
Chapter 60 Desert Lost

The east gradually lit up and ushered in another day. They finally walked out of the forest, with rolling mountains and wild jungles in front of them, and there was no way to go.

"It must be the Aryans. They deliberately brought you here." Locke said.

It was not until then that Xue Lie realized that he had been deceived. He just looked for the smell to catch up and forgot to see the march road map. Xue Lie hurriedly ordered the team to stop, and then pulled Locke, and the two sat into the grass together.

Xue Lie took out the "command locator" from his arms and operated it cracklingly. Soon, he called out the topographic map.

Xue Lie pointed to the curved lines and flashing numbers on the screen and said, "You see, this is our marching route, this green area, and the flashing text on it tells us that this is the 'Dadami Jungle', that is, the jungle behind us."

Locke looked at it, and the green area was also marked with dense graphics and symbols similar to "mountains", "trees"..., which are estimated to be mountains and jungles. He saw the red characters again. He pointed to them and asked Xue Lie, "What are they?"

"This is Ogo City, this is Glass, this is Pilos, this is the Aegean Sea..." Shi Lie said as he showed his finger to Locke. Locke saw that Meruvia was at the top, above Tirinth.

"What should we do now? Do you want to go back?" Xue Lie turned his eyes to Locke for help.

"Return? Aren't you afraid to meet the prince of the sea? Locke was scared at the thought that he almost lost his life in the last war.

"Yes." Xue Lie thought of the "Franz" intersection, and he almost died in the hands of the prince of the sea. "What should I do? Do you want to ask the chief bodyguard? He asked pitifully, and now he regrets death and has run so many wrong roads.

"Isn't you looking for trouble? Do you still think they don't know enough? Locke stared at Xuelie, "Let me have a look. I'll think about it again." He looked at the screen again, "What is this place?" He pointed his finger at the "Dadami Jungle", "Ogo" and the "Franz" intersection, which is a triangular yellow area.

"This is a desert, the queen said, and the situation here is unknown. You shouldn't be..."

"Yes, we'll go through this desert." Locke measured it by hand, and he felt that it was almost a straight line from here to Ogo, which should not be very far.

"But..." Xue Lie was still a little worried.

But what is it? That's the decision! Take a rest immediately, eat, and ask the driver to feed the horses more grass. Entering the desert may cost a lot of physical strength.

"Yes, my subordinates are obeying!" Xue Lie was ordered to arrange it. Although he was wearing a commander's uniform, he still remembered that he was just a fake commander, so he had to listen to Locke's.

After eating and drinking enough and preparing to stop, the army will set off again. At this time, they found another difficult problem in front of them. It turned out that the army entered the jungle, 100,000 people, which is not a small number. Now, the engineers are in front, 100,000 biochemicals are behind, and the tail of the team is still outside the jungle.

"What should I do? You can't go out backwards, can you?" Xue Lie turned his helpless eyes to Locke again.

Locke pondered and said, "I have a way. I'll take the engineers out first. After you cut off here, you will be responsible for escorting the vehicle."

Locke unloaded a horse from one of the carriages. He turned over and stepped on the horse's back. The wind in the jungle lifted his robe.

"I'm still wearing your commander's uniform. Why don't I take it off and give it to you!" With that, Xue Lie was going to unbutton his body.

"No, you can wear it. I'm still used to wearing this robe. It's cool!" Locke smiled.

"Really?" Xue Lie's eyes showed a trace of joy. In fact, he was really reluctant to get rid of it. How he hoped that one day he could become a veritable commander.

Oh, what a child! Locke sighed in his heart.

"I'll go first. You should pay attention to safety." Locke galloped away, and the engineers lined up in columns. They ran forward, rubbing the bodies of the biochemical soldiers and following the horses.

Soon, the biochemical soldiers turned back, so the head of the team became the tail and the tail became the head. The army set off again.

"I have reached the edge of the desert, and I'm waiting for you here. How is the situation where you are? Did you get out of the forest? Locke's voice came from the wind.

When did you become a downwind ear? Xue Lie was surprised and inexplicably. In fact, because Locke has used magic, he is using the "thousand-mile transmission" technique.

At noon, the army gathered on the edge of the desert. At a glance, there is monotonous yellow everywhere, not even a tree, and there seems to be some sand dunes in the distance, but on the whole it is flat. Locke rearranged the team. He formed the original vertical team into a square team and let the vehicles drive in front of the team, which was convenient for them to manage and eat. Now, Locke is sitting on horseback, and as long as he opens his red pupils, he can scan every corner of the team.

Locke and Xue Lie walked side by side, each holding a wine bottle in their hand. While drinking wine, the two chatted. Occasionally, they were interested and clinked a glass. No, it should be touching the "bottle".

I don't know how long it took. Gradually, the horses slowed down, and the desert was still boundless and seemed to never end. The sky is gray, and there is neither dawn nor darkness.

"What time is it?" Locke looked up at the sky, and then he waved his hand and the army stopped.

Xue Lie took out the metal box from his arms, opened the lid of the box, and operated it cracklingly. He wanted to see the time. As a result, he was shocked, and there were snowflakes-like bright spots on the screen, and there was no image at all.

The "command locator" failed.

Locke saw that Chery was in a daze and stretched out his neck to look at it. Then, the two people looked at each other in con's face.

Now, it has been more than a day since Locke and Xue Lie, as well as Shura and the bodyguard. They have not contacted Locke and Xuelie. The two people, together with 100,000 biochemical soldiers, seem to have disappeared from the air.

"Goo Gu", Xue Lie's stomach screamed.

"I'm hungry again, why so fast?" Xue Lie touched his belly and felt very puzzled. He felt that he had eaten for a long time.

"Sir, we have run out of water plants. Horses can no longer walk. They need to drink water and eat grass." It is the driver who speaks.

Locke looked forward, and the distance was still monotonous yellow, stretching into the distance until it connected with the gray sky.

"You rest in place. I'll go ahead and have a look." Locke jumped off his horse. He had already felt it. The horse was very tired and kept sniffing. It was protesting because it was hungry.

"Hmm." Xue Lie responded. He was a little tired and really didn't want to go any further. Although he was sitting on horseback, he also felt very tired.

Locke walked forward. His boots stepped into the sand and felt soft, but when he pulled out his feet, it was a little difficult. No wonder the team could walk fast. It turned out that walking in the sand was different from walking on the flat ground.

No, we have to speed up. Locke got up and jumped several times in a row. Soon, he disappeared from Xuelie's vision.

Locke showed himself, opened his wings with a "pop", and then took a breath and flew forward as fast as he could. The yellow sand surged and rolled in front of his eyes, which gave him a feeling as if they were alive.

Locke flew for a long time, and what he saw in his eyes was still monotonous yellow, the kind of yellow that only the desert has. He felt very strange and thought: At his own speed, he should be able to reach Atlantis. Why can't he fly out of the desert?

He turned his direction again, no longer forward, but flew upward. There was originally a gray sky above his head, but as Locke's body went up, the yellow sand also surged into the sky. They were like a tall wall, blocking his way.

Locke stopped flying, suspended his body in mid-air, and then opened his red pupils to glance. He saw the yellow sand surging, like monsters with teeth and claws, piling up together, quickly forming a wall and blocking in front of him.

"Hmm, it's really weird!" Locke snorted coldly. He first closed his wings, and then carried his magic. With the appearance of a halo, his wings suddenly opened, and the feathers stood up, like a bush of knives. Then, he suddenly came to a "Zi Yan wears clouds" style. He rushed up, as fast as a black lightning, and he split the sand wall in half.

"Wang" and the sand wall overturned and scattered into sand grains on the ground. Three towering monsters appeared on the sand. They all have long green hair, a large pinch of green hair on their chest, and their thighs are as thick as the roof pillars in the palace. They are barefoot, which is as big as a grinding disc. One of the giants still has three green eyes, but the one in the middle of his forehead has been blinded, like a green scar. Their faces are very fierce, and everyone holds a two-pronged halberd in their hands, which looks like an oversized harpoon.

A gust of wind blew and rolled up the yellow sand all over the sky.

Locke restored the human form. He stood in front of three weirdos and asked loudly, "Who are you?" Why do you block my way?"

"My name is Helofis, the fourth son of the Sea King. They are my two younger brothers, Helips and Herinos. We want to avenge our dead brother Helox. Say, did you kill Helox?" Helopheus, who was blind, said angrily with his big green-haired finger.

"So you are the prince of the sea. Yes, the big ** fish was killed by me. I have removed eight pieces of it and cooked it. Well, it tastes good, but it's a pity that I didn't finish it and threw the rest to feed the dog. Hahaha..." Locke laughed. There is no water in such a place. I guess they can't play anything, and he is not afraid of them.

"Wow! I'm so pissed off, give my brother back!" Helofis picked up the oversized "harpoon" in his hand and poked Benlock's chest. If it was poked, it would be a transparent hole.

But who is Locke? Demon King. He calmly took out the snake and dragon stick in his arms. As soon as he pressed the faucet, the wand immediately became longer.

Locke carried his magic power, suddenly flew up to the sky, jumped dozens of feet, and his body overturned in the air. He shook the wand in his hand, and a black light quickly covered Herofius's head like lightning. Herofis hurriedly withdrew the "harpoon", put his arms together, knocked the "harpoon" up, and heard a "dang" sound. His arms were numb. His oversized "harpoon" was unexpectedly knocked out, making Herofith "bang" and retreat for several steps, and almost did not sit on the sand.

Hillopheus's "harpoon" drew an arc in the air, and then inserted into the yellow sand with a "poof", stirring a huge sand dust. Less than one-third of the handle of the "harpoon" exposed to the ground, humming and trembling on the sand.

Helofis was as stupid as he was, with his eyes widened. He really couldn't figure out how the young blonde teenager in front of him could have so much power? Of course, Helofis did not understand that Locke's power came from the mother Gaia. As long as he stepped on the earth and carried magic, his power would be endless.

"How's it going? Are you convinced?" Locke looked teasing and mocked, "Are you coming one by one, or are you three going together? Why don't you call all your six brothers?"

"Wow! Too much bullying! Let you taste the power of our brothers!" As soon as Hailips and Hailenos saw their brother suffer a loss, they could not stand still. They held the "harpoon" in both hands and greeted Locke from two different directions. A "harpoon" poked at Locke's face, and the other "harpoon" stabbed Locke's throat.

"Wow, I'm coming!" Locke fought against Herofis there, and Cherlie has also seen it. Originally, they were trapped in the sand sea by the prince of the sea casting spells. Because Locke broke the boundary, the princes of the sea appeared. Therefore, Xue Lie not only saw Locke, but also saw his mount standing on the edge of the desert.

As soon as Xue Lie saw Locke show his skills, his heart immediately itched.

"Drive!" As soon as Xue Lie raised the reins and clamped the horse's stomach with his legs, the horse immediately rushed out with a long hiss. Xue Lie held a shield in his left hand and a sword in his right hand. His golden sword held a few sword flowers in the air, like a golden snake spitting a letter, piercing Hailips's leg and stomach.

"Ouch!" Helips was in pain and couldn't help jumping up, and the "harpoon" in his hand also deviated from the direction.

Xuelie did not stop moving. As soon as he raised the reins, the horse circled to the side of Haline. He waved the shield in his hand and cut it down with his bare feet. Yes, it was cut, because the edge of the shield was very sharp, like a blade.

"Ouch!" Bang, Hymanus took a step back, sat down, and immediately raised a huge dust beside him, and blood was pouring on his instep. Herinos went down and almost sat Xue Lie under his buttocks with the mount.

"Damn it, do you want to stink the young master to death?" The snow was on fire. He took out the "command locator" from his arms and gave killing instructions to the biochemical soldiers.

Soon, the biochemical soldiers surrounded the three giants. They emitted crystal beams from their eyes and arms, and those snowy beams shot on the giant's body, which was a transparent hole.

With the burning smell, a strong smell of blood permeated. With two loud bangs and bang, Helips and Hymanus fell down one after another. They died. As soon as Helopheus saw that the situation was not good, he covered a pierced arm and drove a gust of wind to escape.

"Yeah! We have won!" Xue Lie was so happy that he couldn't help clasing Rock.

"Three are dead, and there are still seven. We have biochemical soldiers. Even if they all come, there is no need to be afraid." Xue Lie was complacent and thought to himself: The queen is awesome! How could such a powerful divine soldier be made?

"And don't be careless! Although we won, it was also a fluke. Without these biochemical soldiers, wouldn't you and I have to be skewered into sugar-coated haws by their harpoons? Locke warned. In fact, he was scaring Xue Lie. He knew that those sea princes were just demigods. As long as they were on land, he had a way to deal with them.

"Let's go. The horses need to be fed. We have to hurry and get out quickly." Locke urged.

The two led the army forward again. Locke looked back at the two bodies and thought: It can't be found. He quietly performed the "fire" technique, and a fire came out of his fingertips with a "hoo". Soon, the two bodies were swallowed up by the fire.

"Dudu", the "command locator" in Xuelie's arms rang, and it resumed work. It turned out that the Queen was contacting them, and "she" wanted to talk to Locke. From Shura's mouth, Locke knew that they had been trapped in the sand sea for a day and night. Locke couldn't explain it to Shura, so he had to make up a lies, saying that "paper gray fish feeding" failed, and they got lost.

"How is this possible?" Shura was skeptical. He didn't believe that the "command locator" would fail, but they did disappear for a day and a night, and he couldn't explain it. He had to reluctantly believe it. "Forget it, you occupy Ogo immediately. I'm afraid it will change if it's too late!"

"Yes, my subordinates are obeying!" Locke answered.

"Take a break, eat something first, feed the horses, and then take Ogo down." Locke ordered.

Soon, the two sat down. They drink wine while eating. The drivers looked around for grass, and they had to feed the horses before they could eat.