
Chapter 48 Forced Marriage

The fourth day, Queen Ruoya recovered, and she was also happy for the two brothers and sisters. Maybe there was a god to help her, so she didn't think about it.

Ruoya accompanied her two brothers and sisters to Wangcheng. In fact, she was accompanying Xuelie. Sprite has lived in this royal city for three years, and all the interesting places have been visited by the two sisters many times.

From Ruoya's mouth, Xuelie learned about Pokes. Ports has more than 900,000 square kilometers of land, with a population of nearly 300,000, and 200,000 troops alone. There are about 60,000 civilians living in Wangcheng, and some civilians live outside the city. They mainly live by mining. The underground of Polks is rich in bronze mines. After these bronze mines are mined, they can not only smelt metals and forge weapons, but also make exquisite works of art and sell them to neighboring countries. It is the main source of Polks' national fiscal revenue.

While listening, Xue Lie thought to himself that if she could control Ports in her own hands, the queen would be very happy. The queen in Xuelie's heart is naturally Queen Kathy.

After staying for another two days, Xuelie remembered the "dead man" who was still lying in **, and he didn't know whether Locke was dead or alive. Although she hated Locke so much before, now the princess has found it, and the princess is actually her sister who has been lost for many years. From his sister's mouth, Xue Lie knew that Locke had saved her, so his anger gradually subsided and he began to worry about Locke.

In the evening, a grand dance party was held in the court. Xue Lie didn't want to participate, but under the insultice of Sprite, he went reluctantly.

This is the first time that Queen Ruoya has held a court dance, and the news was released a few days ago. I heard that Queen Ruoya planned to choose her husband at the dance, so the princes and nobles of the surrounding countries came early. Who knew that Queen Ruoya was a famous beauty on the shore of the ocean!

When the music sounded, many princes and nobles stretched out their hands to the queen and competed to invite the queen to dance. They all hoped that Queen Ruoya could choose her husband. Ruoya took Xue Lie's hand. Xue Lie was very surprised. He didn't understand why Ruoya danced with him, but he was embarrassed to refuse in front of so many people. So, in those killer eyes, Xue Lie held the queen's hand and rotated around her slender waist. Although Xue Lie didn't dance, he has seen a lot. In order to find the "smelt of missing", in the days of crazy drinking, he and Locke often saw many scenes of indulgence in wine and sex when they went to those entertainment venues. Although when he rotated at the beginning, his movements were very sluggish and his body was very stiff, either one step faster or a little slower, he was talented and quickly danced smoothly.

Tonight, Xue Lie is wearing a long black dress, with a heart-shaped neckline, slightly narrow cuffs, and arm parts, all with golden lace. The wide hem naturally droops, looking extremely noble and gorgeous. This dress is dressed on his already strong body, which looks elegant and particularly masculine. And the two thick eyebrows, a pair of big eyes, and the special short black hair attracted the attention of many women.

Xue Lie didn't know that he had become the focus of the dance, and many hot eyes were staring at him. Those eyes have jealousy, envy and resentment...

At this time, Xue Lie looks more like a prince than those real princes.

Through the hazy veil, the queen's towering nose can be faintly seen. Xue Lie moved his nose a few times. There is a mixture of fragrance on the queen's curly hair, which is very strong, which is not the kind of elegant and natural fragrance he is familiar with. Xuelie thought of Queen Casey again. Her waist-length black hair, which fluttered in the wind, was so noble and charming in Xuelie's eyes, many times more beautiful than this curly brown hair. How nice it would be if she could dance around her waist! Xue Lie couldn't help thinking about it.

As soon as he was in high spirits, his footsteps slowed down, and Xue Lie stepped on Ruoya's slender feet.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Xue Lie quickly apologized.

"Do you have something on your mind? What are you thinking about?"

"I didn't... I didn't think about anything." Xue Lie's eyes flashed, "I'm thinking that I have to go back. There are still many things for me to deal with in Yukatan."

"Oh, that's it." Ruoya lowered her head and said little. She raised her head again and whispered, "Can you stay?"

"Stay? Why?" Xue Lie was surprised.

"Marry me!"

Ah? No!" Xue Lie suddenly let go of Ruoya's hand with a frightened face. He wanted to marry a woman, but he wanted to marry the queen of Pocedia, not the queen of Pox.

"Why do you say no? Do you think I'm not beautiful enough?

"No, it's not, because...because..." Xue Lie said, and I don't know what to say.

"I think if you see my face, you may change your mind." With that, Ruoya stretched out her hand and removed the veil on her face.

"Wow! The queen has lifted the veil!"

Who is it? Who took away the queen's heart?

"The queen is so beautiful! How could she choose that dark boy as her husband?


People stopped dancing, stretched their necks, opened their eyes wide, and exclaimed from time to time. Only Xue Lie was daze, because he couldn't understand. However, he could see from the eyes of those people that they were full of hostility to him.

"Now, you are my husband." Ruoya said quietly. Her brown face has a pair of big orange eyes, her pupils are bright and clear, her long eyelashes are like butterfly wings, and her slightly thick lips are full of wild ** and beauty. Beauty is beautiful, but not what Xuelie imagined.

"No! No, no, no..." Xue Lie shook his hands and retreated with a frightened face, as if he had seen a monster, and then turned around and ran out.

"Brother! Brother..." Behind him came Sprite's anxious call and people's talk.

When Sprite chased to the hillside outside the city, Xue Lie finally stopped.

"Brother! What the hell is going on with you? Why refuse the queen? Do you know that you did this..."

"What do you know!" Xue Lie interrupted Sprite's words and sat down angrily, "It's her who wants to marry me, and I didn't say I want to marry her. It's really inexplicable!"

"Oh, brother! I don't know how many princes want to marry Ruoya's sister. They are all waiting in line. Sister chooses you. That's your blessing and luck. You..."

"Oak, whoever likes to queue up has anything to do with me. I'll go back to Yucaten tomorrow." Xue Lie shouted impatiently.

"Brother! ..." Sprite stamped her feet in a hurry, and she wanted to go on.

"Don't you want to go to Yukatan? Don't you remember your Jin** man? Humph! Why don't you stay in Ports, continue to be your princess, and then marry a prince?

"You..." Sprite was so angry that tears appeared in her eyes, because she was worried by Xue Lie. Originally, Xue Lie planned to keep Sprite in Pokes and let her continue to be a princess, so that she could have no worries about food and clothing and no longer have to run around with herself. However, she insisted on going back to Yucatan with her. She didn't have to think about it. This girl must have enchanted the dead head.

As soon as she turned her head, Sprite covered her mouth and ran to the city, and she burst into tears. This is the first time the two brothers and sisters have quarreled.

Xue Lie wandered outside the city for a while. After thinking about it, he felt something wrong. From childhood to childhood, what he was most worried about was his sister. He was afraid that she would be sad and afraid that something would happen... But now he actually made him cry. Xue Lie ran to the figure again and chased after him. After chasing into the room and seeing Sprite sitting at the table wiping tears, Xue Lie felt a pain in his heart and walked up, making amends and apologizing, coaxing her like when she was a child. Finally, Sprite stopped crying.

"Alas! Why is Sister Ruoya so miserable!" The girl sighed.

"Life is hard? Did she suffer in front of the queen? That's why I'm suffering." Xue Lie complained and thought to himself: It's really unreasonable!

"Oh, silly brother, what do you know?" Sprite said anx anx, "In Polks, unmarried girls have to wear a veil. If she meets a favorite boy, she removes the veil for him, which means that she is willing to marry him, and the boy must marry her. If the boy refuses her, no one will marry her again. She can't marry again and can only live a lonely life.

"What? How could there be such a thing? What kind of rule is this? Who decided it? Shit, I just met a few times and entrusted it to others for life. Isn't it too hasty for you women? Xue Lie nagging.

"When you are imprisoned or with hatred, you can find the ultimate meaning of survival. If it were me, I would jump out of those rules and do what I want to do. Queen Casey's words sounded in my ears again.

"I know! I know what those rules are!" Xue Lie jumped up and shouted, "The meaning of my life is to do what I want to do. I know what I want." Once upon a time, when he heard Queen Casey say these words, he just felt very profound. At that time, he didn't understand, and now he understands. So, Xue Lie couldn't help laughing and dancing.

Sprite was scared and thought: My brother must be stimulated and can't force him anymore. Alas, poor sister Ruoya!

Go as soon as you say. The next day, the two brothers and sisters packed up and went to say goodbye to Queen Ruoya. In just one night, Ruoya lost a lot of weight, and even her eyes were red and swollen. She must have cried for a long time. Xue Lie's heart is also very uncomfortable. Alas, it's all my own! He kept complaining about himself in his heart. However, he would not stop for her, because he knew that his heart was not here at all.

Queen Ruoya did not retain it. She has already seen that the boy has made up his mind to go. He is the pick for shaving his head - a hot head. But Ruoya still holds a glimmer of hope that Xue Lie can change her mind. Therefore, when the two brothers and sisters got on the horse, she told them, "Pokes is your home. As long as you want to come, you can come at any time. I will wait for you here."

"If my sister has time, she must come to Yukatan to see us!" Sprite said goodbye to Ruoya with tears.

Because of the long journey, Ruoya was worried about their safety and wanted to send guards and carriages to escort them, but they were all declined by Xue Lie. Thinking of what happened at that time, Xue Lie's heart was furored. If there were too many people, it would distract him. How could he take care of it? Therefore, he declined Ruoya's kindness.

Xue Lie only needed two fast horses and brought more water and dry food. He was afraid of hunger.

The two brothers and sisters turned over their horses and went away in Ruoya's reluctant eyes. Xue Lie suddenly turned around and shouted, "I will come back again!" In fact, he is comforting Ruoya.

Ruoya heard it and smiled with tears.

Rus has been found, but the task has not been completed, and there are still many dangers on the road. Only arriving at Yucatan is safe. Xue Lie did not dare to stay for a moment. He held a shield in his left hand and a reins in his right hand, ready to deal with the monster coming from the air at any time. The silver sword was held in Sprite's hand. Sprite is in the front and Xue Lie is behind. Xue Lie and Sprite kept a proper distance and stared at Sprite's figure with their eyes. They didn't dare to leave for a moment. No one knew where the monsters were hiding and where they would come from.

Even when he was resting and feeding the horse, Xue Lie followed Sprite closely. Even when Sprite was big and small, he stared at it. He was afraid that his delicate sister would suddenly become a flesh-and-blood skin.

"Oh, brother, hate it!" Sprite picked up the stone and threw it away. "They have grown up and are no longer children." Sprite said anxiously. Xue Lie had to turn his head and didn't forget to tell him, "Be careful. If there is any situation, you must shout at me."

"What a weirdo!" Sprite squatted in the grass and muttered. Because Xue Lie didn't tell her about the monster, he didn't want her to worry about himself.

Fortunately, they didn't meet any monsters along the way, and the two brothers and sisters returned to Yukatan safely.