out of the palace.

He carefully selected two fast horses from the stable, tied the burden on the horse's back, and ordered the bodyguard to find a guide. The two of them packed up and ran away from the city. The two traveled day and night and kept on their way.

Xue Lie only heard the words "Poks, save Princess Jos". He didn't know what happened to the princess and what she was in. If she went late, would the princess die? This person's life is a matter of sloppy. Therefore, he did not dare to delay at all. Along the way, he ate dry food when he was hungry and drank water when he was thirsty. Except for convenience and feeding horses, he almost never stopped.

The next evening, they passed by a small town to see if it was getting late, and then looked at the wet mounts. If they didn't take a break, they would exhaust the horses to death.

"It's time to add some material to the horses. Let's go and find an inn in town to have a rest. Xue Lie turned over and got off the horse.

The guide was in front, and Xue Lie was behind, and the two led the horses to the town. The street is quiet, not to mention people, not even a dog. The sky has just been dark, but all the houses are closed, and only a little light is emitted from the cracks in the doors and windows.

"Guide, do you know what this place is? I always feel weird."

"Yes, it's really different. I've been to this town before to sell medicinal herbs. At that time, there was a night market here, which was very lively. Strange, strange, strange! Don't know what happened?" The guide also looked confused and puzzled.

"Find an inn to take a break and ask again by the way." The continuous running made Xuelie feel tired.

"Bangbang", when the guide knocked on the third inn and did not open the door, Xue Lie rushed up angrily. His stomach had been cooing for a long time. It is no exaggeration to say that he is now with his chest against his back.

"bang" and "slouch", that was the sound of the door panel broken after Xue Lie kicked the door open.

"Ah!" It should be a small couple who screamed and hugged each other. Looking at the woman, she was quite beautiful.

"Why, young master, I sent you a golden son, don't you want it?"

With a "pop", Xue Lie threw a piece of gold half the size of a palm on the table.

"Don't, sir, you will scare them." The guide quickly grabbed Xue Lie, "Sir, please sit down for a while. I'll talk to them."

Xue Lie sat down angrily.

"Shopkeeper, do you remember me? My name is Ches. I stayed at your store last month. Think about it, think about it.

The young couple let go of each other. The man stepped forward tremblingly, looked up and down at the guide, thought for a while, and then said, "Well, there seems to be a little impression."

"Look carefully, it won't be wrong. Last time I came to the town to sell medicinal materials..."

"What's the talk about? Bring all the best wine and dishes, and I'm starving to death. And fill our horses with the best feed. Xue Lie has been waiting impatiently for a long time. I guess if he rubs it any further, the table will have to be smashed by him.

"Okay, okay, okay, I'll go now." The shopkeeper was scared. As soon as he heard the guest's tone, he looked at Xue Lie's dress. Yo, there was still a sword hanging on his waist. His seven souls immediately lost three souls, so he hurriedly ordered the woman, "Wife, go and prepare wine and dishes for the guests!"

The woman ran inside. The man walked out of the door and probably filled the horses with food.

Soon, all the wine and dishes were put on.

"Eat, eat, eat quickly, and you have to hurry after eating." Xue Lie shouted at the same time, like the wind and clouds, and the cup and plate on the table soon fell into a mess.

"Bear another plate of barbecue!" Xue Lie ordered the woman. Tonight, Xue Lie ate a lot more than usual. He was really hungry. He had been running around for days and consumed a lot of his physical strength.

Finally, Xue Lie was full of food and drink. At this time, the shopkeeper also came back from outside.

"Have you fed my horse? Er!" Xue Lie burped and stood up.

"Yes, yes, I filled the officer's horse with the best feed." The man barely squeezed out a smile on his face.

"Shopkeeper, what's going on here? It's not dark yet, so the business will stop? It was not like this before. The guide asked puzzledly.

"Alas! You don't know anything. Tonight is a full moon night.

"Full moon night? What happened on the full moon night? Xue Lie asked curiously.

The shopkeeper picked up the tattered door, looked out a few times, and hurriedly said, "Honey, go and hide inside!" The man's face was frightened, and his lips trembled, "Come, come, it's coming!"

"Who is he? Why did you hide your wife? Do you want to make it clear?" Xue Lie's impatiation came up again. He hated the talkative guy the most.

"Monster, that monster specializes in catching women. It doesn't count as catching women and kills men. You see, my door is rotten. It will definitely find us. It seems that our husband and wife are dead. Whoo..." The shopkeeper cried.

"Yes, what's wrong with a big man crying? The door is rotten. I'll compensate you and install a new one. Xue Lie frowned. He hated to hear crying, especially men's crying. He took out another piece of gold from his arms and patted it on the table.

"Sir, you have given too much. Besides, we are going to die, and we are not blessed to accept your gold. You'd better put it away!" The man said with a bitter face.

"Ok, isn't it just a monster? Hai blamed me for killing me. Are you still afraid of a monster? Master, I won't leave today. I'll just sit here. I'd like to see if it's the monster's head or my sword blade!"

With a "bang", Xue Lie, who had been about to get up and leave, sat back again.

" Sir, you don't know how terrible the monster is. Some people have seen it and say that the monster has two heads."

"I don't care how many heads he has, as long as he hits my sword, I will turn him into a dead head!" Go and bring wine for me. I want the best wine. Xue Lie added, "By the way, it's purple."

The shopkeeper dares not speak. I think this officer has some ability. He submissively went underground, and soon came out of the room, holding a large bottle of purple ** in his hand.

The shopkeeper waited carefully. The cup on his side is not full, and the cup on Xuelie's side is empty. The shopkeeper couldn't help but be in a hurry and thought: This officer is really good at drinking!

"Gugudu" went down more than half of the bottle in an hour. Xue Lie drank and commented: "Well, it's too sweet. Although the taste is different, it still doesn't have that taste." The shopkeeper and the guide didn't understand what Xue Lie was saying, but looked at him blankly.

Soon, there was a red tide on Xuelie's face. He felt a burst of heat on his body, so he took off his helmet and pulled down his neckline. There is no wind in this kind of place. It's not like Posideya. No matter how hot the weather is, there is wind blowing from all directions when lying in the golden **. It's as cool as it is. Xuelie couldn't help but miss his days in Posideira. The queen's graceful figure seemed to appear in front of him, and the queen's soft words seemed to sound in his ears again.

I will not let the queen down. I must make contributions, and I must... Xuelie muttered in his heart. "He gurgled" and took a few more sips.

The shopkeeper looked at the guest and was shocked and thought, "Isn't this just a hairy child?" Although he is a little big, how can he be the opponent of the monster? Alas, it seems that there is no way to escape this disaster today! As soon as he was in high spirits, his men' movements stopped.

Xue Lie raised the cup for a long time and saw nothing. Looking at the shopkeeper, he was in a daze. He came up angrily and said angrily, "If you stay, I might as well do it myself." He grabbed the bottle of wine and drank it himself.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" The shopkeeper nodded and bowed, quickly apologized, and quickly hid inside.

The snowy cup was not full yet. At this moment, a strange smell penetrated into his nostrils. Xue Lie moved his nose a few times, and the smell became stronger and stronger. He was not unfamiliar with this smell. It was the smell of birds.

"The monster is coming!" Xue Lie hurriedly put down the cup and pulled out the sword at his waist with a "brush".

The guide also became nervous and looked frightened.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here." Xue Lie picked up the helmet on the table and walked out with his sword.

" Sir, be careful!" The guide whispered in the back that he didn't dare to follow him out.

"Papa", as the sound approached, the smell became thicker and stronger. In the distance, a huge dark cloud-like thing floated over. When it looks closer, it is a huge bird. No, it should be called a bird or a human bird, because it actually has two heads, one is a human head and the other is a bird's head.

"Damn it! What is this? I hunt countless birds and beasts. Why have I never seen such a monster? I don't care whether you are a human or a bird, you have to chop off your head today!"

Xue Lie put on his helmet, raised his sword, stood on the street, and shouted: "Oh! I said, you stinky bird, why did you rob your daughter-in-law? Come down!"

The monster was not going to land yet. He heard someone shouting and swooping down. The two sharp claws flashed with a cold light, like the fangs of a beast, straight to the snowy door.

"Master, I have fought beasts for several years, and I have never fought birds. Let me fight you today!"

Xue Lie did not dodge. He took the opportunity and raised his breath. With a "huh", his body went up. He thought that he could jump to the bird's back with his own skills. Unexpectedly, the fact was that he had jumped over the tail of the giant bird and jumped to the ground.

Xue Lie was shocked and thought to himself: How could I jump so high and so far? His second-in-law monk was confused. Why did you say that? It turned out that after the injury in the Colosseum, Xuelie met Locke. Locke lost his magic power to him when he was healing him. Naturally, Xuelie did not know the mystery of this. He thought Locke had any magic weapon or panacea.

The momentum of the strange bird was particularly fierce. It only wanted to kill Xue Lie with one blow, and he didn't expect that the boy could avoid it, so it used enough strength. Well, the boy flashed, and he was unlucky and didn't stop the gate.

With a bang, there was a huge smoke on the ground. Look again, it was just a crashed plane. Its long face with a human head kowtowed to the stone, and its pointed mouth with a bird's head also poked into the soil. It almost broke its neck, and even the feathers on its wings fluttered to the ground, which really ended up falling head and feathers.

"Hahaha..." Xue Lie clapped her hands and laughed, "Do you think I should call you a bird or a bird?"

The strange bird stood up with a gray face and said angrily, "Who the hell are you? How dare you ruin my good deeds!" It actually opened its mouth. It was the face with a human head, and the mouth on it was talking. At this time, its face was blurred.

"You stinky bird, you can even speak human words. Don't care who I am. Today, I must eliminate harm for the people and chop your head!" Xue Lie jumped up and pointed at the man's head. What he brushed was a sword.

When the sword fell, he heard a "bang" sound, and his wrist trembled, and his sword fell to the ground.

Xue Lie fixed his eyes and was shocked. It turned out that the feathers of the strange birds stood up, and the cold light flashed like a bush of knives.

Xue Lie took a step back and was really surprised. I thought: If those knives poked on their bodies, isn't it a blood hole?

"Thirty-six tricks, Xue Lie pointed to the ground and was about to run. Strangely, the strange bird did not attack him. Looking carefully, it turned out that there was blood flowing from its neck, and it was the sword that had just stabbed it.

The strange bird raised its two injured heads, spread its wings, and staggered away.

"Well, let you go first! If I meet you again, I won't be so lucky!" Xue Lie picked up the sword on the ground, took a look, and found that there was no damage to the sword except blood stains. He was relieved and then walked back to the inn.

"Oh, sir, you finally came back safely!" The guide hurriedly took the sword in Xue Lie's hand and looked carefully. He found blood stains on the sword. I think this little officer killed the monster. The guide couldn't help but look at Xue Lie.

The owner immediately brought hot water. Xue Lie wiped his face, wiped the blood stains on the sword, and then put the sword back into the sheath with a choking sound.

"Did you kill the monster, sir?" Just now, the shopkeeper hid in the house and heard the sound outside. He saw Xue Lie come back safely and thought that he had killed the monster, because no one who had seen the monster came back alive before.

"No, I didn't kill it. But it's almost dead. The monster was seriously injured and scared away. He should not dare to come again.

"Oh, that's it." The shopkeeper breathed a long sigh of relief and thought to himself: This young officer is quite good.

After the battle just now, although Xue Lie was almost drunk, his fatigue came again.

"I'm tired and sleepy, so I won't be in a hurry tonight. Go and get ready. I'm going to take a shower and stay here for one night. Xue Lie told the shopkeeper, "by the way, feed the horse early tomorrow. We have to go early in the morning." He added another sentence.

"Good!" The shopkeeper responded and ran to Zhangluo in a hurry.

Soon, Xue Lie and the guide took a shower and slept separately.

In the early morning of the next day, when Xue Lie and the guide led Ma out of the town, they heard people talking:

"Have you heard about it? A big hero came last night and killed the monster.

"Yes, yes, everyone saw the monster's head. The bloody appearance is so horrible!"

"That is, no one has lost a woman, and I haven't heard of any man being killed. I really want to thank that great hero!"

"Alas! I don't know the name of the great hero. I really want to know him..."

Xie turned over his horse, looked back at the town, and thought: live birds can be killed, and dead birds can also be blown alive. It seems that the power of public opinion is great! Unexpectedly, such an inconspicuous place would make himself a great hero overnight. Xue Lie couldn't help but feel a little fluttering.