
Chapter 64 Aryan's Past

So, where did the two brothers and sisters of Xuelie go? They were indeed taken away by the Aryans. At this time, they were imprisoned in Merjuvia, the capital of Aryan.

Speaking of Aryan, we have to mention the red-skinned man. In fact, the original Aryan had no red skin. Thousands of years ago, the Subaru cluster in the sixth universe had a big explosion, and a group of Subaru people fled the Subaru cluster in a spaceship. They wandered in the universe, looking for shelter. Later, when the people passed through the solar system, they were attracted by the earth, a beautiful blue planet. They landed the spaceship.

So, the Spion from outer space, theples with a highly developed civilization, came to Earth. The Subaru have established a rich and civilized country on earth - Aryan. Aryan's territory is quite vast, covering the entire Atlantic and Middle-earth.

The Subaru are tall, almost four meters tall, with golden skin and silver hair. They are a gentle giant race, and their descendants are mainly concentrated in the island country on the Atlantic Ocean - the capital of the Great West. Posedia is rich in golden grapes, and wine is the favorite of the Posma. They live in the city center and are obsessed with the pursuit of culture, art and education.

At first, the Subaru and the cosmic brother Big Horn and the Sirius maintained close contact and used their technology to build a huge crystal energy system. Posedia is also the headquarters and core of the crystal energy network and the internal space (underground) tunnel system. The most advanced, complex and beautiful crystals are here. It adopts the structure of Big Horn and Sirius, which is an organic mixture of many crystalline shapes and impregnated with alloys of platinum and gold. Crystals are placed in the magnificent temple - the Sun Palace, some of which are made of marble, while others are made of green jade, corundum and diamonds. Posedia is also the capital of the island and is known as the camouflage city. Using the technology of the Big Horn, the Poseidians have improved their ability to cultivate crystals of each structure and element, which can accelerate the growth of crystals in the underground crystal bed.

Using the technology of Sirius, the Posedians also built a continental bridge connecting Yucaten to Ogo on the Atlantic Ocean.

However, with the passage of time, different factions have emerged among the internal rulers of the Poriadians. Some ambitious Poite (mainly concentrated in Merjuvia) advocate expansion and the establishment of new colonies, while the other peace-loving Sprites (mainly in Posetia) firmly oppose this. Practice.

The reason for the complete break between the two factions is that the villain changed the genetic code and reorganized without the consent of Congress. After the reorganization, he cultivated a red-skinned man who was tyrannical, violent, ambitious and conquering.

The decent rulers were unbearable. They declared independence, separated from Aryan, and established the Great Western Kingdom. Eventually, Aryan was ruled by the red-skinned inferior Subaru. Nowadays, most cities in Aryan have crystal domes, which are left over from the original golden race, the stellar people.

Because Aryan's energy needs to be supplied by Posedia, they can only rely on the Great West, so they have to obey the orders of the Casey family. Just a few hundred years ago, the Great West was renamed Atlantis, controlled by another higher civilized elite, a very small number of "white" races.

For hundreds of years, in order to get rid of the Casey family, the Aryans have secretly developed military forces. In the name of Atlantis, they have been constantly colonized and annexed some countries in the Mediterranean. Just like where there is oppression, there is resistance. Although the Aryans have military advantages, the Mediterranean countries have not given in, and the colonial regional wars are fierce all the time.

In 23 A.C., Pharaoh Mukun sat on the throne of Aryan. Pharaoh Mukun violated the "weapon use regulations" and used the heavily poisoned weapon "fire and rain launcher" without authorization, causing life to suffer and countless deaths. Their tyrannical behavior caused strong dissatisfaction from the Poseidians.

The ambitious Pharaoh Mukun coveted Atlantis' wealth and crystal energy system. Finally, in October of the same year, he crossed the Strait and stretched his claws to Atlantis.

The Aryan army drove into the continental bridge and went straight to Posedia. The Bocedaians couldn't stand it and were forced to blow up the land bridge.

For hundreds of years after that, the Aryans continued to provoke wars. In order to fight against the Aryans, the Bosideians paid more attention to the study of "weapons".

In 306, Pharaoh Mecca sat on the throne of Aryan. The following year, Pharaoh Mecca personally led the fleet to invade Atlantis with the intention of attacking Posidehya. His fleet was blocked by the "Purple Reincarnation Fleet" in the Atlantic Ocean and was almost completely destroyed.

In that naval battle, although the continental bridge was completely destroyed, Queen Casey still captured Pharaoh alive. Under the bitter plea of Pharaoh Mecca, the kind queen finally released him.

However, Pharaoh Mecca did not stop there, and for hundreds of years after that, he continued to provoke war. Queen Casey couldn't stand it and finally closed the crystal circuit to Meruvia, forcing Pharaoh to conclude a treaty. There are some provisions such as the following: Aryan cancels the independent government and the ownership belongs to Atlantis; without the order of the Casey royal family, he has no right to expand and colonize; Aryan wants to do it free of charge Atlantis provides food and goods... Because Atlantis is an island country, the soil is only suitable for growing special plants such as grapes, flowers and trees, and is not suitable for growing crops. For hundreds of years, the royal family of Atlantis has only focused on the development of machinery and automation, metallurgy and medicine, culture, art education, etc., and neglected agriculture. People's clothing and food supplies are completely supplied by foreign countries.

However, how can Aryans with strong ambition and desire to conquer be willing to obey the Catsi family forever?

In addition, Atlantis is too far away from Aryan. Not only is the waterway long, but it is also separated by dependent countries such as Ogo, Glass, Pylos and Tirins. In addition, there is also an Aegean Sea, which is really difficult for the Casey family to take care of. Coupled with the cunning and cunning nature of the Aryans, the eyeliner they placed in Posedia had already heard many secrets. When Phara Machia learned that Atlantis was facing an energy crisis, he immediately declared independence and was ready to move.

In fact, at this time, the real Queen Casey had already died, and now the ruler of Atlantis is Shura who pretended to be Queen Casey.