
Chapter 86 suan andni

10,000 years ago, a giant race lived on the vast plains of the eastern continent, and people called them "Uvo".

Wufu has the same appearance as human beings, with an average height of about three meters. It is meek and likes to live in groups. The food is spring water flowing down from the mountain stream, as well as flowers and plants that grow on cliffs and emit strange fragrances. They are burly, strong, and good at running and jumping. The leader of them is called "suan". They lived peacefully on that plain for thousands of years.

One day, human beings came. They build houses and reclaim land on the plain... In order to sacrifice to the gods, they also raise horses, cattle and sheep... Wufu just watches from afar and never disturbs them.

Suddenly one day, the horses, cattle and sheep in captivity were bitten to death by some creatures. Their blood was sucked dry and their meat was eaten, leaving only dried skins. Who dares to use such a skin to sacrifice to the gods? Human beings searched everywhere for the murderer, but never found a clue. Finally, human beings believed that it was Uvgan, so they wantonly killed Uv. He went to negotiate with human beings and was framed by the cunning human design. On the full moon night, he was burned to death by cruel humans.

Because there is no sacrifice to God, the God will send a plague to punish human beings. In order to escape punishment, human beings will push all the blame on Uvo's head.

The god was furious and cursed Wufu: From then on, he landed on his limbs, bloodthirsty for life, and always with the lowest reptiles.

In order to wash away his father's grievances, the son of Yi vowed to the beautiful and kind Artemis: he must find the murderer and return the innocence of Uvo. Therefore, Ni led the people to hide in the depths of the jungle, avoiding the pursuit of human beings while looking for relevant clues.

You led the Uvos to search from the east and west. When passing through the dark swamp, most of the Uvos were swallowed up by unknown demons. When they waded through the vast jungle to the Middle-earth continent, they were attacked by man-eating birds and pythons... Although there were many difficulties along the way, the Uvos were also scarred and even killed and injured, the Uvos never gave up their goals. After hundreds of years of tracking and searching, they suspected that the murderer was a creature called Qiu Bai.

Finally, they met Qiu Bai in a valley in Middle-earth.

That night, several ethnic groups went hunting and never came back. The people were searched everywhere, and finally the bodies of the people were found on the edge of a lake. Their throats have been torn, and the blood in their bodies has disappeared. He was sure that the murderer was nearby.

The Li led the people to hide in the jungle on the shore and closely monitored the area. Who knows, this guard has been nearly a hundred years.

That night, the moon was big and round, the silver moonlight sprinkled on the lake, and the shadows of the mountains and trees reflected in the water were hazy and beautiful. The night wind blew the leaves and made a slight clinging sound, and unknown insects hummed in the grass, like a lullaby. The air is warm, wet, and contains the fragrance of flowers. It is light and sweet, drilling straight into the nostrils.

The sword leaned against the trunk of the tree. He sat down against the trunk and unconsciously took a nap.