
Chapter 75 was ambushed

Looking that the bronze soldiers have almost rested, Locke said, "Brother Cass, let your soldiers put on gas masks and organize the team and get ready to go. I expect that there will be a fierce battle soon. We will take down Tirins and then go straight to Meruvia.

"Good! Brother Locke, listen to you!" The blood around Casros was boiling, and he had been waiting for this day for a long time.

The guard brought two war horses, which were the only two war horses that survived under the huge mouth of the water monsters.

"Well, I'm really sorry for you!" Cass patted the horse's neck and stroked the horse's head. His eyes were a little wet. For a knight, the mount is equivalent to his own legs, and he pours his feelings into it.

"Don't think too much about it. It's their honor to be able to fight for their masters. Otherwise, they will become food in people's mouths, and the outcome will be more tragic. Locke patted Cass Ross on the shoulder and comforted him.

"Oh!" The two horses hissed at the same time.

"Look, they all understand what I said."

"Thank you, Brother Locke." Casros wiped his eyes.

From Casros's behavior, Locke has seen that he is an affectionate man. Locke's eyes are a little wet.

Boo wear gas masks. They turned over their horses and walked in front of their respective teams.

"Let's go!" Locke waved his hand and led the biochemical soldiers to set out. Cass Ross led the bronze warriors to follow the biochemical soldiers. The two teams advanced quickly along the wide marble road.

Bloomingly, the outline of a city appeared in sight.

Timings was right in front of him, and Locke was excited. He had a hunch that he would soon meet the two brothers and sisters.

The more at this time, the more careless it is, Locke reminds himself. He distanced himself from the army and then galloped forward. Locke ran his horse and opened his red pupils to glance at it.

Locke's horse hasn't run far out, "rumbling" and "slamming". With a violent explosion, the earth shook violently. Locke's mount hissed and lifted his front hoof. Fortunately, Locke reacted quickly. He pulled the reins and pulled the horse back ten meters away.

The violent explosion set off a huge stream of smoke and dust, which permeated the sky and did not dissipate for a long time. The road collapsed, and a few miles of land almost became an abyss.

It's so dangerous! Locke exclaimed in his heart that if the mount took another step forward, he and his horse would fall into the abyss and would probably be smashed to pieces.

What a cunning Arthur! Do you think destroying the road can stop me from entering the city? There is no door or window! Locke thought hatefully.

Locke took out the snake and dragon stick from his arms again. He wanted to insert the snake and dragon stick into the soil. It was not until then that he found that there was an unfathomable pit in front of him, and he didn't know how many meters thick marble pavement under the horse's hoof. The sound was endless, and it was the broken marble plate falling into the abyss. There is no soil.

Locke observed the situation around him and thought: This pit is really too big and too deep. It may be difficult for the trees to build bridges. In case it is not strong enough, tens of thousands of soldiers have fallen in. How can he fight with Prince Arthur alone? No, this law doesn't work.

Locke turned his wand upside down again. He raised his wand into the air and said a spell: "Hao Hao Tianfeng, listen to my order, the dragon appears!"

With a "bang", Tianlong rushed out.

"The great army enters the city!" Locke gave the order.

"Wow", a golden hurricane rushed out of the clouds, which rotated to the ground and enveloped tens of thousands of people. Both teams were swept into the air by the hurricane. Casros and the bronze warriors were wrapped in a whirlwind and couldn't open their eyes at all. They felt like flying clouds and fog. After a burst of dizziness, they opened their eyes.

When Caslos opened his eyes, he found that he and the bronze warriors were inside the city wall, and Locke was laughing at himself on his horse.

Prince Arthur stood in front of the monitoring system and was as stupid. He buried all the detonable energy used by Aryan in industry in front of the city. He thought he could send Locke and the biochemical soldiers to hell. Unexpectedly, they suddenly fell from the sky like wings, so inexplicably. Wonderfully got into his own territory.

"Go to Meruvia and bring me the captives of a man and a woman!" A cold smile flashed in Arthur's eyes.

"Yes, master!" The dolphin went out in a hurry.

Prince Arthur called his chief bodyguard again and whispered in his ear for a while. The chief bodyguard also hurried out.

Locke looked around and felt a little strange. The whole city was quiet, as quiet as a dead city, as if there was no popularity.

Kasros urged the horse to come to Locke's side and whispered, "What's going on? Didn't the Aryans find us? Or has this place become an empty city?

"Impossible. This city is the last gateway to Aryan. It is impossible for Pharaoh Mecca not to guard it. There must be something wrong with it. We must be careful."

Prince Arthur looked at the two heads together and pulled a cold smile at the corners of his mouth: "The turtle in the urn, I'll let you try my Prince Arthur's tricks." He lit up the button on the console.

"Rumbled", a strange sound suddenly came from the top of his head. Locke looked up and saw that the wall was full of soldiers, and the sound was the sound of jars rolling. Countless jars are rolling down from a metal belt, almost filling the whole wall.

"No, there is an ambush!" Locke immediately gave the order to attack the biochemical soldiers.

"Swish" and "swish" the biochemical soldiers aimed at the soldiers on the wall and fired a crystal beam. At the same time, the smelly ** fell from the sky.

Rock pulled up Kasros and headed up the wall against those **. Both of them are wearing gas masks, but many of those ** also splashed on their armor. Fortunately, their armor is different from the metal skin material of biochemical soldiers, otherwise they will have to be melted.

Locke and Cassross went up the wall, and the weapons in their hands danced coldly. Bang, bang, wow, wow, Aryan soldiers were either knocked out or died under the weapons of two people.

More and more Aryan soldiers rushed up the wall, the venom poured down like a torrent of rain, and many biochemical soldiers fell down.

If it goes on like this, won't you become the commander-in-chief? Life-saving soldiers are important. Thinking of this, Locke didn't care much. He recited the spell and performed the art of "fire against the sky".

"Wow", a flame rushed out, first burning the bodies of the Aryan soldiers. They screamed strangely and rolled up all over the ground. Soon, the flames spread to those jars, and the ** inside also burned as soon as they met the flames, and then a wave of air "bang" and "rumbling" rose to the sky, and the jars exploded one by one. The whole wall burned and looked like a winding fire dragon.

"Wow", the flames were everywhere, and their ears were full of explosions, as well as the screams of the Aryans. The soldiers fell from the wall and rolled into the ** of the ground, and the ground burned.

Locke took Kasros's hand, and the two went down the wall and jumped on their horses.

"Bang", Prince Arthur punched the console in front of him. His face was distorted by anger, and the already murderous face looked extremely ferocious and horrible.

"Withdraw! Remove the inner city!" Arthur gritted his teeth and gave the order. He gave up the outer city and led the remaining Aryan soldiers back to the inner city.

Locke scanned the scene, and the biochemical soldiers suffered heavy losses, and more than 10,000 soldiers had been buried in the venom.

Bronze warriors were also killed and injured a lot, and most of them were burned to death.

"What should we do now?" Cass asked Locke.

"Organize the team and march into the city. I have a hunch that my friend is in there.

"Good!" Cass rose turned around and sorted out his team.

Locke looked around, and the fire was still burning, and the venom blocked the way. What should I do? He started to think. Yes! Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and he remembered the frozen "fire and rain launcher" in Glass City.

Can you freeze this kind of **? Let's have a try. Locke recited the "raw ice" spell. As soon as his spell stopped, he heard a "kaka" sound, and the ground was covered with thick ice. Locke was overjoyed.

Although the ground is frozen, the fire is still burning, and the fire is burning on the ice. The scene is both spectacular and quite strange in people's eyes. Casros and the bronze warriors were stunned again.

Lock thought: Water and ice in the world should not be able to extinguish this fire, right? It seems that this "fire against the sky" technique is indeed extraordinary, but let it go. In fact, Locke did not know that the fire could not burn forever. When the surrounding energy was exhausted, it would automatically go out.

Xuelie, Sprite, wait, I'm coming! Locke waved his big hand, and the remaining more than 50,000 biochemical soldiers followed him and quickly marched into the city.

Kasros saw that the biochemical soldiers had been pulled out, and he could not lag behind, but the blazing fire was still burning. What should he do? He was in a hurry. Seeing that the flames were burning in the upper part and there was a void underneath, he had an idea: maybe this method is feasible.

"Get out, roll over!" Casros gave orders to the bronze warriors. Therefore, the spectacle appeared: the biochemical soldiers walked forward in front of them. The bronze soldiers held their heads in their hands and rolled on the ice. They rolled and crawled, some dropped their anti-virus masks, and some dropped their helmets. Fortunately, they finally passed through the sea of fire.