
Chapter 110 Nebula Phantom

Locke turned around and jumped on the bed, and then waved his hand to make the boundary. From the outside, ** is two big living people huddled together, but no one wants to get close to them, because they will be bounced out as soon as they get close to the bed.

"What the hell is this place? I'm so scared." Xiao finally made a sound.

"No matter where it is, I'm going to sleep first. I'm exhausted. What are you afraid of when I'm here?" Locke appeased Xiao. Although he said so, in fact, he has been speculing that Miller can come to the bottom of the sea and have a place to live here. Does he also have something to do with Poseidon? Thinking like this, maybe I was too tired and fell asleep unconsciously.

In the haze, a woman's cry for help suddenly came to my ear, which seemed to be very far away. Looking along the sound, I faintly saw a woman bound by a firelight. The woman seemed to be struggling and dancing. Locke tried to see the woman's face clearly, but he couldn't see it clearly. He felt that there was always something shadowy in front of him. The more he ran forward, the farther away the shadows were from him. Suddenly, he saw the bloody sling tied to the altar. He was so close to himself, as if he could touch it as soon as he reached out. He wanted to rush to save people, but his body seemed to be tied up. No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't move. While struggling, he suddenly saw a shadow stabbing into the heart of the xiao with a sharp blade, and the xiao was still smiling at himself.

"Ah, no!" Locke shouted.

"What's the name of the ghost!" Xiao stretched out, rubbed his sleepy eyes, and muttered dissatisfiedly, "He is sleeping soundly, but he wants to wake him up. Hey, what time is it?"

Locke looked at Xiao and pinched his arm hard. It hurts! He understood that it was a dream. However, the scene I saw in the dream was really puzzling, because it felt like it was real. Even if I had woken up, my heart was still pounding. I reached out and touched my forehead, and the cold sweat had oozed out.

"Yes, what time is it? I don't know either."

Now I don't know how deep the underwater world is, and where can I go to know how long it will be? Locke withdrew the boundary with a wave of his hand.

"Bum bang", someone knocked on the door.

"Guest, it's time to bathe and change clothes!" The soft and sweet voice is the octopus girl again.

"Why do you always take a shower and change clothes? You can't change something else." Xiao complained dissatisfiedly, "Brother, tell the octopus sister and let her prepare the meal. I'm starving to death." Xiao touched his shrivelled belly and looked pitiful.

Listen to Xiaoyi, Locke's stomach also cooed.

"Yes, it seems that I haven't eaten for a long time. I'm really hungry." So, he ordered the octopus girl to prepare food.

"Guest, please follow me." Although the octopus girl looked strange, she was very polite. She walked in front of her gracefully and led the way for the two people.

Actually, Octopus Girl is a robot, but Locke and Xiao don't know it.

Through a long corridor, we came to a half-moon-shaped arch. Before they entered the door, a fragrant aroma came to their nose. After entering, I saw many flowers in the crystal hall, including fengxins, autumn peonies, dahlia, red roses... It is estimated that everything on land is almost finished here.

The two teenagers' eyes widened in horror. They found that the flowers were placed in crystal transparent containers without soil. Strange, so strange! The two of them were surprised.

In the middle of the hall is a huge dining table shining with silver, which is rotating and looks like it is carved out of a whole piece of silver. There are only two chairs on such a large table, and the two chairs seem to be silver, inlaid with shining rubies. The table is already full of melons and fruits, desserts... and a bottle of purple**.

This was greatly beyond Locke's expectation. Unexpectedly, there would be such a big scene in this cold and deep water. For a moment, he felt as if he was in a dream.

"Is this true?" Xiao muttered that his mouth had already opened into an "O" shape and had hardly closed it.

"Is it true? Don't you know if you pinch yourself?" Locke joked, "The master is really kind. He only treats us two. He really treats us as distinguished guests!" With that, he pulled a sle that couldn't even turn his eyes and pressed him into the seat.

The octopus girl used her eight arms, and she didn't know which was just hands and which was just feet. Anyway, she used both hands and feet, picking up vegetables and drinking, and she was very busy.

Xiao swallowed his saliva, but did not dare to move his mouth. Once he was bitten by a snake, he was afraid of the well rope for ten years. In case he ate it and turned into a stinky fish, rotten shrimp, stone tiles and so on, at that time, he could not pull and spit out. Maybe Locke would open his chest and abdomen for himself. Xiao was thinking nonsense, but he saw that Locke had picked up a dessert and put it in his mouth. He chewed it, as if he had eaten it very sweetly.

Hey hey, no matter, it's worth being poisoned. It's better to be a dead ghost than a starving ghost. Thinking of this, Xiao no longer has any scruples. He specializes in delicious food. Soon, the table was in a mess.

"Brother, are we dreaming?" Xiao asked Locke while burping. He still doesn't believe it.

"It's all said, don't you know it by yourself?"

The xiao really pinched his thigh.

"Ouch, it hurts! It's true. It turned out that I was not dreaming. Xiao grinned, "But is there a free lunch in the world? That boy is really puzzled. He left us here and treated us deliciously. Will he have any ulterior motives? Although Xiao is careless and has many intentions, he also knows the principle of "eating other people's short mouths and soft hands".

Xiao's words reminded Locke. Yes, Miller hasn't appeared for a long time. The two looked at each other and knew each other's intentions.

"Uh, this, octopus girl..."

"The name is Schila, which was taken by the master himself." The octopus girl was unhappy and pouted her small cherry-like lips, which seemed to melt people away. However, the appearance of the octopus girl is really strange. If the part below her head had been replaced by a human body, maybe the two teenagers would have rushed to kiss her.

"Good, Schira, right? Well, we're going to take a shower, er, just take a bath and change clothes. Xiao blinked his eyes cunningly and continued, "Water temperature, or it's not cold or hot. The petals are no more or more, and the petals can't be too fragrant. If they are too fragrant, I will feel dizzy. Clothes, whether they are thick or thin, if the clothes are too thin, I will catch a cold. If I catch a cold, your master will ask you.

"Ah? Yes, guest." Schira looked stunned, and then she turned around and walked out. As she walked, she counted with her eight hands and feet: "It's neither cold or hot, no less, neither thick or thin..."

"Hahaha..." Looking at the octopus girl go far away, Xiao couldn't help laughing violently, "That girl is too easy to coax!"

"Shh! Be careful that the wall has ears. Locke is much more cautious than Xiao.

Finally, the owl stopped laughing, and the two of them slipped out against the wall. The two turned left and right, turned around, and turned around. They found that the whole palace was like a maze, with countless passages and doors. No matter which door they entered, the room was decorated and decorated, and each room was empty. Walking around, it seems that he can't finish it, and it seems that he hasn't gone out at all and is still spinning in the same place. Gradually, both of them felt exhausted.

"Bah!" Xiao took a sip, "What the hell? It's all the same. Even in heaven, you will get tired of people after staying for a long time." He didn't want to leave anymore, so he sat down on the floor.

"Huh? What is this?" Xiao stood up.

Locke turned his head and found that Xiao was touching the wall with his hand.

"What are you touching?"

"It's so strange! Brother, look here."

Locke saw a wall in front of him. The wall was dark blue, with clouds floating on it, and there were cold and shining moons and stars. They looked like the sky at night. Locke touched it with his hand and felt as if he were crossing a nebula. He even saw that he was surrounded by countless stars. That feeling is simply wonderful!

Locke continued to grope and experience the wonderful feeling. Xiao also looked intoxicated, because he also experienced that feeling. Suddenly, Locke's hand touched the curved moon, and he found that the crescent was sunken. Locke tried to push the crescent with his hand, but there was no response; he dialed it to the right, but still there was no response; and then dialed it to the left. Miracles appeared, and the nebulus on the wall moved. They combined quickly and arranged them into a strange figure in the blink of an eye. Locke's eyes widened unbelievable.

"Brother, it looks like a monster."

"Real?" Locke was a little disbelieved, and he looked carefully. Indeed, these patterns of nebulus looked like a monster. There was a star not far above the monster's head, which was much dim than any other star.

"What does this mean?" Before Locke could think about it, he heard a "bang" and the wall fell down, and the two teenagers were firmly buckled under it.

The silence returned to four weeks, as if nothing had happened. Soon, Schira's sweet voice sounded again in the empty palace: "Guest, bathe and change clothes!"