
Chapter 91 Crystal Ice Array

This is a half-fallen palace door, which blocks the entrance of the palace.

"Wow, this door seems to be gold! We are rich!" Xiao's two eyes emitted light again. He brushed off the thick layer of dust accumulated on the door panel with his hand, lifted the corner of the cloak, and wiped the door panel vigorously. Sure enough, the door panel glittered.

"Well, it's really gold. I didn't expect you to know the goods." Locke ridiculed, "Try it. I'm going to test you to see if you can push this door down."

"Try it. I have been practicing for more than a thousand years. Can't I even push down a door? Xiao pouted his mouth, and his face was full of unconvinced.

Locke took a step back, leaned against the wall, crossed his hands in front of his chest, and looked at the xiao with joking eyes. He was sure that the xiao couldn't push down the door.

"Wow", sure enough, the xiao exerted ten layers of force, and the door did not move at all.

"Giggle", Locke laughed.

"Brother, you fool me." The red face of Xiao was already sweaty.

"You, you don't practice enough. If you want to move this golden gate weighing more than 10,000 catties, you have to practice for at least a thousand years."

Ah? A thousand more years!"

"Puntong", Xiao sat on the ground and felt extremely depressed. He thought: I can't even push a door. No wonder the old patriarch always said that I was a child.

"Look at me." With that, Locke stretched out his palms and carried the magic around him. A halo enveloped him, followed by his palms gently forward, and with a "bang", a huge smoke and dust set off the ground. The gate of the Golden Palace weighing more than 10,000 catties was pushed to the ground by Locke.

"God power! The eldest brother is still awesome!" Xiao is envious.

"Don't worry, in another thousand years, you will be better than me." Locke comforted Xiao.

"How many years have you practiced, brother?"

For a long time, Xiao has thought that Locke is a demon like himself, because Locke always has long red hair in front of Xiao. If he completely restrains his breath, his red pupils will return to gold. Except for his hair color, he is no different from human beings.

"Didn't I already tell you? I am more than 10,000 years old, and naturally I have been practicing for 10,000 years.

"Big brother is deceptive again." Xiao pouted. Although he could see that Lockerbie's own cultivation was much deeper, he still didn't believe it to say ten thousand years old.

"Believe it or not, maybe you don't believe it now, but sooner or later you will believe it."

As the two spoke, they continued to walk forward. They walked into the doorway.

"Wow!" Xiao exclaimed.

"Oh, my God, so many!" Locke also opened his mouth wide. The two saw crystals all over the ground. The white crystal shook so that they couldn't open their eyes, and the two had to cover their eyes with their hands. Through the gap between his fingers, Locke saw that the scattered crystals were also mixed with gems of various colors.

Think about it, this city should be built of gems, right? It seems that it should be extremely rich. However, what exactly caused such a city to be destroyed and eventually buried in the ground? Locke was puzzled.

"Brother, if we move these gems out, can we buy a country?"

"What do you want the country to do? Do you want to build a demon kingdom and be a demon king? Hahaha..." Locke suddenly felt very funny. He knew the truth that rare things are precious. Looking at the gems in this place, it is estimated that people who used to live here would not pay attention to these things at all, because no matter how beautiful they are, they can't be eaten as food.

"However, they can really get a lot of things." Xiao blushed. He heard it from the story of the old patriarch, which was about the competition for treasure, power and so on in the human world.

"Don't think nonsense. Look and see what else we can find."

Lock looked around and found a half-closed door not far away.

"Let's go and have a look."

"Shasha", Locke took the xiao's hand, and the two stepped on the shiny stones and jumped like flying.

"Fight away!" Less than five meters away from the half-closed door, Locke suddenly stopped and suddenly let go of his left hand holding the xiao, elbowed inward, followed by a palm, and slapped the xiao on the back. Xiao flew out in the air. At the same time, a cold air rushed towards him, and a dark shadow rushed out of the door and hit Locke directly.

"Bum", the two bumped into each other. That man is very strong. "Bangla", Locke was knocked to roll a few times and fell into the pile of gems. After a period of dizziness, he only felt that a stream of heat gushed out of his forehead and mouth. His face was cut by those sharp stones.

"Brother! Are you all right?" Xiao rolled and crawled over.

"I'm fine." Locke raised his head from the pile of gems.

"Wow, why do you say it's okay? You have shed so much blood!" Xiao was so scared that he saw a lot of bright red blood flowing down Locke's face.

"Quick, don't move, I'll wipe it for you!" "Oh," Xiao tore off the corner of the cloak and hurriedly wiped the blood on Locke's face.

Who on earth has such great strength? Previously, in front of the door, I only felt a chill hidden in the door, which was enough to freeze the bone marrow. In order not to hurt the xiao, I had to push him away. Unexpectedly, the chill came from that man. I have neither felt the breath of the gods nor the demonic spirit. Then, it is certain that that person is neither a god nor a demon clan, but it can never be a human being. He is so strong that he is afraid he has surpassed himself. Who the hell is he? Locke was puzzled.

"Oh, brother, there are a lot of injuries on your face. I'm so scared!" With that, Xiao helped Locke sit up.

"What is this injury? It will be ready soon. If you don't believe it, just watch it."

Locke carried his magic and began to heal himself. A halo enveloped him. Soon, the blood on his face did not flow, the scratches disappeared, and his skin was intact.

"Brother, if I get hurt, will you heal me?" Xiao asked with black eyes.

"No, you don't need to heal, because I won't hurt you."

"Thank you, brother!" Xiao lowered his head and there were tears in his eyes. He understood that the eldest brother would rather hurt himself than let the Xiao Xiao be hurt, otherwise he would not push himself away with one palm.

"What did you say? You and I are brothers, what else do you have to say thank you? Locke looked around again and said, "Forget it, let's leave here. I guess 'yao' was picked up by that man. If he meets him in the future, he will find a way to come back."

Rock doesn't want to stay in such a place anymore. He is already very hungry. He guess he is more hungry than himself. So he turned over, pulled up the xiao and walked back. As soon as the two of them stepped out, they heard a loud noise, and the crystal fragments on the ground soared and suspended in the air, forming a rectangular encirclement for the two teenagers and aimed the sharp edges and corners at them.

"Ah! What's going on? Are they going to kill me?" The xiao screamed in horror.

"Ha ha, interesting." Locke sneered. He was not afraid of these stones, but worried about the xiao, "Sit down and don't move!"

As soon as Xiao heard that the eldest brother let him sit down, he made a "bang" and really sat down. In fact, his legs had softened long ago. Even if Locke didn't let him sit down, he would sit down himself.

Locke quickly cast spells and made a boundary around the xiao. The xiao was shrouded in a halo.

Humph, do you want to trap me? There is no door or window! The red pupils burst, and with a "brush" sound, his head was red and his hair flew up. "Wow," Locke's palm burst out one golden light mass after another. As the magic ran, the light mass began to get bigger, the color was deepening, and they became brighter. Open it!" Locke roared, and the light masses in his hand suddenly burst out thousands of rays, like golden arrows shot by Apollo, shooting in all directions.

"Wang", there was a rain of gems in the sky, and those broken crystal fragments flew out, looking like a meteor shower and exploding fireworks. The whole dungeon was illuminated with snow, and the scene was particularly enchanting and beautiful. However, Locke was not in the mood to enjoy the beautiful scenery. He felt that he and Xiao were being caught in an invisible and huge claw. At the moment when the crystal fragments scattered and flew out, he grabbed Xiao's shoulder and rushed forward. He wanted to rush out of the crystal matrix.

However, Locke was wrong. As if there was really a hand squeezing, "kac" and accompanied by a burst of noise, the crystal fragments that were still flying in mid-air were like nets, quickly piled up and combined to form crystal giants up to several feet high.

The crystal giants blocked the way of the two teenagers.

Who has such a great ability to control these stones? Locke was terrranted. He knows that gods usually don't use this kind of sideways, so what about demons and demons? It's impossible. There is no smell of them here.

Locke put down the xiao and stretched out his hand. The xiao fell into a coma. He didn't want the xiao to be scared, let alone hurt. Locke made another boundary for the shackles. Now, he can boldly let go.

Although these crystal giants are tall, they look like skeleton soldiers, the undead guard of Pluto. They have huge crystal skulls, and their limbs are also crystal bones, holding strange crystal instruments in their hands.

"Ceng Cling", the crystal giant enveloped up to Locke. As the crystal giants approached, the temperature also dropped sharply. Locke saw that the gas he exhaled was white. Kaka", a violent noise followed, and the piercing chill hit his ankles. Locke's eyes widened. He saw himself frozen, first his feet, then his legs, and then his chest...

Locke felt numb all over his body and couldn't move. Are you going to freeze to death here? Locke saw that the ice that invaded the bone marrow had filled his chest, covered the golden chain, covering the crystal clear stone - Pluto's tears.

No, I can't die! I have sworn that I want to find my true heart. I want to protect the Pluto and the xiao. My life is no longer my own, and I can't give up like this. A messy picture flashed in Locke's mind, including his father and queen, Mr. Pierro, beautiful girls, running metal monsters, towering buildings, huge white flowers, a beautiful face, and a pair of cunning big eyes...

"Hell fire, burn!" With a shocking roar, the ice that was about to cover the whole body shattered and flew away. "Wow," Locke's body burned.

"Crack" "Boom" "Boom", the surrounding crystal ice, together with the crystal giant, first burst into cracks, and then collapsed. In an instant, they all melted into **.

"Puffong", Locke knelt in the ** on the ground. For a moment, he felt a sense of collapse. He couldn't believe what he saw in his eyes.

The crystal stone has actually melted into **, and it can burn itself, and it can also melt the crystal ice. Did I do it? I can even display the "Hell Fire". So, who the hell am I? Is it the devil Locke or the god of death Tanatos? Locke fell into confusion again, and he doubted his identity.

He was stunned for a long time and looked around. Except for a bright lake-like crystal**, he did not see a dark shadow appear. Locke calmed down and stood up staggered. He found the xiao, removed the boundary, and injected magic into the xiao. When Xiao opened his eyes, he immediately exclaimed, "Where is this?"

When Locke told Xiao that these ** were crystals, Xiao's eyes widened. After a long time, he closed the mouth that was open enough to stuff into a goose egg and said, "It's a pity. Fortunately, I've been prepared."

"What have you prepared?" Locke asked strangely.

Ah? No, it's nothing." The xiao hurriedly answered.

"Let's go. We should go out too. We're starving."

Locke took the xiao's hand, and the two teenagers waded through the water and walked towards the road he came. Turn left and right, turn seven or eight times, and a bright white appeared in front of you.

"No, it's that crystal lake. Why did we come back?" Xiao looked surprised and shocked, "Brother, we must be lost. Will we starve to death here?" There was a cry in his voice.

Locke looked around, and the ground was full of secret roads in addition to gems and crystal lakes. He had a feeling that he would have to come back here after walking again.

"The design of this city is very complicated and can't go out for a while, but you can rest assured that with the eldest brother here, you won't make the xiao hungry." Locke smiled and thought, "It seems that we can only cast a spell to get out of here." Grab my hand, don't be afraid, I'll take you out of here. Locke carried the magic, and a halo enveloped him. Then, his red pupils burst out. With a crack, he opened his wings and said, "H hold on, don't let go."


In the exclamation of the xiao, the two teenagers were surrounded by a dazzling mass of light and rushed to the sky like a burning fireball.

"Wangling", accompanied by the sound of mud dumping and sand and gravel falling, the two got out of the ground.

Just as the two teenagers flew up, a man wrapped in a black robe turned out of a secret road. He looked at the direction of the disappearance of the two teenagers and said to himself, "Who are they who can break out of my 'crystal ice array'?"