
Chapter 66 Rescue Karen

On this day, Locke finally moved the last mountain. In front of him is a big black and sparkling river, and a strange smell permeates the air. Needless to say, it must be a good thing done by the Aryans.

Humph! Trying to stop me from crossing the river? It's a dream! Locke's face showed contempt.

Locke got off the horse, took out the bottle of wine from the bag, took a few sips, ate a few pieces of dry food, and then stuffed the remaining half of wine back on the horse's back. He was reluctant to finish it all. He had to celebrate with them after rescuing the two brothers and sisters.

After eating and drinking enough, Locke leaned against the stone and took a nap. Fortunately, the mandala flower essence was very conscientious. Seeing that Locke was tired, he slipped down from the snake and dragon stick and played for Locke.

When Locke woke up, it was almost noon.

Recently, I have seen another long-lost Apollo. The energetic and vigorous young man finally came out of the shadow of pain after a life-death separation. Just like his son, Zeus, Apollo is not only a sentimental, but also a plaything, and he devotes his whole body and mind to the fairy - Clemini. Although Apollo's emotional experience is always unsatisfactory, the investment in every relationship can make him happy and satisfied. Although he lost the guardianship of Atlantis at this regular meeting, Apollo didn't care much. After all, it is his nature to pursue freshness and curiosity.

Locke looked at the dazzling sunshine. At this time, crossing the river was the most unwise choice. After all, it was under Apollo's eyes, and he did not dare to cast a spell. I had no choice but to wait and cross the river in the evening. And waiting, for a person like Locke who has thousands of feelings and all kinds of worries, is undoubtedly to live like a year.

Finally, it was evening. When Apollo's figure disappeared in the rosy sunset, Locke took out the snake and dragon staff from his arms. He inserted the wand into the soil and chanted a spell. Soon, thousands of trees gathered from all directions. They built a long green bridge, and the army stepped on their bodies and crossed the river magnificently.

Looking around, there are some cities scattered on the vast plains, which must be Glass.

Locke was worried that he would fall into the trap of the Aryans, and then caused the biochemical soldiers to fall into the trap, so he distanced himself from the army. He rode the horse in front, opened his red pupils, and scanned all the way like a searchlight. Unexpectedly, he did not find a trap, which was greatly beyond his expectation.

What kind of medicine is sold in the Aryan gourd? Locke muttered in his heart.

Soon, Locke came near the gate. He looked around and found that there were guards standing on the gate and the wall. They were brown-skinned human beings and Aryans without red skin.

Why is that? Isn't this Glass? I heard from Shura, hasn't Glass been occupied by the Aryans? Locke ordered the team to stop three miles outside the city, and then whispered a few words in the same seat. The horse shook its tail and hid aside.

Locke shook his body and turned into an owl, passing over the head of the guard.

Far away, there was the sound of weapons hitting each other and shouting. Locke flew in the direction of the sound. He stopped on a tall building, looked around and found two groups fighting.

The palace in front of us is tall and majestic. It seems to be the center of the city, and the group of people are fighting on the grounds of the palace. The number of people on both sides seems to be very different. The group of people holding spears, pulling bows and shooting arrows is obviously large. Although they surround a few people, they fall down on the side with a large number of people.

With a "hoo", Locke swooped down from the top of the palace. He saw a few people surrounded in the center, red-skinned Aryans, with strange metal instruments in their hands, which were screaming and spewing thick smoke and fire tongues. As soon as the human beings around them were stained with thick smoke and fire, they immediately fell down and were soon melted, and even bones could not be seen.

What is that? It's so vicious! Locke frowned and thought: The Aryans should be really cruel.

Brown-skinned humans fell piece by piece, and soon there was only one person left in the field. The man stood there in despair, looking at his dead companion and crying sadly: "Come on, Aryan! Even if I die, I still have a son, and my son will have another son. We will fight forever until we take back our land! Come on, even if I die, my undead will come to you to pay off the blood debt! Hahaha..." The man laughed sadly.

The Aryan pointed the metal equipment in his hand at the man...

With a "wush", a big bird swooped down, and at the same time, the metal instruments in the hands of the Aryans also spewed out thick smoke and fire tongues.

The fire tongue brushed Locke's body and sprayed it, almost burning his hair. So close! Locke secretly congratulated himself.

That human is gone.

"Go quickly and report that Pharaoh Maka tried to rebel and had been suppressed by us, but their leader disappeared inexplicably."

"Yes, master!"

"Also, strengthen the warehouse vigilance to prevent sneaking into the spies."

"Yes, master!"

Talking about the dolphins and red-skinned man Locke met in Ogo, and the red-skinned man was not someone else, the one Locke met in his cell.

I don't know how he ran out, hum! Sooner or later, I will return that punch, and then I will beat you all over the ground looking for teeth! Locke thought hatefully.

Locke flapped his wings and flew out of the city with the human under his arm. Outside the city, he threw human beings on the ground and stared at them for a while. Previously on the roof, Locke heard the generous statement of this human being, and his righteousness and fearless spirit shocked Locke's heart.

It seems that he is the leader of those human beings, and maybe he can know something from his mouth. Thinking of this, Locke reached out and stroked the man's forehead, and the man woke up.

"Am I dead?" The man saw a beautiful blonde standing in front of him and thought he had gone to heaven.

"No, you are not dead. I saved you." Locke said with a smile.

"Thank you, Allah! Thank you, God! Thank you..." The man put his hands on his chest and bowed 90 degrees.

"You don't have to thank me, let alone any gods. Just tell me where this is and why did you fight with the Aryans?" Locke frowned. He especially tabooed the word "God", so he quickly interrupted the man.

The man looked at Locke in surprise and said, "Well, this country is called Glass, and my name is Karen, a descendant of the royal family. Hundreds of years ago, the Aryans invaded Grasse. They seized our land by force and suppressed the people by cruel means. Eventually, Glass became a colony of the Aryans, and they did whatever they wanted in this land.

For hundreds of years, the Grasse people have fought tirelessly against the Aryans in order to regain their land and strive for freedom, but they have paid an extremely heavy price every time. Tonight, there are only a few Aryans in the palace. I thought I could win more with less, so I led the clan to launch a sudden attack. Who knows... Alas!" He sighed.

Poor human, how can you be the opponent of the Aryans? Locke couldn't help sympathizing with Karen.

This is an adult man with brown skin, thick eyebrows, big eyes, and brown curly hair. He has a king's temperament, but the tragic experience of the destruction of the country makes him look particularly sad.

"Then let me ask you, what is the fire in the hands of the Aryans? Your subordinates all died under that thing.

Karen's face showed a painful look, and his eyes darkened. He said again, "I heard from the informant say that that thing is called 'fire and rain transmitter'. It's the first time I've seen it. I didn't expect it to be so powerful. The Aryans are becoming more and more difficult to deal with. It seems that we are destined to be subjugated slaves." Karen lowered his head and tears slipped down from the corners of his eyes.

"Don't be sad. Aryans are not gods. We always have a way to deal with it." Locke comforted him.

"You don't know, they are more terrible than the devil!"

"No matter how terrible they are, I will find them. Two of my friends fell into the hands of the Aryans, and their lives are still uncertain. I have to save them. By the way, have you ever seen a man, a woman and two young people? Locke described the two brothers and sisters again.

Karen shook his head.

"So, how far is Aryan from here?"

"Over there, far away, after the Aegean Sea and Tirins, it's almost there." Karen pointed to the sky.

"Ah! Why is it so far away?" Locke was really afraid, and at the same time, he didn't understand how Shura got involved with Aryan and Posedia, two countries so far away from each other? Of course, the feud between the Bosideians and the Aryans was concluded thousands of years ago. How could Locke know?

"Alas!" Locke sighed, "Think about it, my two friends must have been captured by Aryan. So, what are you going to do in the future?

"I'm going to find my people, unite other ministries, and the countries and nations enslaved by the Aryans. I believe that as long as we have tenacious resistance and unremitting struggle, we will one day drive the Aryans out."

In those brown eyes, hope was rekindled, and the firm tone made Locke's blood boil.

"Good! I believe this day will come soon.